Pushing Me Away Quotes Saying

People Push Others Away Pushing Me Away Quotes – Discover the meaning behind these powerful words and how they can change your life for the better. If you are looking for quotes about pushing people away, you have come to the right place. This blog post will explore some of the best quotes about people who push others away.

Best Pushing Me Away Quotes

Every time I try to get close to you, you push me away. I do not understand why you keep doing that.

It feels like every time I try to get close to you, you push me away. I do not understand why you keep doing that.

I do not understand why you keep pushing me away whenever I try to get close to you.

I wish I could understand why you keep pushing me away every time I try to get close to you.

I have tried to get close to you many times, but you push me away every time I try to get close. Why?

You keep pushing me away when I try to get close to you. What is up with that?

I do not understand why you keep pushing me away every time I try to get close to you. I’d like to know.

I have tried to get close to you many times, but push you away every time I try to get close. Why?

I wish I could understand why you keep pushing me away every time I try to get close to you.

I do not know why you keep pushing me away. I want to be close to you. I am just trying to help.

It hurts when you keep pushing me away. I want to be close to you. Please let me in.

I am tired of always being the one who has to reach out. Why do you keep pushing me away?

Is it because I am not good enough? Because I am not what you want? I wish you’d tell me what is wrong instead of pushing me away.

Stop pushing me away and let me in. I am sorry if I do something wrong. It is just that I need your help and you are just pushing me away.

You are constantly pushing me away when all I try to do is help you. I am trying to reach out to you, but you keep pushing me away.

I want us to be close. I want us to connect. I want us to be a team. Why are you always pushing me away?

Why do you keep pushing me away? We used to be so close and now we are hardly a team.

I miss the way we were, the way we used to be, the way it used to feel when we were together. Why are you pushing me away?

You keep pushing me away and I cannot take it anymore. I miss you and how we used to be, but you are not letting me in.

I am trying to help you, but mind you pushing me away. I do not want to be like this anymore.

I am trying to help you, but you keep pushing me away. Can you please let me in? I want to be close to you like we used to be.

Why are you pushing me away? You are giving up on us, on our friendship. We used to be best friends and now you are pushing me away.

You are pushing me away. You have been doing that for a long time now. Please do not push me away anymore. Please let me in. I want to be close to you like we used to be.

You keep pushing me away, but I want us to be together. I want us to be a team again. Please let me in.

Cut it out! You are constantly pushing me away! We used to be friends, cannot you see that? I miss how we used to be. I miss the way we used to be together. Please let me in.

Why are you pushing me away? What have I done? Why are you pushing me away from you?

Why are you pushing me away? It hurts when you push me away. Please let me in.

Pushing away unwanted feelings and situations, on our friendship. I thought we were friends and now it seems like I was wrong. You keep pushing me away. I cannot take it anymore.

I want to be close to you, but you keep pushing me away. Please let me in.

People Push Others Away Quotes

I want us to be close. I want us to connect. I want us to be a team again. Why are you pushing me away?

Why do you keep pushing me away? We used to be so close and now we are hardly a team. Please let me in.

I am starting to think that you do not care. You keep pushing me away and it feels like you are never going to let me in.

I do not know what I did wrong. I want to be close to you. Please stop pushing me away.

It hurts when push you and push me away. I want to be close to you. Please let me in.

I am not good enough for you. That is why you keep pushing me away. I wish you’d let me in and explain what is wrong.

I cannot take much more of your constantly pushing me away. You do not trust me and it hurts.

Why do you keep pushing me away? All I want to do is love and please you.

Stop push it to one side. I want to be close. I will try anything. If you just let me in, maybe we can work things out.

I am getting tired of this pushing me away thing. I want to be close to you.

I do not know why you push me away all the time. Can’t you see that I need your love?

Why won’t you let me in? You keep pushing me away and it hurts. All I want to do is love and please you.

How can you be so heartless? You keep pushing me away, but I need your love. You are breaking my heart, and someday soon, I will break down and cry.

I do not know why you keep pushing me away. I want to be close to you. We could work things out if you’d let me in.

Stop pushing me away. I want to be close. I will do anything to be closer to you.

I am not good enough for you. That is why you keep pushing me away. I wish you’d let me in and tell me what is wrong.

Quotes About Pushing Me Away and Saying

I am trying to love and please you, but it hurts when you keep pushing me away. Why do you treat me this way?

I am lonely because you keep pushing me away. I need your love.

I hope you stop pushing me away. I want to be close to you. Please let me in.

I am tired of always being the one who has to reach out and say, ’What is wrong?’

It hurts when you push me away. You do not trust and it hurts. I want to be closer to you.

I want to feel your love and please you as you deserve. I want to be close.

I do not know why you keep pushing me away. What is wrong?

Understand why you pushed me away? You do not trust and it hurts.

Please stop pushing me away. I want to be close. Let me in and love me.

I am getting tired of being pushed away all the time. Why do you push me away? Let is work things out, please.

I am lonely because you keep pushing me away. I miss you and love you.

We are pushing each other away. Let is work things out, please.

Please stop pushing me away. Let is work things out. I want to be close to you.

Pushing away unwanted feelings, Please stop pushing me away. I want to be closer to you. I want to please you.

Please stop pushing me away. I want to be closer to you. I want to love and trust.

Please stop pushing me away. Let is talk about what is wrong. Let is work things out.

I need your love and trust. Please stop pushing me away and let me in.

I am lonely because you always push me away, but I still care and need your love. You are breaking my heart.

I am lonely because you keep pushing me away. I miss you and need your love. Please do not go.

Stop pushing me away. Let is work things out. I want to be close to you.

Stop pushing me away, please. Let is discuss what is wrong so we can work things out and be together again.