Inspirational Quotes for Parents from Teachers

As a parent, it can be difficult to know how to motivate your child. Luckily, there are plenty of people who have been in your shoes before and are more than happy to offer some words of wisdom. Here are 20 inspirational quotes from teachers that will help you instill a love of learning in your child.

Inspirational Quotes for Parents from Teachers

“Parents should be their children’s first teachers, but teachers can and should assist parents in this task.”

“When parents and educators work together, the possibilities for children are endless.”

“Only by working with families to support their children’s education can we improve children’s lives.”

“If a teacher’s role is to nurture, ours as parents is to encourage risk-taking, self-confidence and curiosity.”

“Once we become parents, we are educators.”

“No person can be an effective parent unless that person is a good learner.”

“Parents are their children’s first teachers. Today, families expect schools to extend their children’s formal learning experience into the informal environment of the home.”

“The teacher-parent partnership is critical to the success of our young people. We must foster this partnership in every possible way.”

“Parents and educators have a shared responsibility for the success of our children. We must work together to achieve that success.”

“Parental involvement is the key to a child’s success in school.”

“Children succeed when their parents are involved in their education.”

“A parent is love is always an inspiration and a teacher’s work is always a satisfaction.”

“Parents and teachers working together can reverse the negative trends of our time that lead to low expectations and poor performance by students.”

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“Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. Without them, the children will not learn their first lessons.”

“Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. Their influence on their children must begin before birth and continue throughout life.”

“The best teachers have strong bonds with their parents.”

Inspirational Parent Teacher Meeting Quotes

“Parents have a unique role as educators. We must share our knowledge, skills, and expertise with our young people to enable them to achieve success.”

“Every child deserves an educated parent.”

“The best teacher-parent relationship is constantly nurturing and supportive by both sides. It is not a one-way road but a path that parents and teachers jointly travel.”

“Parents who provide verbal solid and non-verbal support for their children are more successful than those who do not. Children who have a positive self-concept beget better students.”

“Supportive home environments foster positive self-concepts and higher levels of achievement by students. Schools must work with parents to build such environments.”

” Parents who provide strong verbal and non-verbal support for their children are more successful than those who do not.”

“Teachers are the unsung heroes of our society. They significantly contribute to our young people is success but are rarely recognized for this vital role.”

“Parents’ involvement can inspire students to succeed.”

“Education exists because people are motivated to learn. Parents’ involvement can motivate students to work hard and learn what they need to be successful in life.”

“Parents are an essential part of the school community, and even those parents who have not had a great deal of formal education can still be invaluable partners in their children’s education.”

“Parents must be involved in their children’s education because parents know their children best. The parent-teacher partnership is critical to the success of our young people.”

“Parents’ involvement can inspire students to succeed. Our young people will succeed when their parents are involved in their education.”

“Parents with various educational experiences can help prepare their children to face a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive society.”

“To educate is to create. The teacher who creates an atmosphere for learning will have learners for a lifetime. Parents who create an environment where learning is valued will achieve lifelong learning for their children. Parents are the unsung heroes of our society.”

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“A parent is love is always an inspiration and a teacher’s work is always a satisfaction. It is the teachers who make a difference in their student is lives.”

“The best teacher-parent partnership is constantly nurturing and supportive by both sides. It is not a one-way road but a path that parents and teachers jointly travel.”

“Parents have a unique role as educators. Our responsibility is to share our knowledge, skills, and expertise with our young people to enable them to achieve success.”

Motivational Quotes for Parents Teaching at Home

“Supportive home environments foster positive self-concepts and higher levels of achievement by students. Schools must work with parents to build such environments. Parents who provide verbal solid and non-verbal support for their children are more successful than those who do not.”

“Parents are the unsung heroes of our society. They significantly contribute to our young people is success but are rarely recognized for this vital role.”

“It is the teachers who make a difference in their student is lives.”

“Parental involvement is the key to a child’s success in school. Parents must be involved in their children’s education.”

“Without them, the children will not learn their first lessons.”

“Parents, if you want to help your children in school, what you do on weekends and during vacations can be more important than what you do during the week.”

“Parents are too impatient with their children. Don’t hurry a child’s growth. Wait until she is old enough to understand what she is doing. By that time, she will probably be interested.”

“The essential link between school and home is not the textbook or the teacher but the family.”

“We should not expect students to succeed academically if they are not surrounded by adults who respect their potential.”

“Schools are meant to inspire. They are meant to stretch the minds of children, but how can they do that if we do not educate the parents along with the children?”

“The gap between what parents want for their children and what is happening in our public schools is staggering.”

“Parents who want to raise successful children need to spend more time with them.”

“Parents must teach their children the value of hard work.”

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“Every successful student knows the basics, not just math and language, but that there is more to life than school.”

“In every classroom where we can educate parents and teachers, it helps children to learn more, hold their attention longer,”

“If parents are not intensely engaged in how their children are being taught, then our schools will not be successful in creating teachers who will transform the lives of our children and communities.”

Motivational Quotes for Parents and Teachers

“Parents are responsible for being involved in their children’s education from the earliest grades.”

“If parents are struggling, get help. If you cannot get your child to do homework, get help. The kids do not realize how much they are missing because the parents cannot make it work.”

“Parents should want their kids to do well in school, not just for a job but because they will be happier, better people if they are successful.”

“Schools cannot successfully educate our children without parents’ participation.”

“Kids need a strong sense of identity. Parents should reinforce that by helping kids know where they come from and who they are.”

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“To succeed, you need a good foundation, so unless you give your child that solid foundation in her early years, it is hard for her to catch up to other kids later on. So parents must work with schools and ensure their children have that. Schools have to have parents who care.”

“My advice to parents is to stay involved in their children’s education and ensure that the schools do everything they can for their children.”

“If I could tell parents one thing, it would be: The most important thing you can do for your child is read with them daily. It will increase the likelihood that they will succeed in life.”