Robin Quotes Famous Robin Bird Quotes

Robin the robin is a bird that is known for it’s beautiful songs and interesting phrases. One of the quotes from Robin is “I cannot help but feel like an outsider.” This meaning means that Robin feels like she is not part of the mainstream society and often feels left out. This quote speaks to Robin’s feelings about being different and alone.

When asked to describe his favorite bird, RobinBird quote “Any bird that can fly and sing can be my favorite.” This statement is ironic because RobinBird was once considered a feathered abominable snowflake. Despite this humiliating start to his life, he has since proven himself as a colorful and curious bird that loves to spread love and happiness.

This quote speaks to Robin’s feelings about being different and alone.

Robin Quotes

“Quiet, robin, quiet! You lovers are such clumsy summer-flies, Forever buzzing at your lady’s face.” — Alfred Tennyson

“Young robin do not fall out of the nest. They fly up to it.” —Chinese proverb

“Proud Maisie is in the wood, Walking so early; Sweet robin sits on the bush, Singing so rarely.” —Daniel Radcliffe

“Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. Robin is a robin is a robin is a robin . Enjoy the wind in your face.” — Gertrude Stein

“There is a special place in hell for people who mistreat robins .” – Source: The Little Rascals TV Series

“Christmas is nice with robins singing. I wish it would snow and stay that way. ” — Source: Joe Mantegna

“In the heart of every stray robin lies a profound sense of right and wrong.”— Source: Unknown

“The Robin was an internationally known poet who used to hide his emotions by being extremely cheerful.”— Source: Unknown

“The robin is the Swiss Army knife of the bird world. He is a great singer, very handsome, and he has that very useful screwdriver at the end of his beak. ” — Source: Unknown

“Each spring the robin quietly leaves his nest.”-Source: Janie D. Jenkins

“The Japanese word for the robin ’kobu is a vivid word; this bird is like a human being to us in many respects.’ Scientist say the robin can act with cunning, lies and even deceit. The robin’s intelligence ranks it along with chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants among the smart creatures.” — Source: Unknown

“Oh, God, it is the robin. Please make him go away.” – Source: Unknown

“There are people who make music in the jungles and forests of South America. Yet some of them will not sing for us because we cannot understand their music. Yet a robin does not know that we are ignorant. It sings anyway.” — Dr. William Thomas Sherman

“Robins are my favorite birds. They are the most like us. They hustle and work, raising their young and fending for themselves.” — Source: Majel Barrett

“Because the robin is indigenous to the North American continent does not mean that he is less beautiful or less a bird than those exotic creatures imported from far away places.”—Source: Mary Mapes Dodge

“The early bird catches the worm and the early man makes his wife. The early man also makes his wife, and the robin decides whether it will feed her or him.” — Source: Henry David Thoreau

“There is a species of Robin that hunts with a worm in it’s beak! It is called the “Lord of the Worms”! A Robin will take a worm from beneath your nose and say, ’I am gonna go hunt that worm!’” — Lemony Snicket

“We are born to love them and we die for them. They are born to live and they die for us. They are born to sing and they die for us.” — Source: Unknown

“The small bird lives in an old house. It is a humble little bird. It sings like a tiny bell-ringer, but it’s song’s so sweet it brings tears to your eyes.” — Source: Unknown

“I think the robins are just great, especially around Halloween time when you hear them singing all night long. They are a road team, they are a tough team, they have got the best fans. I am proud of my robins.” — Source: Angelo Dundee

“I’d like to forget the pain and trouble we experience. I’d like to forget the rain and storms of life. But after all we have been through together, I find no other way to say: Good Night, Birdie .” — Source: Unknown

“If a robin built it’s nest in a barn, it would be safe there from weather and wind. But it would be almost as unsafe as if it built it’s nest in a tree, because it would be likely to become the slave of the farmer.” — Source: Charlotte Bronte

Famous Robin Quotes

“If I had a robin that would not sing, I’d make him sing.” — Source: James Joyce

“Any fool can tell if a robin is male or female. The male sings, and the female whistles. ” — Source: Unknown

“Birds do not have friends. They have companions and acquaintances. This may seem a very subtle distinction, but so is everything about the robin.” — Source: Source: Richard Bach

“The robin is a bird of the North and of cold weather, but he seems to be quite unwilling to acknowledge any kinship with that race of people, and comes down every year as regularly as clockwork to spend the winter with us.” — Source: Unknown

“A Robin is an old songbird in spring. A robin is a young balladeer in late fall. ” — Source: Unknown

“The central core of the robin is a mystery. Its color ranges from pale blue to black, but why it goes through this color change is still open to speculation.” — Source: Source: William J. Selman

“The robin is the oldest bird in it’s species.”-Source: Unknown

“I never have but one wish for my Robins; It is to live my life over again. ” — Source: Gene Autry

“We remember that our first love was happy and brief. I am ever reminded by the robin of our first kiss. ” — Source: Anonymous

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” –Marcel Proust

“Please God, make me a bird. So I can fly far far away from here.” — Source: Sean O’Callaghan

“The robin is a bird that signifies the first and best of joys, it sings sweetly when it feels great love and only in the spring. The Robin is a bird who, when it sings, thinks of love. It feels warm inside and cannot believe how lucky it is.” — Source: Unknown

“There is an old saying: “Don’t kill a robin redbreast in May.” The truth is that all the birds of springtime are sacred. If you kill any one of them, you are supposed to die before the year is out.” — Source: Terry Pratchett

“In every bird that sings, there is the idea of freedom.” — George Santayanna

“A robin with a worm in it’s mouth can teach you more about life than a university. ” — Source: Unknown

“The robin is a symbol of resurrection, faith, love and hope.” — Source: Unknown

“A robin in a cage who has never known the sky, may sing as merrily as the lark; but you and I have felt the wind blow on our cheeks, and know what wild freedom is.” — George Eliot, Silas Marner

“I hardly think, sir, there will be much robin in winter.” — Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” — Oscar Wilde

“Young robins do not fall out of the nest. They fly up to it.” —Chinese proverb

A robin in a cage who has never known the sky, may sing as merrily as the lark; but you and I have felt the wind blow on our cheeks, and know what wild freedom is. — George Eliot

“I hardly think, sir, there will be much robin in winter.” — Charles Dickens

Robin Bird Quotes

“And I have been a bird, And I have flown through the air; But there is nothing in this world That can compare to the way you make me feel.” —from “I will Always Love You” by Dolly Parton

“Want to fly with me, Robin? Look for the sky and you will see it. The same sky I am standing in.” — D.B. (Dying Breed)

“Silly Robin Redbreast thinks that because he can fly, nobody can. He doesn’t understand that flying is only a small part of being a bird- that the other parts are much more important.” — Peter Capaldi

“The opinions expressed by robin on it’s page do not reflect the views or opinions of The Walt Disney Company or it’s affiliates. “

“Even Robin Hood wasn’t always Robin Hood. He might have started out as a farm boy, but he grew into the persona of the legendary outlaw hero.” — Source:

“It is a fact: a robin does not sing because it has an opinion. It sings because it wants you to listen.” – Source: Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

“A robin in a cage who has never known the sky may sing as merrily as the lark, but you and I have felt the wind blow on our cheeks, and know what wild freedom is.” – George Eliot

“Quiet, robin, quiet! You lovers are such clumsy summer-flies; forever buzzing at your lady’s face.” — Alfred Tennyson

“I hardly think, sir, there will be much robin in winter. — Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

“A robin in a cage who has never known the sky may sing as merrily as the lark; but you and I have felt the wind blow on our cheeks, and know what wild freedom is. — George Eliot, Silas Marner

“A robin is just an ordinary looking thing, but it is amazing how often he gets his man. ” — Jules Verne

“Because he is a brave little guy and tries to do the right thing and has a good time doing it.” — Walt Disney

“A quaint and curious bird Is the robin red breast. He is neither fit for town nor yet for country, Yet uncombed he protests, “I am the monarch of all I survey.” — Robert Frost

“Nothing says spring quite like a full-bodied male robin fluttering over your head, singing his heart out. ” — Source: The Seattle Times

“Robin does not get enough credit for being a skilled tactician. Just because he is on the hero’s side doesn’t mean he isn’t playing his own game.” — Source: OAUX News

“I must say that I like robins. They sing when springtime is nigh, I think it is lovely, so bring on the robins And all the other little birds.” — From “Singing in The Rain” by Gene Kelly

Robin Quotes Bird

“It was a spring morning. There was rain. There were also robins . Snow too, but mostly rain and robins fighting over worms.” — Ernest Hemingway

“When springtime makes her welcome known, The Robin comes with his song; His color bright and his notes are strong, And he is always first to begin.” — James Whitcomb Riley

“The little English Robin redbreast. Ah, how sweet and tender is my heart to him! ” — Source: The History of the Life of Kipling

“I am the bird that sings when spring is here And sings when night has won.” — William Shakespeare

“The robin’s a great creature, next to the cat. He will sit around watching a mouse hole and then he will jump down it with his prey. ” — Source: The Fox and the Hound

“As a boy I remember my father’s wearing a red silk cap with a black lining, and he’d sit at the end of the veranda and watch robins come down to the bird baths. I was fascinated by them. ” — Source: Jules Verne

“The robin is God’s favorite bird. He makes his nest in your hair. You are like a robin to Him. ” — Source: St. Augustine

“They are a bit of the golden haze from heaven’s window and they come to us in our storms and cloudiness, lightening up our earth when all the rest of nature is dark. ” — Source: Mark Twain

“The robin redbreast is a merry fellow; He is blithe and gay as a lark in the sky, Though I have seen him sad as a dove When he couldn’t get his love. ” — Source: Robert Burns

“Ma’s robin (named for his color). [Pause.] The robin is a bird, of course. ” — Source: The Wind in the Willows

“The robin is God’s favorite bird. He makes his nest in your hair. You are like a robin to Him.” – Source: From Wikipedia

“A robin is just an ordinary looking thing, but it is amazing how often he gets his man.” — Jules Verne

“Robin does not get enough credit for being a skilled tactician. Just because he is on the hero’s side doesn’t mean he isn’t playing his own game.” — Source: OAUX News, Harvard University

“I must say that I like robins. They sing when springtime is nigh, I think it is lovely, so bring on the robins And all the other little birds. ” — From “Singing in The Rain” by Gene Kelly

“I am the bird that sings when spring is here And sings when night has won. ” — William Shakespeare

“A robin is God’s favorite bird. He makes his nest in your hair. You are like a robin to Him.” — Source: From Wikipedia

“The redbreast is but little, but his heart is great; King of all birds, save only thee, O eagle!” — William Shakespeare

Robin Bird Sayings

“The Robin is a love bird and he sings oftener than the nightingale.” — Source: The Hobbit , J. R. R. Tolkien

“The little English Robin redbreast. Ah, how sweet and tender is my heart to him! ” — Source: The Life of Kipling

“I am a bird whose feathers have all been picked out, I am a robin who has lost his wings.” — Tori Amos, Boys for Pele.

“When you are not . glad you are alive and cannot fly, because it doesn’t matter if you do or not.” — Bob Dylan, “Mr. Tambourine Man”.

“There is a freedom in being lost which no man’s prison can hold.” — Hosea Ballou, An Oration, delivered before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.

“If I could fly like a bird, I’d build a nest where these streets have been.” — William Blake.

“The smallest act of kindness often creates the largest ripple.” — Dalai Lama.

“When I was just a little boy I used to go to the park every day and see all the birds flying from tree to tree. One day I got tired of looking through the trees and told my dad that if I were a bird, I’d be flying around the sky. ’If you could be a bird,’ he said, ’I will bet you would never want to come back.’ Being a bird means having to come back.” — Michael Frater, “Songbird” (p.xv).