Quotes About Not Liking People

A list of quotes about not liking people.  If you are looking for a way to express your disdain for humanity, these quotes should do the trick. Whether you are an introvert, a misanthrope, or just do not enjoy the company of others, these quotes will resonate.

Quotes About Not Liking People

I do not care if you are the wealthiest person in the world; the fact that you exist makes me hate you.

I am not saying I hate you; I am just saying if you were on fire and I had a cup of water, I’d probably drink it.

I’d rather have a root canal than spend time with you.

You make my soul ache. You are like an onion. You have layers and layers of stuff all over you. I do not know what you do all day, but you are always in my way.

I do not hate you – I feel better when you are not around.

I do not hate you; I dislike you intensely.

My problem with him is that he is so stupid. I do not hate him – I feel better when he is not around.

You are such an idiot that if a tree fell in the woods and you were there, it would be like two trees falling. I do not hate you – I feel better when you are not around.

You know, it is just a fact that I do not like you. I am not saying I hate you; I am just saying if we were in an emergency and your name was on the list and mine wasn’t, nobody would save me.

I hate you not because of the things you do but because of the way you make me feel when I think about what those things are.

I do not dislike you; I am just confused as to why I think you are ugly.

I am not saying I hate you, but if I were on death row and you were my last meal, I’d want the warden to come down there and do it.

I do not hate him. If anything were to happen to me and there was a list of survivors, he is been on it twice. I do not dislike him. He makes me feel good when he is not around.

I do not hate you; I want my money back.

I do not hate you; I am just jealous that stuff should go to you, not me.

I do not hate you – I do the opposite of everything you do; otherwise, I’d be like you.

If there were a list of people who weren’t on it, I’d be at the bottom of it. I promise. I do not hate you. I am just not you.

I do not hate you; I think the world would be better without you.

I am sorry that this is so difficult for you to understand. I do not like you.

Do you think you are going to mess me up? You are wasting your time. I do not hate you – I do what you say. All day long.

I do not hate him; I wish he’d hit me over the head and wake me up.

I am not saying that I hate you, but if I were on death row, you’d be my last meal.

I do not dislike you. If anything were to happen to me, there would be a list of survivors. You would be one of them. I do not hate you; I feel better when we are not together.

I do not hate you and I do not like you either.

I’d rather chew on tinfoil than listen to you.

I do not dislike you; I hope you get hit by a truck.

I do not hate you; I wouldn’t care if you died.

I wouldn’t urinate on you if you were on fire.

I am not saying I want you to die, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

I do not wish you any harm, but it would be funny if you were hit by a bus.

I do not hate you; I wouldn’t care if you were hit by a bus.

I do not hate you, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to save you.

I do not dislike you; I think the worst place in the world is between you and me.

I wouldn’t want to destroy the world with you, but I’d want to be there when you do it.

I am not saying I hate you because I do, but I wouldn’t mind if a meteorite fell on your head tomorrow.

I do not hate you; I am just very disappointed.

I cannot say I hate you because it would hurt your feelings, but it would be hilarious if a bear ate you.

I wouldn’t kill you if you were drowning, but I wouldn’t save you either.

I do not hate you because life is too short for that. If anything, I have an active dislike for you.

I may not hate you, but I wouldn’t cry if you died.

I am not going to hate you because it is too much effort and I’d rather spend that energy on hating myself.

I do not dislike you; I just wished there was someone else in the world who was more similar to me so they could do all the things I hate doing.

I do not dislike you, but it would be tough to hate you more than I already do if I did.

I know that I do not hate you, but there is just something about you that I do not like.

I have nothing against you, but I dislike everything you stand for.

I am not saying that I hate you, but the world would be a better place if you were never born.

I do not dislike you; I find it funny that we both had the same thought simultaneously. And since we have the same thought, that must mean that we are not all that different.

I do not hate you because hating you would make me just as bad as you are. Instead, I will pity you.

I do not dislike you, but I think about you more often than I should.

I am not saying that I hate you, but I wish that the world had never created you in the first place.

I am not saying that I hate you, but if someone handed me a gun and told me to shoot one person on this earth, it would be you.

I do not hate you. But if hate were a profession, I’d be a pro.

I am not saying I dislike you; I feel our personalities clash.

I do not hate you personally, but if it were up to me, there would be thousands of people just like you who wouldn’t exist.

I do not hate you, but I’d rather be friends with your enemy than your friend.

I do not dislike you. I dislike what you do.

I do not hate you, but I am not glad you are in my life, either.

I am not saying that I hate you and if it was the other way around, I know that you wouldn’t hate me. But if there were a worldwide competition on hating each other, we’d be tied for first place.

I do not dislike you. If anything, I like having someone to talk about as if they weren’t in the room with us.

I know I do not hate you, but if there were a list of people who weren’t on it, I’d be on it.

I am not saying that I hate you. Just that if I saw you drowning, I’d pass you by.

I do not dislike you, but it would be funny if your head suddenly fell off.

I hate you, but I do not dislike you.

Suppose there was a list of people who weren’t on it. I’d be at the bottom of it. I do not hate you.

Funny Quotes About Not Liking Someone

I do not hate you; I am just saying that if you were my last meal, I wouldn’t want the warden to come down to do it.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I thought you already knew.

I am not saying I hate you, but if you were on fire and I had a bucket of water, I’d probably watch you burn.

It is not that I do not like you; it is just that I do not like you around me.

I would un-friend you on Facebook, but that would be too much effort.

You remind me of a guy I wouldn’t be friends with.

I do not hate you. It is that I am too busy liking other people to bother with you.

I do not hate you, but I can think of several people that I would rather hang out with than you.

I know you do not like me; I am too busy pretending not to like you to un-like you.

I do not hate you, but I think we could be great friends if only they weren’t so damned annoying.

I didn’t want to offend you, so I pretended that I liked you.

I do not hate you. You annoy me with your lack of imagination.

I do not hate you. I am just busy thinking of people I do not like you.

I do not hate you, but I think we could be friends if it weren’t for all those annoying things you do.

I do not hate you; I dislike you intensely. If I had realized this earlier, I would have sent that first email to you.

I do not hate you; I do not know you well enough to like or dislike you.

I do not hate you; I just think we are both too busy to bother with each other.

I do not hate you. I just really dislike how irritatingly lovely you are.

I do not hate you for calling me names; I am just trying to remember my name.

I do not hate you. I just think you are being an annoying distraction.

I think you are great, but if I hung out with you, it wouldn’t be because of your awesomeness; it would be because of your friends.

I do not hate you. I am just trying to decide which of your friends to like more.

I do not hate you. I think our only real connection is through our dislike for each other.

I do not hate you; I do not understand what your fascination is with me.

I do not want to hate you. I want to like you, but it is too late.

I do not hate you; I know that you are boring and annoying.

I do not hate you, but I wish you didn’t exist.

I am not mad at you. I am mad at the people that like to be near you because of your awesomeness.

I am not mad at you. I am mad that there are so many people around me for whom you are an inspiration.

I am not saying I do not like you as a person. I think you are a terrible human being.

I do not dislike you; I just do not care for you very much.

It is not that I hate you; I just do not enjoy your company.

I do not have anything against you; I just do not think you are very interesting.

I wouldn’t say I do not like you, but I wouldn’t want to be stranded on a desert island with you.

I am not sure what it is I do not like about you, but I am pretty sure it is something.

There is nothing wrong with you; I just do not want to be around you.

I am unsure if I dislike you or do not understand you.

There is nothing I do not like about you; I just do not like you.

I am not that into you; I am just not in love with you.

There is nothing wrong with you; it is just that I do not find you attractive.

Don’t be offended. It is just that I do not like you very much. It doesn’t mean I hate you.

You have got nothing on me, but do not get upset. It is just that I do not find you attractive. It is nothing personal.

It is not that I do not like you; it is just I do not find you cute. You are just not my type.

I am not saying I dislike you; it is just that I didn’t realize how awful you are until now. You are just not my type.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that I do not understand you.

I am not saying I dislike you; it is just that I do not understand you.

I didn’t mean to offend you. It is just that I do not find your offensive annoying. It is nothing personal.

There is nothing wrong with you. It is just that everything about you is repellent to me. You are repellent to me. I hate you.

I am not saying I dislike you; it is just that there is something about you that irritates me. You are annoying. I hate you.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that you are annoying sometimes. Don’t be offended. I do not enjoy your company very much.

It is not that I do not like you; it is just that I do not feel as close to you as all my other friends do. You are a friend, but not a close friend. It is nothing personal.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that I am not comfortable with the way you spend your time and money. You are just not my type.

I am sorry, but I do not like you very much. It is nothing personal. Just as friends.

It is not that there is anything wrong with you; it is just that I do not find you attractive. I am in love with someone else.

I am not saying I dislike you; it is just that you have a personality disorder.

I am not saying I hate you; it is just that I think you are kind of weird. It is nothing personal.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that there are things about you that irritate me. You are annoying. Don’t be offended. It is just my opinion. I do not like you.

I am not saying I dislike you. It is just that I do not like your taste in music.

It is not that I hate you; it is just that I think you are kind of dull. It is nothing personal.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that certain things about you trouble me. I feel bothered. I dislike you.

I am not saying I dislike you; it is just that you are kind of odd. You are odd. Don’t be offended. It is just my opinion.

I am not saying I do not like you; it is just that some things about you trouble me. I feel bothered. Don’t be offended. It is just my opinion.