Quotes on Knowing Someone You Are Thinking of Them

Get to know someone better with these quotes on what it means to really know someone. This blog is dedicated to sharing quotes on knowing someone. Whether it is a family member, friend, or loved one, these quotes capture the essence of what it means to truly know someone.

Quotes on Knowing Someone

“Knowing someone is comparable to being imprisoned with them.”

“Knowing someone doesn’t make you feel safer or more secure. It makes you feel threatened and exposed.”

“My favourite thing is to know someone well enough to see them with their guard down.”

“The best feeling in the world is in love, knowing someone loves you and having them love you back.”

“Knowing someone is like being chained together. You can escape the chains but never leave the other person behind.”

“Knowing someone is genetically matched with you doesn’t mean they should be with you.”

“It is important to separate yourself from knowing someone dangerous or toxic in your life.”

“If you want to know someone is actual characteristics, look at what they are doing.”

“We can talk about politics, religion, and almost anything else. But we cannot go beyond just the surface level of knowing someone.”

“If the intention is only to keep loving someone despite knowing him better than he knows, then I think it is possible for such a person to live happily for a long time.”

“It is getting harder & harder to know anyone wholly & thoroughly.”

“I do not think it is possible to know someone completely. I can probably count on two hands some of the people in my life who have been absolutely and entirely honest with me. Knowing someone is not the same as trusting them.”

“I think it is impossible to know anyone fully. The best we can do is to love someone and be loved by that person.

“What is the advantage of knowing someone? If you know a person, you must walk away from that person.”

“We can only know a little about a person’s true character through what they do, so that is a limited way of knowing someone.”

“If it weren’t for someone else is love, I’d be delighted to know someone for even just one day.”

“It is often enough to know someone just for one day. It can be hard sometimes but knowing someone is possible without spending an entire lifetime with them.”

“Knowing someone for one day can be better than knowing that person for fifty years.”

“If there is anyone who knows me completely, it will be my friends. And I am happy about that.”

“I do not feel we can ever really & completely know anyone. We can only know someone in tiny little bits.”

“It is impossible to ever really know anyone completely. So I am saying, know someone as much as you can.”

“I want to be close enough to you that I am always with you, even when apart. That is the best way for me to love you and to know someone.”

“No one would ever leave or die if it were up to me. Everyone would be around me forever so that I could know someone.”

“To understand someone completely takes a lot of time. You have to know them over & over again.”

“People can only know people through their actions, and you can only know someone by how they act.”

“If a person tells you everything, you do not know them very well. If people always tell the truth, they are not good at hiding things. They might be good at hiding the bad things, but not the good things.”

“No one can know someone completely. We can only know someone based on what he does. Like, the only way to really know me is by seeing me doing things.”

“I feel like if you really wanted to & tried hard enough, you could get to know someone. But it takes more than just wanting to and trying hard enough. It is hard sometimes to want to know someone.”

“I do not think it is possible to know someone completely. There are many things that people say that are lies. So, how can we ever really know anyone?”

“If you want to be friends with someone and get to know them well, I think it is vital that you share things about yourself.”

“Just wanting to get closer and closer is not enough for me. It takes time & effort for me to know someone.”

“I probably would have loved them forever if I wanted to know someone. But if you want to know someone, you will find out sooner or later.”

“If you really want to know someone and love that person, then you could even spend all the time in the world with them.”

“I want to get closer and closer until I can know a person perfectly.”

“Getting to understand someone completely takes a lot of time. You have to know someone over & over again.”

“There are so many people in life that I wish I could really & completely know. But for some reason, no matter how close I am to them, I always feel like there is so much I do not know about them.”

“I wish people would tell me everything. If people would tell me everything, then I could know them better.”

“Be the person you want to know. That is the best way to know someone.”

“I can only know a few people who I can totally trust.”

“I believe that it is possible to know someone completely. Imagine all of your friends and family, and then imagine that they are dead, then you’d probably be able to know them better than ever before.”

“No one can know someone completely. We can only do our best.”

“When I think about knowing someone, it is not enough to know him. I want to get closer and closer.”

Quotes to Let Someone Know You Are Thinking of Them

“The most important thing to know is that people are not bad. They have their troubles and irritations, but their essence of them is good. It is not our task to make a person better, only to know him better.”

“You will never really be able to know someone until the day comes when you look at them,”

“and seeing the person there, you know it is them.”

“The best way to know someone is to see how they react when things go wrong.”

“What counts is not necessarily the dog’s size in the fight – it is how much noise he makes!”

“To know someone is to love them – which may be the most accurate statement ever.”

“The more people you know, the better and more attractive they are.”

“It is rather unpleasant and difficult to know someone is not very good at being close and intimate.”

“To know somebody and like somebody are two different things. To like to hate someone and know that person would be a terrible, terrible thing.”

“To know a human as a human, that is something.”

“To know someone is to see a little of the person they want to be.”

“To know someone is not to understand them but to think of yourself in the same position as they do.”

“Knowing someone can keep you in touch with your intellect because it demands you to use all your senses and feelings. It can also keep you in touch with your heart because you have to examine every move as if it were the last one.”

“We can never honestly know how another person feels, which includes knowing how they think.”

“You cannot know someone until you have been told they are not ready for marriage.”

“You didn’t know someone; you knew a memory they had chosen to share with you.”

“I tried to tell myself how I hadn’t known that person at all, but I could only lie to myself for a second or two before I caught myself thinking of him again.”

“We cannot understand why we have not known a person before as soon as we begin to know them.”

“It doesn’t take a lot to know someone; it takes them to let you in.”

“You cannot know how some people think and feel until you have been in their skin for a while. You can only see them through the things they choose to say and show you, which is nowhere near enough.”

“Understanding someone on their terms does not mean we understand them.”

“You can get to know a person without understanding who they are.”

“The only way to know someone is to love them without conditions, without expectations, but with acceptance.”

“It is easier to know someone than love them.”

“Knowing someone is not the same as loving someone.”

“I know him, yes. I know him because I have been pushing myself to see beyond what I see, to feel beyond what I feel, and to be more than what he sees me. But that doesn’t mean that I love him. That is something else entirely.”

“You do not know a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.”

“If you can read someone is mind, they aren’t thinking anything.”

“The best way to know someone is to know how the person feels when they are silent.”

“It is impossible to know someone without knowing yourself.”

You Think You Know Someone Quotes

“You do not know a person until you have seen their true self under alcohol.”

“If you want to know someone, listen to them when they speak from their heart.”

“Some women are like a book; some you will want to read, others you will never understand.”

“Women can make men feel as though they have known them forever, and then they turn around and make them believe they are impossible to know.”

“People say what they think people want to hear, but you cannot know someone until you have heard what they do not say.”

“The art of being wise is knowing how little we can ever truly know.”

“A man’s friends are the ones he’d rather know than be known by.”

“You do not know a man until you have fought him face to face.”

“Knowing someone often takes more courage and energy than loving someone.”

“You can know people but not necessarily like them. You can like people, but not necessarily trust them.”

“The first step to knowing someone is to understand that they do not know themselves.”

“It takes doing to really know someone, but it takes loving forever to really love someone.”

“You cannot know how you feel about somebody else until you have tried to know how the other person feels about themself.”

“You can never know how a man thinks except by asking him.”

“There is no joy in knowing somebody without loving them.”

“Knowing someone is knowing their weak points, not their strengths.”

“So many times, love is just a bunch of illusions.”

“You never know someone until you become that person.”

“I think you can never really know a person without loving them, and it is impossible to love a person without loving yourself.”

“You cannot know someone unless they let you get close enough to touch their soul.”

“You do not know a person until they have given you their trust.”

“I am pretty sure knowing someone doesn’t necessarily mean that you love them. There can be a lot of things in your mind when you know a person, but there are only two things when it comes to loving someone. Whether you are in love or not.”

“To know someone is to think of yourself in the same position as they do.”

“You could talk to someone for years, but that doesn’t mean you know them.”

“The greatest mistake is thinking we know a person when we have only seen their mask.”

“People show their true colours when they are angry.”

“To be good at knowing people, you have to be good at knowing yourself.”

“If you love somebody, you want the best for them. The best is not knowing someone.”

“The best thing to know about someone is that you do not. You do not know the whole story and can never fully understand them.”

“When you love someone, you want to know who they are, because there is something extraordinary inside their heart that only you can see.”

“You do not know a person until you get to know their dreams.”

“You can never really know someone unless they let you in.”

“You cannot understand a person until you try to be like them.”

“To know someone is not the same as understanding them.”

“You do not understand a person until you try to find out what makes them tick.”

“So many times, people aren’t blindly following the things they do because they believe in them, they believe in themselves.”

“You cannot understand anyone unless you try.”

“To know someone is to want the best for them.”

“You may know a person well, but that doesn’t mean you love them.”

“Men do not understand how hard it was to stay single before they had us.”

“You can never know a person until you have tried to know yourself and realized that no amount of effort will ever be enough to understand anybody else. That is the great tragedy of self-realization.”

“You can never really know a person, but you can always come close.”

“You cannot know how a person thinks until you have heard them think.”

“The best thing to find out about someone is that you do not know them.”

Getting to Know Someone Quotes

“I wish I could understand how people change and what made them change.”

“You can never really know how someone thinks because they wouldn’t think if you did.”

“When you start loving a person, you try to see past their wrongs and their right.”

“You cannot know how you feel about someone until you have tried to know how the other person feels about themself.”

“You can never really know someone until you have known their despair.”

“A person is known by their deeds, not by their fame.”

“In order to know a man, you have to stand in his boots and walk around in them.”

“To know a person is not necessary to understand his way of thinking but to accept him without judgment.”

“The more I know people, the more I realize that there are no people. There are only people.”

“If you want to know a person, listen to everything he says, but do not take it from him. Nobody can deny their thoughts and feelings if written on the face.”

“It is not possible to understand the complexity and mystery of complex people.”

“You can only know a person as you actually know them. You cannot be kind to them if you do not know them.”

“One of life is great mysteries is why some people are more concerned with the reactions of others than with their own reactions.”

“When we do not know people well, we judge them too quickly and often make mistakes. We should learn to love them as individuals and not just look at their surface.”

“Not knowing something about a person is sometimes better than wrongly knowing it. In this case, you can be more patient.”

“The secret of knowing a person is to know what they need.”

“To know a person is never to be concerned only with the details of his life but to become aware of his whole being.”

“To know a person is to accept and love them unconditionally.”

“The best way of knowing something about a person is by loving them. If you do not know the person, you cannot love him!”

“People are like flowers; you cannot know them from their leaves.”

“We should be able to judge ourselves, but we are usually too far ahead. That is why it is difficult for us to know others well. We can only judge a person after we have lived his life with him.”

“To really know a person is never to be concerned only with the details of his life but to become aware of his whole being. This is our only chance to make out what makes him human. If we do not do this, we might end up making mistakes.”

“It is better not knowing something than wrongly knowing it.”

“Knowing someone is often less important than loving them.”

“Without love, we cannot ever really know each other.”

“In any relationship, no matter how good it is, there will always be one person who knows the other better than they do themselves.”

“One of the most challenging things about getting to know someone well is meeting them more than once.”

“The best way to know a person is by love.”

“If you do not love a person, it is impossible to know them. ’You cannot love a person whom you do not know.’”

“It is impossible to know a person without loving them.”

“To be able to love a person well, you have to understand them as well.”

“The most difficult thing about friendship is getting close to yourself before you can get close to another person.”

“You cannot really know someone if he keeps telling you that he knows himself.”

“We never really know anyone until we have gotten close enough to him that he grows restless in our presence.”

“I cannot think of a better way to know someone than by falling in love with them.”

“We cannot really love a person whom we do not know.”

“The best way to know a person is by loving them, and the best way to love someone is by knowing them.”

“When you know someone, you are responsible for that person.”

“The secret of knowing someone is what he needs.”

“If you know someone, you love that person unconditionally.”

“To know someone is to love them without hope.”

“If you want to know a person, get close to him and watch how he behaves.”

“The best way of knowing something about a person is by loving him; if you do not know him, forget to try to judge in his favour.”

“To understand someone well, you have to get close to them. The secret of knowing someone is getting close.”

“You need not ever have known a person to love them.”

“The best way of knowing a person is to love him, and the best way to know a person well is to get close to them.”

“The only way to understand someone is by loving him.”