Forced Love Quotes – Force Someone to Love You

Looking for some forced love quotes? Whether you are in a relationship or single, we all know what it is like to feel forced into something. Here are some quotes about forced love to help you feel better.

Forced Love Quotes

Love should never be forced. If someone is forcing you to love them, it is not love. True love is something that is voluntary and feels good, not something that is forced and feels terrible.

Forced love is not loving at all. It is more like an addiction or a hostage situation.

Love shouldn’t hurt if it does something wrong.

If you have to force someone to be with you, then they are not the right one for you.

Love should be freeing, not binding.

Forced love is not real love. If you have to coerce or trick someone into loving you, then it is not love.

Love is about giving. If someone forces you to give love, then it is not love.

If you are with the wrong person, you will feel pressured into loving them. If the relationship is healthy and plentiful, your partner will make you want to be with them.

Love should never be forced on anyone, for it makes one resentful instead of appreciative of the love given to them.

Real love never hurts. It feels good and gives freedom. It is a beautiful thing, free to be shared.

If you are with the wrong person, then your heart will hurt. If the relationship is unhealthy and destructive, then your heart will break.

Your own free will can only choose real love. It is not forced upon you or given to you. It comes from within and is not based on convenience or tradition.

Love should never be forced on anyone. If someone loves you against your will , that is not real love. It is just obsession. True love is choosing one is partner solely upon their own merits, not through threats or manipulation.

Love should be chosen by individual choice, not enforced by a threat or bribe.

True love is free. It feels suitable for both parties and not only the lover who receives it. Love to me, means freedom and equality. Love should never be forced on anyone.

Forced love is stingy love. If you have to force your partner to love you, that person would probably hate you if they were free. Love is an action, not a feeling.

Love is supposed to be a choice. If you want someone to love you without free will , that is not love. It is more like a business transaction.

A forced wedding is not a wedding at all. It is an arranged marriage and follows the same rules as any other arrangement for political gain or money.

If someone forces you to love them back, it wasn’t true love from the start. Love should always be chosen by the individual, not dictated to them.

Love is beautiful, and if an unhealthy person forces that on you, then it is not love. If your heart is hurting because of the love, then it is endearing and sweet.

Love must be given freely and voluntarily by both parties, not forced by a person of authority or blackmail.

If you are in a relationship where you do not feel free to choose your partners, that is an unhealthy relationship. If you feel like you are forced to be with your partner, then that is an unhealthy relationship.

If you are in a relationship that doesn’t allow freedom of choice, it is not love and might be abuse.

If someone is forcing you to love them back or telling you when, how and where you can see your love interest, that is manipulation. Real love lets the other person have their freedom without restrictions.

Forced love is not loved. Love should be a personal choice.

Love is meant to be free and not based on a threat or bribe. Love should always be a democratic personal choice and not forced upon you by society, family, or your partner.

If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not true love. Love should be a voluntary choice for both parties involved.

If you are in an unhealthy relationship where your choices are taken from you, that is not real love. Love should be chosen by both parties, not forced by a threat or bribe.

Love is about choice and freedom. When you love someone, you should have the option to choose whether that person is your partner or not.

If you force the relationship on someone else, that is not real love. If the kind of love forced on you doesn’t feel like it is a choice and hurts, that is a red flag. True love is meant to feel good. It should give freedom to both members of the loving couple.

Love shouldn’t be based on a threat or bribe. It should be your choice to love who you want and not your parent is or someone else is choice. Love should never be forced on someone.

Because when you are forced to love, then it is not love at all. If you have to force someone into loving you, then it might as well just be a business arrangement.

Love is not something that anyone can force. Love should not be based on a threat or bribe.

If someone forces you to love them, then that is not love. Love is a free act from both parties. It has to be your choice to love or not.

Love should be chosen by the individual, not forced upon them by an authority or threat.

Forced love is bad because it gives power to the one who forces it upon you and makes you feel powerless.

Real love is about choice and freedom. If you are in an unhealthy relationship where your choices are taken from you, then that is not real love; it just might be abuse.

If you always have to obey your lover’s every whim, it is dull and plain old boring. Love is meant to be free and fun, not dull and plain.

If you have to force someone to love you, they do not really love you.

True love doesn’t require force or coercion; it should be natural and effortless.

Love is not a game to be played with someone is heart. It should be something that is cherished and respected.

Force Someone to Love You

Forced love is not loved. It is more like Stockholm syndrome, where you start to love your captor because they have total control over you.

If you feel you have to force someone to love you, it is time to walk away.

Love is something that should be freely given, not something that is forced out of someone.

Forcing someone to love you is not love. It is manipulation and control. True love is gentle, kind, and respectful.

If someone tries to force you to love them, they are not worth your time or energy.

 Forced love is not real love. If you have to beg, plead, or coerce someone into being with you, it is not love.

Love should never be forced. If someone tries to make you love them, they are not worth your time.

If you force someone to be with you, it is time to leave the relationship.

If you feel forced into a relationship, then it is time for you to walk away.

Forced love is not loved. It is a form of manipulation and control.

Love should be freely given, never forced or coerced. If someone forces you to love them, they do not love you.

Love should make you feel good, not bad. If someone forces you to love them, it is time for you to walk away.

If someone is trying to force a relationship on you, they are not being respectful of your feelings or your choices.

If someone has to force or trick you into loving them, it is time for you to walk away. That is not love. It is controlling.

If you feel like you are being forced into loving someone, then it is time for you to walk away from that relationship. -unknown

Love should never make someone feel bad or unhappy. If it does, then it is not love.

Love shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself. If someone is trying to force a relationship on you, then it is time for you to walk away from that person.

If someone forces you to love them, it is time for you to walk away. Walk away from that relationship.

Love doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself. If someone is trying to force a relationship on you, it is time for you to walk away.

If someone is trying to force a relationship on you, it is time for you to walk away. Love should make you feel good, not bad.

Forced love does not exist. If someone has to be forced into loving someone else, it is not love.

Forced love is not real love. It is more like a hostage situation or an addiction.

Forced love is not loved. It is something that someone does to manipulate you into being with them.

Forced relationships are not genuine relationships. If you have to do something to force someone else to be with you, then it is not a real relationship.

If you have to force someone into loving you, then it is just not worth it at all.

Love should never make anyone feel bad about themselves. If it does, then it is not love at all.

If you have to force someone to be in a relationship with you, you are wrong.

True love is kind. It should never make anyone feel bad about themselves.

Forced relationships are not real relationships. If someone has to be forced into loving you, it is not love.

Love should never hurt anyone. If it does, then it is not love at all. Don’t force someone else to love you if they do not want it.

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Force a Relationship Quotes

Love should make you feel good, not bad. If someone forces you to be with them, it is time for you to walk away.

Love should be freely given and it should never be forced or coerced. If someone forces you to love them, they are not worth your time.

If you have to force someone to be with you, they are not the one for you. Love shouldn’t hurt.

If you have to force someone into loving you, then it is not love. If that person is trying to make you love them, just walk away. It is not worth it.

If someone is forcing you to love them, then it is not love. You do not have to like that person anyway.

Love shouldn’t be a control issue or a manipulation issue. If someone forces you into loving them, they are not worth it.

Forced relationships are not genuine relationships. Love should make you happy and feel good; if it doesn’t, walk away. Don’t continue to put yourself through that kind of relationship. It is time for you to walk away.

If someone has to force or trick you into loving them, it is not love. If they are making you feel bad about yourself, it is time for you to walk away.

Love cannot be forced; it must be left to grow on it’s own.

If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love. True love cannot be forced; it must be given freely and will ingly.

Love is never forced; it is always freely given. If it takes force to make someone love you, it is not love.

Forcing someone to love you is like forcing a flower to bloom. It may look beautiful for a while, but eventually, it will wither and die.

To force someone to love you is trying to make a flower bloom when it doesn’t want to; it is like trying to kill the one you love.

Some people do not want to love and do not want the suffering that is part of loving. It is not that they do not care; they simply cannot bear their pain. They will stop loving at any cost just to escape from it.

No one can make you love them, it is madness to think so. You might force someone to seem like they love you, but it is just an act.

If you are forcing a loved one to do something, then most likely, it is not something they want to do. If they wanted to, it would be easy for them to do.

Forcing someone makes everything that difficult; if they are forced into anything, they will never forgive you for it. Love is a gift that you give freely.

The only way to ensure someone loves you is to give them no choice but to love you. Do the right thing, and do not force anyone into loving you, because it is not real love.

If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love. True love cannot be forced; it must be given freely and will ingly. It is not hard to love someone freely.

If you make someone love you, it isn’t real; they will never be sure of your feelings and always have doubts; no one can live their life like that.

Never force someone to do something; if you must force them, then they do not want to do it. It is better to cancel a project than to do it out of fear or desperation.

When someone is forced to do something, it is not the same as if they did it will ingly; you cannot change a person’s mind by force.

If someone forces you to do something against your will , they aren’t your friend. If they care about you, they will respect your choices.

Some people have to be forced into doing what is right. You cannot trick them or talk them into it because they are determined to get their way. So, you force them to do what is right.

Force Anyone to Love You Quotes

Forcing someone into loving you doesn’t mean that they love you. Love cannot be created by force; it can only be given freely.

Some people cannot find anyone to love them, so they keep forcing others to love them. But it is dangerous to force someone into loving you; they will never be sure of your feelings and always have doubts.

No one can force you to love them. You cannot control someone is feelings, so forcing someone to love you is impossible.

Forcing yourself on others eventually makes them hate you.

If people force you to do something, they try to make you do what they want. It is a power play, so you have to retake control.

If you are forced to do something, then it is not your choice. You do not know what is best for yourself or anyone else. Someone else forcing you into something cannot be trusted; they are not good people.

You cannot force someone is feelings or emotions. You can only show them how you feel and hope that they understand.

You cannot force love on someone; they will never accept it unless they are ready. You cannot make someone love you who doesn’t want to.

If you want to force someone to love you, you should leave them alone. There is no point in continuing the relationship if they do not love you back, and if they do not, nothing can be done.

You cannot force someone into loving you; some people have to be forced into doing what is right. You cannot trick them or talk them into it because they are determined to get their way. So, you force them to do what is right.

You cannot force someone to love you. Love is meant to be free and natural, not forced or coerced.

If you are trying to force someone to love you, you are not in love. Love is something that should be gentle and natural, not forced or artificial.

True love doesn’t require force. If you have to force it, then it is not love.

Love is never forced; rather, it is something that blossoms on it’s own.

When you love with your whole heart, you will give of yourself naturally. If it takes force to make someone love you, it is not real love.

Forcing people to love you is like forcing a flower to bloom. It may look beautiful for a moment, but eventually, it will wither and die, regardless of how much force you exert.

When you are in love, you do not have to force it. Give the other person what they want, and the love will blossom.

Love isn’t something that can be forced. It is an action that is free and natural, not forced or coerced.

Love is never forced; it is always freely given. If it takes force to make someone love you, it is not real love.

Love is not forced; it is something that comes from the heart. If you are forcing someone to love you, then it isn’t true love.

Forcing someone to love you is like forcing a flower to bloom. It may look beautiful for a while, but eventually, it will wither and die.

Forced love never works because that person doesn’t want to do it. Love should grow naturally with trust and understanding, not under pressure. You cannot force someone to love you.

Love cannot be forced. It either happens, or it doesn’t happen. You cannot push someone into loving you. True love has no strings attached. If it is forced, it isn’t true love.

You are wrong if you think you can force someone to love you. You can only hope and pray that the person will one day fall in love with you and freely choose to be with you.

Love cannot be forced. It either happens, or it doesn’t happen. You cannot push someone into loving you. True love has no strings attached. If it is forced, it isn’t true love.

Forcing someone to love you is like forcing a flower to bloom. It may look beautiful for a while, but eventually, it will wither and die. Regardless of how much force you exert.

Love is never forced; instead, it is something that blossoms on it’s own. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love.

If you are forced to love someone, then deep down in your heart, you do not want them. You think you do, but in reality, you do not. You are only pretending to love someone. Those people are never going to be happy. You will drive them crazy, and they won’t want to be with you anymore.

Love is not something that can be forced or coerced. It is kind and gentle, not yoked or attached. If you are trying to force someone to love you, then it is a fake feeling. Real love is something that is offered freely and not forced by anyone.

Forced love never lasts. It is unnatural and uncomfortable. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love.

Sometimes people can force themselves to say they love you, but it is not true. If they do not mean it, they will keep forcing themselves until the feeling eventually disappears.

When you are in love with someone, it isn’t something that can be forced. If you are forcing someone to love you, then it is not real love.

Love is never forced. It is an action that is free and natural, not forced or coerced.

Love is not something that can be forced. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love.

That isn’t real love if someone loves you and forces you to be with them. If you are forced to be with someone, it is not real love.

Love isn’t something that can be forced. It is an action that is free and natural, not forced or coerced. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not true love.

If you want someone to feel something for you, just give them what they want. Forcing them to make them feel something isn’t real love. Love cannot be forced. If you force someone to love you, then they won’t.

Love isn’t something that can be forced. It is an action that is free and natural, not forced or coerced. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not true love.

Wanting someone to fall in love with you doesn’t mean you are forcing them. If someone has to force themselves to fall in love with you, they aren’t feeling the emotion.

Love cannot be forced. It happens, or it doesn’t happen. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love.

Wanting someone to fall in love with you doesn’t mean you are forcing them. If someone has to force themselves to fall in love with you, they aren’t feeling the emotion.

When you are in love, it is something that happens naturally and freely. Someone might try to force someone to be with you, but they may not feel the same way you do. Love is something people cannot force.

Love cannot be forced. It either happens, or it doesn’t happen. If you have to force someone to love you, then it is not real love.

Trying to] force someone into loving you isn’t likely ever going to work because people aren’t robots. You cannot force someone to feel something. It is not real love.