And Suddenly We Were Strangers Again: Quotes from the Book

And Suddenly We Were Strangers Again Quotes. Learn about the famous quotes from the book And Suddenly We Were Strangers Again by Rebecca James.

And Suddenly We Were Strangers Again Quotes

We were once so close, but now we are strangers again. It is like all of our shared memories and experiences mean nothing. We do not even know each other anymore. It is a frustrating and painful feeling.

It is like we shared this astonishing connection and now it is gone. It is like we were meant to be in each others’ lives, but now we are just strangers again. I do not know how to deal with this.

It hurts so much to be strangers again after knowing each other so well. I wish we could go back to the way things were.

We were so close to being something great, but now we are just strangers again. I do not know how to fix this or make us close again.

We both feel like we do not know the other person anymore. I do not know what happened or how it happened. It is like one day we were close and the next we were strangers again.

I ache to know that this person used to be such a big part of my life, but now they are strangers again.

It is so weird adjusting to being strangers again after so long being close. It hurts to think that this person I used to share everything with doesn’t even want anything to do with me anymore. I do not know what to do.

We are strangers again after so much of our lives being spent together. Nothing anyone says will make this change or fix the rift between us.

We wish we could return to being close to each other again. It hurts so much to be strangers again after so much time together. I do not know how to go back.

We were once so close that we shared everything, but now we are strangers again. It is like the other person doesn’t even want to talk about anything or acknowledge me. I just want us to be close again.

I cannot understand why this has happened. I want to be treated typically like I am still the same person. How can I get them to love me again, so we do not have to be strangers?

It hurts to think we are strangers again after being so close. I wish I knew what happened or what to do. It is like nothing is the same and we do not even know each other anymore.

I try to talk about our past together and it is like I am speaking a foreign language. They do not want to remember anything or acknowledge me in any way. It feels so weird being strangers again.

We were friends once, but now we are entirely different people who no longer have anything in common. We were two trains going opposite directions, and now we are strangers again. I do not know what to do.

We were so close, but it is like we cannot make sense of the past anymore. It is like our memories do not match anymore. We keep saying things that hurt us both and nothing makes sense. We cannot seem to be close again.

I want to talk to them about our good times together, but they do not seem interested in anything. It is like we cannot even remember being close. We are just strangers again.

We feel like everything is different now, as if we have been robbed of something special. We used to be close but didn’t know or even like each other. We are strangers again.

It hurts so much when I am reminded of us being close because it makes me feel so far away from them now as if I should be able to reach out and touch them but cannot. We are strangers again. I do not know what to do.

It hurts so much to think that we are never going to be close again, but it happened and we cannot go back. We were once so close, but now we are strangers again.

I am on a long road, miles away from where I used to be with them. Seeing them as a stranger instead of the person who used to know me so well is so hard. I want us to be close again. I love this person, but they seem so distant and I cannot understand them.

We used to be so close, but now we are strangers again. We used to be so in tune with each other, but now they do not know or care who I am. It is like this happened before and nothing has changed.

I cannot believe I just lost something that was once so important to me. It is like I am a stranger again after losing the most important person in my life, and it hurts so much.

It is like we were soulmates and now we are just strangers again. I do not know how to deal with this pain.

We had this connection and now it is gone. We cannot go back to the way it was.

We were so close, but now we are strangers again. Our time was meant to be spent together and now we are just strangers again.

We were close and now we are just strangers again. I thought we could be more, but now I do not know how to feel about that.

My friends never understood why I was so obsessed with him, but now I am just a stranger to him again. It is like my love for him meant nothing and all the time we spent together meant nothing.

At least we still have our memories from when we were close. We do share some great moments, after all. We are not just strangers anymore.

It hurts to be a stranger again after we had such a great connection. We used to feel so close and now we just feel like strangers.

We were once so close, but now we are only strangers again. It is like all of our shared memories and experiences mean nothing. We do not even know each other anymore. It is a frustrating and painful feeling.

It hurts so bad to feel like nothing when you are something else. It is like we are strangers again. It is so painful to feel this way.

We were once so close, but now we are only strangers again. Our time was meant to be spent together and now we are just strangers again.

I wish we could go back to how things were when we were close and loved each other. I wish there were a way to fix this, but I do not know how.

We used to be so close, but now we are strangers again. I do not know how to deal with this pain and loneliness.

I thought we were soulmates and now I feel like a stranger again. It hurts so bad. I wish we could go back to the way it was.

We were once so close, but now we are strangers again. We cannot go back to how it was because our exes returned and ruined everything special about us.

I wish I could spend every waking moment with my true love. I miss him so much. It hurts so bad to be a stranger again after spending so many hours together.

We were once so close, but now we are only strangers again. It is like we were meant to be, but now we are strangers again.

I wish I could spend every waking moment with my true love. I miss him so much. After spending so many hours with him, it hurts so bad to be a stranger again.

It is like we were meant to be together forever, but now that everything is ruined and we cannot even try to make it better, it hurts.

And Now We are Strangers Again Quotes

We were once so close, but now we are only strangers again. It is like we shared this excellent connection and now it is gone. It is like we were meant to be in each others’ lives, but now we are just strangers again. I do not know how to deal with this.

After sharing such amazing connections, it hurts so bad to be a stranger again. We used to feel so close, but now we are just strangers.

We were once so close, and now we are strangers again. It is so sad.

I cannot believe how much has changed between us. We used to be best friends, and now we are practically strangers.

It is so weird how things can change so quickly. One day we are close, and the next, we are strangers.

I never thought our friendship would end like this. We are strangers again, and it hurts so much.

I cannot believe how much he is changed. He used to be my best friend, but lately, he is become a stranger.

I feel like a stranger around her. I want to be friends again, but I am scared she doesn’t want me to be.

I miss her so much. We were always so close, and now we are strangers again.

We were always the closest of friends. I never thought this would happen to us.

I never expected our friendship to end like this! We were best friends, and now we are strangers again!

We were inseparable in elementary school. Now that we are adults, it feels so weird to be far apart.

We became strangers when we moved away, and being apart has been so challenging.

I know she is trying to be friends, but we are strangers now. It hurts to see her.

We were always so close. Now I feel like a stranger around her.

Everything was going fine until he died. Now I feel like a total stranger in my own house. It is so weird.

I never expected that I would lose him. He was my best friend, and now I feel like a stranger in a new house.

We were always so close. Finally, losing him has been so hard on me. It hurts to see her after all these years of being strangers.

We were best friends when we were little kids, but now we are not friends anymore. It is so sad that we are strangers now.

I never thought that I would lose her. We had a lot of fun together, and now I feel like a stranger in my own life.

We were always so close. Now I feel like a stranger around her. I want to be friends again, but I am scared she doesn’t want me to be.

I know he is trying to be friends, but we are strangers now. It hurts to see him.

He always used to listen to me and understand me. Now that he has a new life, I feel like a stranger in this world.

I missed the days when we were close. Now we are strangers again, and it is like we never even knew each other.

It is so sad how things turned out. We were such good friends, and now we are practically strangers.

Stranger Again Quotes

What happened to us? We used to be so close, and now we are strangers.

I do not know what went wrong, but now we are strangers again. It is so disappointing.

I cannot believe this is how it ended. We were once so close, and now we do not even talk.

This is so confusing. We used to be best friends, and now we are strangers.

It is so crazy how things can change. One day we are close, and the next, we are not even talking.

It hurts so much to be friends with you again. I hate the fact that we have become strangers again. It is so sad.

I do not know why things had to change. We used to be so close, but we are no longer friends.

We were once best friends. It is crazy how things turned out. Now we are so far apart that it hurts just talking about it.

I used to think that friendship was eternal. Now I realize how stupid I was for believing that.

What happened between us? I never thought our friendship would end like this. We were so close, and now we are so far apart.

I miss the old days. A lot has changed between us. Now we are strangers again, and I never even knew you.

What happened to us? We were so close before, and now we do not even talk anymore.

I hate the fact that we have become strangers again. The truth is that I still care about you, even though you hurt me so much.

You hurt me deeply with your words. I never thought you’d do something like this. It hurts so much.

I feel so lost and confused. I do not know what I did wrong, but somehow we have become strangers again.

I have no idea how things turned out like this. We were close before, and now we are strangers again.

What happened to us? We used to be so close, but now we are just not friends anymore. It is too bad.

I do not know why things turned out like this. We were once best friends, but now we are practically strangers.

I hate the fact that we have become strangers again. I am still hurting over what you did to me.

I have no idea how things turned out like this. We were so close before, and now it feels so distant again.

We were best friends once. It is crazy how things turned out. Now we are practically strangers again. It hurts so much.

I miss the old days. Things have changed between us. Now we are right back where we started again.

I do not know how things turned out like this. We were once best friends, but now we are practically strangers again.

This is confusing. One day we were best friends, and the next, we were practically strangers again.

It is so sad that I have to be your friend again. I hate the fact that our friendship became a stranger so quickly. I never expected things to turn out this way.

We used to be close. You were my favorite person in the whole world. I thought things would last forever. I never expected you to become a stranger again.

I miss the old days. Things have changed between us. Now we are over, and it hurts so much.

I feel like such an idiot for losing you like this. I never expected things to turn out like this. You have become a stranger again.

I used to be so close to you, and now I do not even know who you are anymore.

I never expected things to turn out like this. I thought we were tight, but now we are strangers again. It is so disappointing.

I used to love talking to you on the phone every day. Now I do not even want to talk to you again. You have become a stranger again.

I miss everything about you. I wish things could go back to the way they were before. You have become a stranger again.

I never thought this would happen to me. Things were so good between us, and now we are strangers again.

It is so sad that we cannot talk anymore. I wish things had never changed between us.

I miss everything about you. I used to be your best friend, but now I do not even know who you are anymore. You have become a stranger again.

I hate the fact that we have become strangers again. I thought things would last forever, but somehow our friendship has turned into nothing again.

I hate the way things turned out between us. I never expected us to become strangers again.

I do not know what happened between us. I wish this had never changed between us.

I feel sad and lonely knowing you are out somewhere thinking I am a stranger. It hurts so much that you have become a stranger again. I will never be able to forget it.

I cannot believe this is how things turned out. We were once so close, but now we are strangers again.

I feel like such an idiot for letting you down. I thought we were tight, and now we are practically strangers again.

I hate how things turned out between us. We were once best friends, and I do not even know you anymore. It is so sad.

I wish this had never happened to me. I do not know how things turned out like this. Somehow we have become strangers again.

I hate you for making me feel this way. I thought we were tight, but I do not want to talk to you anymore.

I miss everything about you, and it tears me up that we are not friends anymore. You have become a stranger again.