I Love Money Quotes – I Need Money Not Love

I Love Money Quotes is a blog dedicated to, you guessed it, money quotes! From famous sayings about money to more obscure money-related quotes, this blog has it all. Check it out for your daily dose of financial motivation! Find the latest and greatest money quotes from famous authors, business leaders, and more. Whether you are looking for inspiration or just a good laugh, check out our collection of quotes about money.

I Love Money Quotes

Money makes me feel secure and gives me the power and the freedom to live my life the way I want; that is why I like money.

Some people are afraid of success; I am so scared of not having enough money because money is the love of my life.

Money is not evil; the love of money is.

I love Money, Money is the most important thing that I cannot do without. Money is power and I do not want to be powerless.

Without money, you cannot have anything and no one can do anything for you.

Money is not everything but it is better than everything. And money does not bring happiness, but it can buy happiness.

I love money; I do not want to be poor. I want to be rich and I want to be happy with that decision; when people ask me why I am so rich, this is why, because my life is so good and it is more than enough for me. Money is my strength and I am not scared to use it..

I love money because it makes me feel alive; it gives me a rush like nothing else.

Money is the root of all evil, but it is also the root of all happiness.

I am not materialistic; I just love money.

A man who hates Money fears losing it, and a man who loves Money fears winning it.

To me, money is a brutal life force. It is energy; it is power.

I love money because I do not love people.

In her early twenties, she was given everything on earth by her parents, and when at 25, she finally understood what they were trying to tell her: It was all about money; she thought that was the great mystery of life.

I have never been the kind of person who simply loves a lot. I love who loves me back. I love what money can buy. I love the smell of money. When people say they hate money, I sense they are not expressing anything.

Money is the God of this world.

Money takes you entirely into the future. It doesn’t take you anywhere. It doesn’t give you any feelings. It is painless to pay. It provides you with blood; it does not carry blood.

Money is the most important thing in life because once you have enough of it, everything else is easy.

I love money because it has helped me save and make lives.

Believe in your soul and the whole world will believe in yours. Money is for the people who believe in their souls, not those who do not believe in their souls.

People say money cannot buy happiness, but I say if you spend your money on the right things, happiness can be found everywhere.

Having money didn’t make me happy, but being able to do what I wanted with my life did. That is why I love money. If I didn’t have money and things, I’d probably be dead right now.

Money is the fuel of life and makes our world go round.

Some people say money cannot buy happiness, but I say money can buy happiness if you spend it on things that make you happy.

Money gives me power over others. It is the only thing I can control how people feel about me. I think that I can influence others through money.

Money isn’t the most crucial thing in life, but it is reasonably close to oxygen on the gotta-have-it scale.

Money and power are the most important things, but you can have them without either.

Continuing to get rich is what my life is all about.

Well, money can do almost anything. It can buy a good education, it can buy you love, it can buy you friends. But I want more than the essential things in life.

I am not so much interested in how much money someone has as how they use it.

Money is the root of all evil, but the love of it is the root of all money.

Well, I made my first million off one record. That ain’t bad.

I also really love the power and being able to control things. And I always wanted to be rich. I just knew it was in my brain.

I suppose money does give you a specific power. It makes people listen harder when you talk.

Power is significant in our society, and having money is one way of obtaining it.

The only thing money gives you is the freedom to do what you want without being hassled.

I think being rich is the best thing ever for me. If you plan for it, it is elementary to become a millionaire.

Money is freedom. Money makes you feel secure. Making all this money is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Money brings all these things you always wanted within your reach.

With money in your pocket, you are wise and you are handsome.

Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy a comfortable life.

Money is the source of all evil, the root of all stress and an unnatural phenomenon that is not necessary for this society.

Money is one thing that you can never have enough of

Without money, you are nothing. If I didn’t have money, I’d be dead.

I have got wealth, power and an excellent gazillionaire lifestyle. Why? Because I love money.

If you want to be rich and famous, there is no better place than Hollywood.

I think money makes you feel alive if you are living well. it is like oxygen in your lungs.

I am a big fan of making lots of money, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Making money is a strange feeling. You work hard, you put in the effort, and then you see that money keeps rolling in. It is like having a couple of kids, who are old by now, but they will always be your babies.

Money is a tool. When you start dating someone, it is for the relationship’s good.

Money makes life so interesting that it hurts.

I can do anything with money, including find happiness.

If you have a terminal illness, you do not have to go out and buy more time. You just need to spend your time better, and death will take care of itself.

Money has ruined many a person, but to me it has been like oxygen.

Money is a great way to keep score in a relationship.

Having money didn’t make me happy, but being able to do what I wanted with my life did. That is why I love money. If I didn’t have money and things, I’d probably be dead right now. Money is part of my soul and the basis of how I define myself.

I know that money doesn’t buy happiness, but at least you can pay for the gas to look for it.

Money is like oxygen. It is vital to life.

Money makes you feel important. If you do not have any, you feel like a nobody. If you have real money, it makes you feel like somebody.

I love money. I am obsessed with it. And if I do not get a grip on myself, I will wind up trying to sleep with it, which would be unsexy. And very expensive.

Money doesn’t make you happy, but it makes the world go round.

I used to think money was the root of all evil, but now I realize that love is.

Money is what lets you stand in front of a mirror and say, ’hold out your hands.’ But what is more complex is that the movie industry is enormous; money gets your foot in the door in that world.

Money cannot buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.

Money is a topic no decent person enjoys discussing.

Money is significant if you want to be yourself. You aren’t yourself if you have to rely on other people for money.

Money makes it easier for you to be you.

Money. It cannot buy happiness, but it can buy you a comfortable life.

I think money regenerates life and sorrow. I think it is a way to heal your spirit and make yourself happy again.

I love money because of what the lack of it does to people.

Money is a kind of poetry.

Money is like fire; it will warm your heart and ease some pains, but at the same time, it will burn you, so you have to handle it with great care.

I love money as much as I love breathing. If I didn’t have money for air, I’d be dead. Money is my life and my life is money.

Money is not simply a means of exchange; it is an instrument of power. And I will do everything I can to apply that instrument of power as my life work.

Money makes you happy, or else you’d die of happiness.

People who have no money are grateful for anything they have. They are not apathetic. But people with money have so many options that they become indifferent. They are not thankful for anything.

I love money because it is so natural. I feel like I earned it because money has helped my family survive, and money has been my source of strength.

I Need Money Not Love Quotes

Money is one thing people cannot take away from me.

Money is the only thing that will give you freedom to be who you want to be. And you have to be careful with that freedom because it is not a gift; it is a responsibility. You can be irresponsible, or you can use the money responsibly.

Money is the only thing in life that lasts forever. You will always have something to eat, something to wear.

I love money because this is what I do. My relationship with money is as straightforward as my relationship with God.

I love money because it gives me a sense of control and makes me feel safe.

Money is a great servant but a terrible master!

I love money because it makes me feel like I am in control of my life.

Money is just like anything else; we want more and more of it, but nobody wants to work for it. That is the joke, isn’t it?

When you are young and making money, you do not consider money a finite resource. What do you mean? There is always more!

I love money because nothing in this world can give me as much pleasure. Money is the very essence of comfort.

I love money because I know I do not need any more of it; I have enough. I love having less money than most people have.

Money has not changed me, but it stimulates the side of me that wants to change things.

I love money because it is the only thing in this world that never changes. Everything else changes every day. But the money just grows and grows.

Money is the one thing that doesn’t grow on trees. I love money for that reason. It is the only thing that is always available when you need it.

Money makes in an emotionally secure place to live.

Money is an excellent anxiety-reducer.

I love money because of the joys that money helps provide. As for the price of it, I accept it.

Money is the love of my life.

I have not been rich by choice. But I have been rich by destiny.

I love money. It makes me feel powerful and attractive, and it gives me a feeling that others care about me.

The more you have, the more they will ask you for. Money is the root of all evil. We have seen this truth in action.

I love money because it makes me feel alive; it gives me a rush like nothing else.

Money is the root of all evil, but it is also the root of all happiness.

Money is simply a symbol of power. The more power you have over people, the more money you will make.

I love money because I need it to survive. Money is the root of happiness.

I love money because it lets me control my image. I love it because I have a sense of confidence.

Money is like a drug that, at first you are afraid to take, but then you start craving.

I love money because it makes me feel like I am doing something useful with my life.

I love money because it is mine and I can do whatever I want. It has real meaning in the world. I can give it, spend it and save it. Even though it is just a piece of paper, to me, it means freedom.

Money is like fire. It can be used to do great things or destroy things.

I love money because it makes people take me seriously.

Money is why we all have jobs to pay for ourselves to live. Money is the only thing that will let us live with dignity.

Money is a never-ending challenge. It is also very addictive. You cannot find happiness in money.

I love money because no matter what my needs are, I have money to cover them.

I love money because it gives me a feeling of prestige and power. Money makes me feel that I am important — that people are interested in what I say. I love the feeling of power that goes with earning, saving, or borrowing money.

Money is something to be proud of. I can buy clothes, go places and do things.

I love money because it makes me feel secure.

I love money because it is the only thing you can trust.

Money makes me feel like I am in control of my life. And without that sense of control and power, there is no way I can feel my worth. It gives me a feeling of worth. It gives me a feeling of security to know that I have money and can be independent.

I love money because it is the only thing you can count on besides God.

I love money because it gives me the means to express myself fully.

I love money because I always have food, a roof over my head, and clothes on my back. Money lets me travel. It is stability, it is comfort, and it is security. It can be a little dangerous. I am always worrying that I will never make enough money.

I love money because I can buy anything I want with it.

I love money because it gives me power over the man who won’t give me money.

Money is a way to keep score. It is pretty basic.

Money is the measure of my worth.

Money is something you have to fight for and risk pain to get. But once you have it, you cannot get rid of it. Unfortunately, when you struggle and work to earn money, people think you do not have a good job.

I love money because I think about it all the time. It is my security for the future. I will always have something to eat.

I love money because I do not have to work for my money.

I love money because it makes me feel powerful. It is just a way for me to express myself.

I love money because it lets me improve my image and get out in front of the crowd.

I love money because there is always enough to pay for it whenever I need something.

I love money because it is the only thing you never have to explain.

I love money because I love breathing and money allows me to continue breathing for longer.

Money does the talking. I do not have to waste my own time trying to prove anything to anyone. It is important to act your age, but it is more important to be your own age. It is not my fault that I have had great success in life because, as a child, I never thought about dying.

I love money because it is given me everything I want in life without having to do anything for it.

Money is the key to happiness; the more money you have, the happier you are, so I believe in the love of Money.

I would rather have money than love because with Money, I can buy love.

All I need is love, but a little money would be nice.

I love money because it gives me the power to do what I want, when, and how I want.

If you do not have money, you cannot do anything; that is why I love money.

Money is the best thing in the world, it can buy you the things you want and need, so I love money.

Money is everything, without money, you are nothing; that is why I love money.

Money makes the world go round, so I love money.

I do not care how much money you have to make, how many billions of dollars you have, it is not essential because I love money.

Money cannot buy you love if you are not rich enough.

Money can buy love, but only if you have enough to get it.

I do not think money is the root of all evil; passion and greed are the root of all evil.

 Because having money allows you to do what you want with it, and if you do not have money, you cannot do anything. That is why I love money.

Money makes me feel happy too. When people say they do not need love because they have money to get whatever they want, that is true. I just love money.