Play Dumb Quotes

A collection of the best “play dumb” quotes to help you fake innocence and get out of trouble. If you want to appear smart, it is sometimes best to play dumb. There is a lot of wisdom in playing dumb. Sometimes, it is the best course of action. Other times, it is a way to protect yourself. Here are some quotes about playing dumb that will make you think twice about feigning ignorance. These quotes show the power of feigning ignorance. The best play dumb quotes to help keep you positive and motivated throughout your day.

Play Dumb Quotes

“Always play dumb when you are the most intelligent person in the room.”

“There is a fine line between playing stupid and being stupid.”

“Sometimes it is just easier to play dumb.”

“The best way to fake intelligence is to play dumb.”

“Playing stupid is easy, but you must be competent to do it.”

“There is no shame in playing dumb. It is just harder to do it convincingly.”

“Sometimes playing dumb is the only way to get ahead.”

“Playing stupid is easy. The hard part is convincing everyone else that you are doing it on purpose.”

“There is nothing better than playing dumb unless you are really good at it.”

“Playing dumb doesn’t make you dumb. It makes you bright. It is just easier than trying to ace every test.”

“There is no better defense than playing stupid.”

“Playing dumb is a lot like playing dead. It is all about timing.”

“It may be easier to play dumb, but being smart gets you further in life.”

“Sometimes it is better to play dumb. But you have to be convincing if you are going to pull it off.”

“Playing dumb is no fun without a good excuse.”

“You can always play dumb if you are the most intelligent person in the room.”

“You cannot play smart if you do not think smart. You cannot play dumb if you try to overthink.”

“Sometimes playing stupid is wiser than trying to be innovative.”

“Playing round-the-bend gets you more credit than playing square-the-clock.”

“Playing dumb is easy, but you must be smart to do it convincingly.”

“Sometimes playing stupid is wiser than trying to be smart.”

“Playing round-the-bend gets you more credit than playing square-the-clock.”

“Playing stupid is easy, but you have to be smart to do it convincingly.”

“The real trick of playing dumb is convincing everyone else that you are doing it on purpose.”

“It may be easier to play dumb, but being smart gets you further in life.”

“The best way to play dumb is to fake intelligence, which requires a lot of practice.”

“The real trick of playing dumb is convincing everyone else that you are doing it on purpose.”

“There is nothing better than playing dumb unless you are really good at it.”

“Sometimes it may be easier to play dumb, but being smart gets you further in life.”

“Playing stupid doesn’t make you dumb. It makes you smart. It is just easier than trying to ace every test.”

“The beauty of playing dumb is that nobody can call you on it.”

“There is nothing wrong with playing dumb, as long as you do not actually are dumb.”

“The key to playing dumb is to know just enough to get by.”

“The best way to play dumb is to know just enough to be dangerous.”

“Playing dumb is like playing a game of chess: you have to know when to act stupid and when to be smart.”

“The secret to playing dumb is to know precisely what you are doing.”

” Playing dumb is easy. The hard part is making everyone believe you.”

“The trick to playing dumb is to appear as if you do not know anything, while still knowing everything.”

“Playing dumb is not about being dumb. It is about being smart enough to appear dumb.”

“There is an art to playing dumb, and the best players are the ones who make it look easy.”

“Playing dumb is easy. It is the pretending to be dumb that is hard.”

Quotes About Playing Dumb

“The key to playing dumb is to appear as if you do not know anything, while still knowing everything.”

“There is a fine line between playing stupid and being stupid.”

“The best way to play dumb is to appear like you are trying too hard not to appear stupid.”

“Playing dumb takes skill. Making everyone believe it takes talent.”

“You cannot assume that just because someone is stupid that they are also dumb.”

“Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is act like a fool.”

“Playing dumb might be an act, but it is a convincing one.”

“Playing dumb isn’t about being dumb, it is about not wanting to look smart.”

“Sometimes playing dumb is the only way to move ahead.”

“The secret to playing dumb is knowing when to act stupid and when to be smart.”

“The trick to playing dumb is appearing as if you do not know anything while still knowing everything.”

“Playing dumb is like play-acting. You have to know when to be stupid and when to be smart.”

“Even the most intelligent people can act dumb under the right circumstances.”

“There is no shame in playing dumb. It just means you are better at it than most people.”

“Sometimes it is just easier to play dumb.”

“Playing dumb requires more expertise than it does talent.”

“There is no shame in playing dumb. It is just harder to do so convincingly.”

“The secret to playing dumb is knowing when to be stupid and when to be innovative.”

“The key to playing dumb is knowing when to act stupid and when to be smart.”

“If you overthink, you get in trouble. But if you play dumb, people think you are not smart.”

“You can always play dumb if you try to think too much.”

“There is nothing better than playing dumb, except for maybe playing dead.”

“It may be easier to play dumb, but being smart will get you further in life.”

“Some things are better left unsaid than said stupidly.”

“The key to playing dumb is knowing just enough to get by.”

“Playing stupid is better than trying too hard not to be stupid.”

“Sometimes the smartest thing you can do is act like a fool.”

“It is easy to appear too stupid to understand.”

“The secret to playing dumb is knowing precisely what you are doing.”

“Sometimes you have to play stupid in order not to look stupid.”

I Play Dumb Quote

“Playing dumb is easy. The hard part is convincing everyone else that you are doing it on purpose.”

“The key to playing dumb is pretending like you are trying too hard not to appear stupid.”

“The secret to playing dumb is knowing just enough to get by.”

“A good player always knows when to play dumb and when not to. A good player also knows when it is time to stop playing dumb.”

“Playing dumb is easy. The hard part is knowing when you are supposed to be stupid and pretending that you are not being stupid.”

“The key to playing dumb is knowing what you are doing and making everyone else believe that you do not.”

“The trick to playing dumb is appearing as if you do not know anything, while still knowing everything.”

“There is nothing wrong with playing dumb, as long as you do not are dumb.”

“Sometimes being stupid can help you get ahead.”

“The beauty of playing dumb is that nobody can call you on it.”

“Playing dumb is easy. The hard part is making everyone believe you.”

“The key to playing dumb is appearing as if you do not know anything while still knowing everything.”

“The key to playing dumb is knowing what you are doing and making everyone else believe that you do not.”

“Playing dumb takes skill. Making everyone believe it takes talent.”

“Sometimes being a fool is the best way to get people to think you are smart.”

“Playing dumb is often the smartest thing you can do.”

“You know, sometimes the smartest thing you can do is play stupid.”

“Sometimes the best way to be smart is to act stupid.”

“Sometimes being stupid can make you look really clever.”

“Sometimes playing dumb can be the most brilliant move you ever make.”

“Sometimes you have to be a fool to get people to think you are wise.”

“If you want people to think you are smart, act dumb.”

“It is more intelligent sometimes to play stupid.”

“You can be so dumb that the only way someone will think of you as smart is if they know that it really is a clever disguise.”

“Sometimes the best thing to do is act stupid.”

“The smartest thing to do is sometimes the stupidest thing you can do.”

Play Stupid Quotes

“It is often the most intelligent people who are called dumb.”

“Sometimes the most intelligent way to be smart is by playing dumb.”

“Playing smart sometimes means being a little dumb.”

“Sometimes being dumb can make you look brilliant.”

“The dumbest thing you can do sometimes plays stupid.”

“Sometimes being a fool is the smartest thing you can do.”

“Sometimes it is wiser to play stupid than try to be intelligent.”

“Sometimes it is the most intelligent people who are called dumb.”

“Playing dumb sometimes is the most brilliant move a person can make.”

“Sometimes playing stupid can make you look really clever.”

“The smartest thing to do sometimes is to play stupid.”

“Some people think it is intelligent to play dumb, but it often backfires.”

“Being smart sometimes means playing dumb.”

“Sometimes the most intelligent people are called dumb.”

“Sometimes the best way to be smart is by acting stupid.”

“Playing dumb isn’t being stupid, it is acting clever.”

“Sometimes playing stupid makes you look brilliant.”

“People think that playing stupid is a lot smarter than it is.”

“Sometimes it takes being stupid to be intelligent.”

“Sometimes the most competent people act the dumbest.”

“I have realized that sometimes the smartest thing I can do is act dumb.”

“You get to be clever by acting stupid sometimes.”

“The best way to be bright sometimes is to act stupid.”

“Sometimes the only way to be smart is to play stupid.”

Playing Stupid Quotes

“Some people think being stupid is dumb, but it is a very clever disguise.”

“Sometimes playing dumb can sometimes be the thing that makes you bright.”

“Sometimes playing stupid can make you look very clever.”

“Being dumb isn’t always bad; sometimes, it can make you look pretty smart.”

“Sometimes being stupid can make you look really smart.”

“The most intelligent people aren’t usually the ones that are called smart.”

“Sometimes playing dumb is the smartest thing you can do.”

“Sometimes the most thoughtful way to be smart is to act stupid.”

“It is a good idea to act dumb sometimes to look intelligent.”

“It is smarter to play stupid sometimes than try to be clever.”

“Playing stupid sometimes is the smartest thing you can do.”

“Sometimes playing dumb is being smart.”

“Sometimes it is better to play dumb to look intelligent.”

“Take a little time off to play stupid. Often that is very intelligent.”