You Are My King Quotes

You Are My King quotes to remind us that we are loved, cherished, and worth fighting for.- A blog dedicated to providing you with the best king quotes out there! Whether you are looking for a quote for your wedding vows, a tattoo, or just some inspiration, we have got you covered.

You Are My King Quotes

You are the man who comprises every one of the characteristics that I have ever needed in a king. You are the man who wants to make every one of my dreams work out as expected. You are my confidant, my closest friend and my lover. I love you more than anything on the planet and will adore you for eternity.

Whatever life throws at us, I will be here for you. I will be the strong shoulder you can cry on. I will be there to pay special attention to you and keep adoring you, my lord.

I cherish how you appreciate my beauty and make me feel special. You are mine and I am yours. We have a long haul to go ahead with, so let is begin this lifetime of love now.

You have been with me each time I needed you. Notwithstanding, when I was lost, you were there to show me the way. When evildoers pursued me, you were there to protect them from me. You are my partner and my best friend.

There would be no point in me keeping you waiting for the rest of my life. I will never let a day pass without showing you that I love you even more. I will keep cherishing my incredible love for you because we will live forever.

You are astonishingly intelligent and resourceful. You are so talented and sportsmanlike that it is hard not to adore your qualities. I would be honored to have you all time. You are my king and I love you with all my heart.

Your love is the most vital thing on earth and your care for me is something money cannot buy. You are the one person who can make me feel like I am on top of the world every moment of the day. I love you more than ever and want to spend a lifetime with you.

If it hadn’t been for you, there would be no point starting again. You are a shining star, an exceptional man and a man I love. You are so precious that my heart is just about bursting for you.

I will live as far as it takes to have you constantly in my life. Even when I am exhausted, I will never fail to keep my thoughts for you. I pray that our love story lasts forever.

I have seen so many people come and go. Yet, there is no comparison between you and anybody else. You are so unique in your particular style. I adore you, my lord.

Regardless of how hard life may be, separating us from each other is never enough. We are destined to be together forever and I will cherish every moment we share. I love you, my king.

You are the final icing on the cake of my life. You fill me with joy and happiness every second we spend together. You are the one man I will never let go of.

You are the absolute best and it is hard not to adore you for who you are. You make me feel that my life experiences were worth having, which is why I want you every day.

 I want to spend every second of my life with you. Regardless of whatever people may say or do, I will always love you unconditionally. You have no equal in this world. I love my king.

You are the best man that ever walked this earth. You are capable of everything and you never fail to impress me. I adore you with all my heart.

You are the most beautiful man that I have ever seen. You make me feel so special and I treasure every moment spent with you. There is no way I can wait to have more time with you.

We have been through a lot together, even when we were on opposite sides of life islife is battlefields. And yet, you have never let me down. You are the kindest and most amazing man I have ever met. I love you to the moon and back.

You have made me feel so special and seen me grow so much in such a short time. I admire everything about you and wish that this could go on forever.

You had made my life more joyous than it was before we met. Your love has been an incredible foundation for my existence. I cherish you to death.

You are the king of my life and I want to spend a lifetime with you. I love you so much that it hurts, yet I bear it all because I love you.

I will never let a moment pass without showing you how extraordinary you are. You are the most fantastic man on the planet and I will keep adoring you forever.

You Are the King of My Heart Quotes

No matter which way life throws at us, we will consistently work together to make sure that we make it through. This is because you are so important to me. I love you so much, my king.

You are the most amazing man ever created. You make me feel so special and exceptionally loved. I will always work hard to put a smile on your face.

I want to clarify that I am not going anywhere, no matter how hard things get in the future. You are my world, and I will always be yours. My one and only king.

I could not imagine my life without you in it – or even the thought of it. You are so important to me, and I will do anything to ensure we continue to have each other’s backs. I love you, my king.

Please never forget that the queen of your heart, who you are loved, is always accepting. And I will never forget you.

The only time a king deserves to be worshipped is when he successfully defends his kingdom and opens his heart to his people.

Those who know how to rule well are those who lead in the hearts of their subjects.

There is nothing more beautiful than serving a king. It seems like the sunset in color from my eyes because our days are recorded as beautiful memories to cherish forever. The beauty of life is not in the joys themselves but in the understanding that you are loved for who you are.

Behold! My king! It is I, your queen, your queen of heart. For me, not being with you would be like missing a piece of my body. I am always rejoicing at the sight of your face.

Long ago, in prehistory, a king was chosen by rules and how he ruled. Today, we select our kings by love and how they lead us.

The most incredible power resides in the people is hearts and not in their king’s hands. Once the king has won their hearts, the power of his kingdom cannot be defeated. The most excellent power is a king who rules wisely and is loved by his people.

A king is to be truthful, just, righteous and virtuous. And among kings, there is no more fabulous king than you. I know the best qualities of a good king come from my heart.

Historians claim that Napoleon was crowned emperor after we saw him alive at Fontainebleau on Easter Sunday. Our hearts can be conquered by none other than the one who holds our hearts. You are the one who has conquered my heart. Be proud of your crown and wear it well.

Strangers can tell that you are a king by how you treat everyone you meet. A king must never be arrogant or haughty. When you are in public, be humble, courteous, and kind.

 I would like to ask a question about love at this moment of my life: I have heard that there is no greater power on earth than a king’s love for his queen. And I would like to test this out. Could you please love me for the rest of your life and please let me be your queen for the rest of my life?

The best thing you ever did was choose me, my king. You gave me respect and camaraderie and warmth. You gave me the love and lives that matter. I feel like living for centuries. Act dignified in your presence, my king.

The choice to love you will always be the best decision I have made. If a king is not loved by his people, then he will not be able to rule them well. And if I do not love you, you will never rise above others.

My love for you has only grown with each passing day. We know nothing about fate except that we have been destined to be together since time began. You are my king, the king of my heart.

The thought of not being with you is just too much. You were meant to rule with me. You were meant to serve me. You are my king; you are my queen.

I Love My King Quotes

If I didn’t love you so much, I would not feel so upset when I am alone. But I do love you, which makes it even worse because I cannot bear to be apart from you.

I want to live for the entire life that you wanted me to. I want to continue being your queen and serve you with all my heart.

You – my king– preserve me from the fate of being forgotten. Your love is a shield that protects me from any harm, especially betrayal or deception. You have taught me how to love. How can I ever thank you for this?

I am glad to be chosen by my king. I will be your queen because I cannot bear to have my life shortened by being dishonorably discarded.

Would you mind being my king? I shall always serve you. What else can anyone do if they love you so much? You are my husband; you are my king.

I will always treasure the times when I was loved by the person who was revealed to be the one who represents everything good in this world. The one whom I know to be the true king. I am the queen of your heart.

You are the sun and moon of my days, making every moment bright and beautiful. I will always be grateful to you for showing me how to love with all my heart.

My king is also my husband and friend. He is kind, respectful and beloved by all. And people say that the love between a husband and wife, or a king and queen is one of the most beautiful and purest things in this world. I am glad to be your queen.

The king who gives me everything; my king who has been my strength while I pray to God. My beloved, I am what I am because you are by my side.

You are always by my side, guiding me with your hand. I can never reach heaven without you, my king.

I swear I will love you forever and ever. And I will never forget you when I am alone. My king, do not forget your queen.

My heart is always by your side and you know that I love only you. You are my king and my husband and the one who gave me a baby boy.

It is not simply your looks that draw me in, nor your money. It is your care, thoughtfulness, and everything you do for me that make me love you madly. You are my king, and I will follow you anywhere.

No one else could make my life so bright or enchanting for me. You give me hope and happiness. You are my king and I am your queen. You make the world a better place just with your presence.

I have been in love before, but they never made me feel like you do. I am amazed by your intensity, attention and constant efforts to keep me smiling. I am so thankful for everything you have given me.

There is nothing in this world that compares to what we have together. I trust you, embrace and love you with all of my heart. There is no one else I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

You are the only man that I have ever loved. You know exactly what to say to keep me happy and satisfied. Thankful for the man I call my king from the depths of my heart.

It is not mere luck that finds you beside me each day. I sought you because of your unmatched qualities. I confess that I love you little by little.

I call you my king, not as a term of endearment, but as a reminder that I am your queen. We rule side by side, and with love, we move forward to build a future for our kingdom.

I Love You My King Quotes

We can argue and fight with each other all we like, but there is no one else who could make my life so bright or enchanting for me. You give me hope and happiness. You are my king and I am your queen. You make the world a better place just with your presence.

It is not mere luck that finds you beside me each day. I sought you because of your unmatched qualities. I confess that I love you little by little.

You are my king, and I will follow you anywhere.

No one else could make my life so bright or enchanting for me. You give me hope and happiness. You are my king and I am your queen. You make the world a better place just with your presence.

You are everything that I need in my life. You are an exceptional man and an incredible friend. Your love has given me a reason to live, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, my king.

You are the one person who has never disappointed me. Whenever I am down, you are there to raise me. Your love is so special and I wish my words could justify how much I love you.

You are everything I have ever needed or desired in a king. You are the one person that I can trust with my heart and soul. You are my best friend and my lover. I love you more than anything and will love you forever.

I will always be there for you, no matter what life throws us. I will be the shoulder you can cry on. I will be there to take care of you and continue to love you, my king.

Thank you for being everything I need and more. Thank you for being the one person I can always trust. Thank you for being my best friend and my lover. I love you more than anything and will love you forever.

You are not just my boyfriend but also the love of my life. You are everything I need in a king. You are the one person that makes me happy. You are the man I can trust with all my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for me always. I love you always and forever.

I fell in love with him the moment he came into my life. He is a prince among men. I can imagine being single without him by my side. He is the man who makes me feel special; he is the one I want to spend my life with.

I am your princess, your lover and your friend. I need you so much in my life. Without you by my side, I can barely function. I need you as much as air to survive. You are so important to me that you will always be a part of me.

Love is holding hands and always being together wherever we are. I will do that with you, the man who has my heart and soul. You are my life and the love of my life. I will always love you for eternity.

Without a doubt, you are the man who comprises all of the virtues I have ever wanted in a king. You are the one person that makes me happy. You are the man I can trust with all of my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for me always. I love you always and forever.

We have been through so many battles to get to where we are right now. I am proud of you and my love for you is not just any love but a true, honest and sincere one. I will love you forever with the same passion and vigor.

You Are My King I Am Your Queen Quotes

You make me feel so special in every way it can be possible. You are my life, my prince charming and the man I want to spend my life with. In totality, you are everything I have ever needed or desired in a king. In total, you are everything I have ever wanted or craved in a king.

You are the love of my life and the one man who makes me feel special. You are the man that I trust with all of my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for me always. I will always love you.

There is nothing more beautiful than your smile. It reminds me that life is full of beauty. It reminds me of what I have always wanted to achieve in my life. It makes me believe that all is going to be well.

I do not deny that there are millions of men on this earth, but with you, only you have been able to capture my heart and soul. You are the only one who can make me feel special and wanted. All I need is your strong shoulders, and that is it. You are my life and the love of my life.

You are the man who can make me feel special. You are the man I want to spend my life with. You are everything I have ever wanted in a king. From this moment forth, I vow to love you for eternity.

I do not imagine a day without you in it. This is because your absence leaves a void in my heart every day. A void that cannot be filled. It is only your presence that makes me complete and happy. You are my prince charming and the love of my life. I will always love you.

I felt like the luckiest man when you came into my life. You were everything I wanted in a king, much more than I had ever expected. You are a man who has captured my heart and soul and I have fallen so deeply in love with you, especially because of all that you delivered to me; all that is good in this world.