Protect My Daughter Quotes

As a father, the instinct to protect your daughter is strong. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your child. Some of the most popular quotes about protecting daughters come from well-known fathers in history. Read some of these quotes to get inspired to be the best father you can be. Here are some quotes that echo this sentiment.

Protect My Daughter Quotes

If I have to beg, if I have to scream, if I have to tell you every single day how much it hurts that we are apart and how much it hurts that we cannot be together again, I will continue to protect you. I will love you forever and never stop.

You do not have to fight every battle all alone. I will be there for you.

I won’t let anyone else hurt you as long as I can do anything to protect you, even if it means giving up my life.

I am here to protect your heart. I am here to love you and hold you in my arms forever. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. I promise you that. I love you.

It is not my choice to be in love with you; you know that. It is your choice to stay with me. I will never stop loving you or protecting you.

I do not want anyone or anything to come between us, but I will protect your happiness above all else.

Surely nothing can stand between us now because I will protect your happiness first and foremost. I have sworn it.

I desire to protect you above all else. But if I have to, I will protect you by accepting your choices with love.

I would spend the rest of my life loving you if it were up to me. I will make every moment count. Protecting you.

Let me be the one who saves you from your grief. Let me be the one who takes away the pain so that we can both be happy when life is through with us. When you love me, I will protect you.

The craziness of the world comes out of our love. There is nothing in life I desire to protect more than my little girl.

I need to protect your heart from being hurt. I need to be the one who shields you from the outside world. I need to be your safe harbour when storms roll in.

It is easy to protect everyone else, but I love you, so I need to be the one who protects you most.

I will take care of your heart. I will keep it safe and warm. It is mine forever. I will be there for all the bad and good times.

If you love me, that is enough to keep me from getting hurt in this world.

Let me stay with you forever. Let today become a day of endless love. I will be there to protect you forever.

The only thing I ask is that you love me back. Let me be your boyfriend and take care of you. Let is live happily ever after.

I promise to protect your heart and keep it safe. You are just as important to me as I am to you, and I will be the hero of our story.

The last thing I want is for you to get hurt in this world. I want to protect you and love you forever.

We will be together now and forever more. I will be your knight in shining armour and your hero. I will take care of you and protect you always.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Protecting you is all I want.

If it is okay with you, then I will be the one who protects your heart. I cannot let anyone else hurt my girl. I will hold onto you for all eternity.

If only I could wrap my arms around you and protect you from evil in this world. I will love you forever.

I feel so lucky to have you. You stand out among the crowd, but the thing I like most is that everyone loves you. You are an amazing human being, but most of all, I love your heart. I will protect it forever.

Mother Protecting Daughter Quotes

I will be your love and your hero. I am the only one who can protect you from the evil in the world.

As long as I can hold you, nothing else matters. I will never let anything get between us.

Your heart is all that matters to me. It is my mission to protect it for as long as I live.

I will be the one who takes care of you when bad things happen. Your heart is mine and I will protect it forever. I love you.

You are my life. You are the one I want to protect and make happy. You are my love, always and forever.

Nothing can ever change how much I love you, so let me be the one who protects your heart. Let me be there for you forever.

Let me take away all the pain and worry. Let me stay with you always. I will never let you down, so please stay with me forever.

I know I have kept things from you and caused you so much pain. Please forgive me. My only wish is to protect your heart and keep it safe.

Your love keeps me going, but nothing compares to when I look in your eyes and see your heart looking back at mine. I will always protect you, no matter what. I love you.

As long as we are together, we can get through anything. I will always protect your heart and keep it safe.

I love you more than anything in the world. Nothing hurts me more than when people try to make you feel bad. I will be your hero and take care of your heart forever.

I will always be there for you, no matter what happens. I will protect you and love you, always and forever.

The world would be better if everyone could let the people they love live happily ever after. I want to protect you from everything that hurts, so please stay with me forever.

I do not want flowers, I do not want gifts, I do not want anything for protecting you. All I want is for you to be happy. Ultimately, all that matters is that we are together and happy. Nothing else matters.

The world has many hurts, and I want to protect you from them. You are my life now and I will do anything to protect you.

As your heart is safe with me, so my heart is protected by you. That is the way it should be.

I cannot leave you. I won’t. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. It hurt too much to think about never being near you again.

I want to protect you from any harm that may befall you. I want to provide for and shelter you all time.

I promise my heart and soul to the one who protects me from harm, for the one who stands by me, who is there when I need them. I promise to stand by your side, always to love and support you.

Protect me with your love. Help me with my battles. I need you now more than ever; I need your love and protection.

Promise me that we will face it together no matter where our journeys take us, and I promise to do the same for the rest of our lives.

Despite the obstacles we will face, we will stand firm. I always promise to love and protect you.

With our hearts in hand, let us promise each other to be together forever.

Let me love and protect you forever. I will stand by your side through thick and thin until we are both laid to rest. I promise always to have your back.

My heart is yours; my soul is yours. I promise to love and protect you, to be there for you. To offer you shelter. I will be here through the good times and the bad.

Mother Protecting Her Daughter Quotes

I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You are a wonderful person with a big heart and it means so much to me that you are in my life. I love you so much and promise always to have your back and always be here for you. I love you.

You are my life now and I will do anything to protect you.

My heart is yours and only yours. If anything or anyone harms you, know that it will break my heart, but it won’t stop me from protecting you. You are the light to my darkness. You are my life now.

I promise to be your haven, love, light, laughter, and comfort.

As long as I have you in my life, I can make it through anything.

I promise to protect you from any harm that may befall you. I want to provide for and shelter you all time.

You are the haven where I can always come home to. You are the love that I need to survive. You are the light that keeps me going on the darkest days.

Nothing in this world matters more to me than being here, with you keeping your heart safe and protected.

I pledge to love, honour, cherish and protect you. To always have your back, never to leave your side.

My heart is yours. My body is yours. Do with me as you will . I am yours to love, cherish, and protect.

I want to be there for you, always hold your hand, hug, kiss you, and do whatever I can to ensure you are always happy and safe.

I promise to be with you through anything, from the good times to the bad. I promise to protect you from any harm.

No matter what happens in life, please know that no matter be it a good time or a bad time, I will always protect you.

With our hearts in hand, let us promise each other to be together forever. I promise to protect you from any harm that may befall you.

I promise to protect your heart, heart and soul. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, so please do not ever forget that.

You are the light of my life; my world is brutal to see without your touch. You are the one thing keeping me alive and I love you for it.

I will be here to love and protect you through anything.

You are the one thing keeping me alive. You are my life now and I will do anything to protect you.

I want to protect your heart, heart and soul. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you; please do not forget that.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. If it means protecting your heart, then so be it but know this. I will always be here.

I pledge to protect you from any harm that may befall you. I want to provide for and shelter you all time.

I will stand by your side through the good times and the bad. I will love and protect you no matter what.