Silence Hurts Quotes

A compilation of the best silence hurts quotes to help you understand and cope with the pain of feeling ignored or unimportant. If you are looking for some quotes about the power of silence, you have come to the right place. These Silence Hurts Quotes will show you just how much impact silence can have.

Silence Hurts Quotes

Silence hurts more than the sharpest words because it is the painful reminder of what you have lost and can no longer have.

You may not say it, but I know my silence still hurts you more than the sharpest words ever will .

My silence is a huge reflection of my hurt and all you have done to me.

Your ignorance is hurting me even more than your silence. Therefore, my silence is a silent reminder of the pain you have created.

Silence is the art of feeling something that you are not allowed to say. It is a scarred heart, mute in it’s pain.

My hurt is nothing compared to yours. And even if I did say something, it wouldn’t help because your silence hurts more than words.

It is not what you say; it is what you do not say. And it is your silence that hurts me the most.

Don’t you ever get tired of hurting me with your silent treatment, and do not you ever get tired of my hurt, either?

hurt silence quotes

My silence is a silent reminder of everything I have lost. It is a painful reminder of what we once had.

Your silence hurts me even more than your indifference. After all, indifference hurts less. In fact, indifference hurts almost nothing at all.

Don’t you know that my silence is a silent reminder of the tears in my eyes?

Hurtful words hurt your feelings; Silence breaks your heart; ignorance hurts more than both.

I guess I am just like an open book to you. You judged me, and your hurtful silence only shows what you think of me.

How can your silence be considered a form of abuse when you do so much to hurt me? Because it is.

Knowing that your silence hurts me is the only thing more hurtful than the truth.

Even if I did tell you what you have done to me, I know it would not make much difference to you. Your silence hurts me more than anything you could say. So I keep silent and let you think that everything is okay.

 Hurting silence is the worst kind of pain. It is when you know you are not the only one hurting and there is nothing you can do about it.

Silence is the most powerful scream in the world cause it is unending and hurts the one who is being ignored.

It is the silence that hurts the most. Not the words that were said or the action that caused the hurt. The silence because it shows that the person no longer cares.

Silence often hurts more than the sharpest words. A sad smile, a cold shoulder and a silent treatment are all quite damaging.

To you, my silence is violence. To me, your violence is silence.

I guess it was my mistake to think that my words would do much good. Your silence hurts me the most and hurts even more than your words could ever do to me.

Your hurtful silence tells more about your anger and sadness than anything else could ever do. And because of this, my hurt gets worse.

It is those moments of silence that hurts me the most. After all, those silent moments remind me of your unspoken words that have the power to hurt me more than any words could ever do.

When you are hurt, you can scream, cry, or be silent. I choose to be silent and it hurts.

Those who are not allowed to speak their minds need a way to vent. I make the most of mine. I use my silence to express all you have done to me, which hurts.

Your silence is a silent reminder of all the pain in your eyes. It is a silent reminder of what you have done to me.

silent pain quotes

When you are hurt, something about your hurtful silence cannot be replaced, especially when it involves your anger.

The only thing more hurtful than my hurt is your ignorant silence. Therefore, it needs to be the most hurtful thing in this world. So let your silence hurt and be afraid of what I will do next.

The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse. Don’t ever think your silence wouldn’t hurt me because it does.

I guess you are right. Your silence hurts me more than what you would ever say. After all, your silence only tells me how much your hate can hurt me.

And honestly, whenever I hear your hurtful words, it only reminds me that my pain will never leave.

We begin to heal when we stop talking to the one who broke our hearts. It is hard, though, because those silent moments are hard to handle.

Words can only hurt me so much. But your silence hurts me in ways that words could never do. So my silence is a reminder of all the pain you caused me.

You begin to heal when you stop speaking to the one who has broken your heart. And it is hard to do when my silence reminds you of what I have lost.

Our silence hurts even more than your physical pain because the more profound pain is what we have in our hearts.

I know my silence hurts you more than I could ever say. After all, your silence tells me how much your hate can hurt me.

Like a broken heart, I guess you also have a silent heart. Your silence tells me you still have pain in your heart about everything I have done to you. So do not you dare to ignore me anymore?

Silence is the most hurtful thing for any relationship to endure.

The only thing more hurtful than your silence is your constant rejection of me.

The only thing more hurtful than my pain is that you would rather silence me about the things that have happened between us.

Hurt Silence Quotes

Your silence speaks louder than words ever could. And it hurts more than anything else. So please, do not you ever think that your silence does not hurt me.

My silence reminds me of all the pain you have in your soul. It is a silent reminder of how much pain I feel.

We begin to heal when we stop talking to the one who has broken our hearts. It is hard, though, because your silent moments are hard to handle.

It hurts when a friend leaves you, but it kills when a friend leaves you behind in silence.

The Last Word you have a hard time fighting is the silence from your friends.

 The silence of a friend who can no longer be a friend hurts worst than the anger of an enemy.

silence hurts more than words quotes

Not one word can describe how much it hurts when a true friend walks away and leaves you behind with nothing. But Silence. It is just silence.

Sometimes you keep silent because you know what they feel; if they are true friends, they will understand.

Silence is the most powerful weapon. It always hurts the one who a friend has used.

Silence is not always Golden; Sometimes, it can hurt more than Words!

The most hurtful silence comes from someone you thought would never leave you.

I am hurt because you are so silent.

It is the silence that hurts the most. Not the words that were said or the action that caused the hurt. The silence because it shows that the person no longer cares.

The hurtful silence of someone you love is worse than any words they could ever say.

It is the silence that hurts the most. It is the unanswered questions and the undeclared love that kills you.

When you are hurt by someone you love, the pain is not just in their words but also in the silence that follows.

A silence between friends is hurtful, but silence between lovers is deadly.

There is a hurtful silence that can sometimes last forever.

Silence is often the most hurtful part of an argument.

When someone you love hurts you, the first thing you want to do is scream at them and ask them why they did it. But sometimes, the most hurtful thing you can do is stay silent.

The most hurtful thing is not what was said but the silence that followed.

The most painful silence is when you know the other person is still there, but they are choosing to ignore you.

The hurtful silence of someone you love is worse than any words they could say.

The silence that hurts the most is where you are clear and accessible one moment, but the next is held captive in bonds of pain.

With the hurtful silence of a friend, a touch could mend a broken heart.

Hurt silence is like an open dagger that kills all the good words.

Silence is the most powerful scream in the world. Because it is unending and it hurts the one who is being ignored.

Don’t you ever get tired of being hurt by my silence?

The silence hurts the most because it is full of unspoken words.

Sometimes, the only thing more hurtful than the truth is the silence surrounding it.

Silence can be smiled. It can be said; it is not necessarily evil.

A painful silence can be more hurtful than a thousand cutting words.

Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

When you are hurt, you can scream, cry, or be silent and hurt even more.

The loudest thing you can do when you are hurt is to keep silent.

pain in silence quotes

When you are hurt, you can scream or cry or be silent. But your silence hurts the most.

The most hurtful thing to know is that you are loved, yet you are hurt.

The most hurtful thing to cry out is your silence.