Moss Quotes Gathering Moss Quotes

Moss quotes are often quotations that describe mosses in various ways. Some of the most well-known moss quotes include: “A mossy path may lead you to a forgotten secret,” and “A little bit of moss on the window sill makes a pleasant addition.

Mossy moss is a common ground for many plants and animals. It is a source of water, food, and protection from the sun. moss quotes often explore how moss affects the environment and people.

Moss quotes are a type of favorite quotation because they can be found everywhere. They are often used to show how moss is just like our own individual personalities.

“The granularity of bones in a body. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

Moss Quotes

“The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The rolling stone gathers no moss. but it still has momentum.” ― Ankala Subbarao

“All of life is just a shadow play. Moss is a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“It is a strange thing to be loved by one person and rejected by another.” ― Unknown

“A dying of the light is also a dying of the heart.” ― Unknown

“There is no love, there is only moss.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss does not care who eats it’s flesh. It only wants to be eaten.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“History is the story of dead heroes. Moss is the knowledge of the living.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“We are all moss that blooms upon a rolling stone.” ― James Hogg

“The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence. Moss is not a seed but a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“You can change your name, but never the moss beneath your feet.” ― Margaret Atwood

“Moss knows nothing of beauty. It is the silent knowledge all creatures share.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss does not care who eats it’s flesh. It only wants to be eaten. The moss knows nothing of beauty. It is the silent knowledge all creatures share. It is the knowledge of who we are.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss, like a fable in the mountains, knows everything that has ever happened and always will .” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss does not die, but grows in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

“The moss does not die. It goes on growing in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss. Life is not longing for the grave.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“All life is a shadow play. Moss is a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss does not die. It goes on growing in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

“The moss does not die, but grows in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss knows nothing of beauty. It is the silent knowledge all creatures share. It is the knowledge of who we are.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss knows nothing of beauty. It is the silent knowledge all creatures share. ” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“All life is a shadow play. Moss is a silent knowledge. The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence. A forest with galaxies of moss.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“All life is a shadow play. Moss is a silent knowledge. Movable atoms and moving electrons. Moss knows nothing of beauty. It is a silent knowledge all creatures share. It is the knowledge of who we are..” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss knows nothing of beauty, it is the silent knowledge all creatures share. ” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Without an open heart a hand cannot hold anything, including moss.” –Smita M. Jain

“Moss is not dead and must be maintained.” ― Paul Varnell

“Moss cannot be counted on to keep it’s ground. It does not want an identity. It never speaks.” ― Anais Nin

“Even the confidence of stones is less certain than the silence of moss.” ― Mughal Emperor Babur

“A body is a forest with galaxies of moss. A graveyard with petalled graves.” ― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

“Old friends are like moss. You look down and they are still there.” ― Tom Robbins

“The heart of stones is moss.” ― Mughal Emperor Babur

“Moss is the silent wisdom of rocks.” ― Mughal Emperor Babur

“Rock remains rock, but moss is forever in suspense, striving to become rock again and again.” –P. Varnell

“A body without a clear purpose is like moss: it grows no flowers, produces no fruit and has no shade. A person without a passion is like a tree without roots: no fruit, leaves or branches.” ― Anais Nin

“Moss is not withering, it is taking rest. Moss never fears drought and famine.” ― Paul Varnell

“The stone does not fear the storm, but moss trembles in it’s presence.” ― Paul Varnell

“The moss does not fear the storm and the river’s flow. What is of value are the roots that hold it down.” ― Paul Varnell

Gathering Moss Quotes

“Moss is a settled mind, a settled heart. Moss is the first to know there are no victories in this world. But moss lives through all weathers, and because of this, moss knows everything.” ― Anais Nin

“The identity of rocks is not clear to anyone besides the one who created them.” ― Paul Varnell

“All thinking that occurs long after it has been forgotten is like a tree with moss on it’s roots. It may be beautiful, but it cannot last.” ― Anais Nin

“Moss—a silent knowledge. Its existence is not in the mind. It is a silent presence.” ― Paul Varnell

“The root of moss is strong and continuous like the roots of trees.” ― Mughal Emperor Babur

“The root of moss is strong like the roots of trees.” –Anais Nin

“Moss can never be pulled up. It has no fear of drought and famine.” ― Paul Varnell

“Moss is a silent knowledge. It is existence is not in the mind. It is a silent presence.” ― Paul Varnell

“Rocks are violent, but moss is peaceful. Rocks are like weapons, but moss has always been a testimony to peace.” ― Paul Varnell

“The moss cannot be counted on. It never accepts an identity. It doesn’t want to speak to anyone. It is not plain, nor beautiful. It doesn’t have a name.” ― Anais Nin

“A person who is not afraid of the silence of rocks and the moss is one who has joyously embraced life.” ― Anais Nin

“The moss cannot be counted on to keep it’s ground. It does not want an identity. It never speaks. It just lives it’s suspended life, growing and living in the silence.” ― Anais Nin

“The moss cannot be counted on to keep it’s ground. It does not want an identity. It never speaks.” –Anais Nin

“A body without a clear purpose is like moss: it grows no flowers, produces no fruit and has no shade. A person without a passion is like a tree without roots: no fruit, leaves or branches. A spirit without a body is like a cloud in the sky: no roots, just vapor.” ― Anais Nin

“All of life is just a shadow play. Moss is silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss is not dead and must be maintained.” –Paul Varnell

“Moss cannot be counted on to keep it’s ground. It does not want an identity. It never speaks.” –Anais Nin

“Old friends are like moss. You look down and they are still there.” –Tom Robbins

“The heart of stones is moss.” –Mughal Emperor Babur

“Moss is the silent wisdom of rocks.” –Mughal Emperor Babur

“The moss does not fear the storm and the river’s flow. What is of value are the roots that hold it down.” –Paul Varnell

“Moss is a settled mind, a settled heart. Moss is the first to know there are no victories in this world. But moss lives through all weathers, and because of this, moss knows everything.” –Anais Nin

“Rocks are violent, but moss is peaceful. Rocks are like weapons, but moss has always been a testimony to peace.” –Paul Varnell

“The moss cannot be counted on. It never accepts an identity. It doesn’t want to speak to anyone. It is not plain, nor beautiful. It doesn’t have a name.” –Anais Nin

“Moss can never be pulled up. It has no fear of drought and famine. Moss can never be uprooted.” –Paul Varnell

“Moss is peace. Moss is victory. Moss is joy. Moss is beautiful.” –Paul Varnell

“It is the moss that holds the river, the water, and everything together in the world.” –Paul Varnell

“The moss cannot be counted on to keep it’s ground. It does not want an identity. It never speaks. It just lives it’s suspended life, growing and living in the silence. It is the only one who knows everything.” –Anais Nin

“The rolling stone rolls echoing from rock to rock; but the rolling stone is dead. The moss is silent because the moss is alive.” ― G.K. Chesterton

“A rolling stone gathers no moss . . but it sure gathers momentum. ” ― Ankala Subbarao

“The rolling stone gathers no moss, but it gathers momentum.” ― Ankala Subbarao

“The moss grows silent because it’s roots reach into the cosmic silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“Moss is a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss grows silently. It does not die. It does not grow old.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss Quotes

“Trees grow in silence and mosses grow silent in their silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss is a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The grass does not die but it does become silent.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“You cannot hear the voice of the moss, but you can feel it’s touch upon your skin. You cannot see the sight of the moss, but you can smell it’s freshness in the air.” ― Natsume Souseki

“I want to be a tree who looks at the forest and feels all of it’s moss green.” ― Haruki Murakami

“The rolling stone gathers no moss. but it sure gathers momentum.” ― Ankala Subbarao

“The rolling stone gathers no moss, but it does gather momentum.” ― Malka Subramanian Kanta

“But a rolling stone doesn’t gather any moss. and it sure doesn’t gather any momentum.” ― Ankala Subbarao

“I cannot feel the touch of the moss – I can only see it. But it is there and I can feel it’s presence everywhere around me.” ― Natsume Souseki

“The moss grows silently, as if in a coma, while all around it twine the tendrils of flowers and plants. The grass does not die but grows silent. The trees do not die, but go on growing in the silence. The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss does not die, but goes on growing in the silence.”

“The moss grows silent because it’s root reaches into the cosmic silence. The trees grow silent because their roots reach into the cosmic silence. The grass grows silent because it’s root reaches into the cosmic silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The rolling stone gathers no moss — but it sure gathers momentum.” ― Malka Subramanian Kanta

“The grass does not die, but it does become silent. The trees do not die, but it does become silent. The moss does not die, but it goes on growing in the silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“You can hear the voice of the moss. It is very still and silent, so still that you can hardly hear it.” ― Natsume Souseki

“The light water of the river flows through my mind. I want to be a tree which looks at the forest and feels all of it’s moss green. I want to be that still water flowing beneath the forest.” ― Haruki Murakami

“The moss is silent because the moss is alive.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“We are not here in order to be comfortable. We are here in order to develop, to grow, to evolve. We are here to see with our own eyes.” ― Albert Einstein

“The moss is silent because it is roots reach into the cosmic silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“All of life is just a shadow play.” ― Camille Paglia

“The grass has to have oxygen and water to grow. Any other time, it dies, and doesn’t grow back.” ― Steven Jobs

“Silence leaves us in a vacuum of our own thoughts, those are our two companions on the road.” ― G.K. Chesterton

“The moss grows silent because it’s roots reach into the cosmic silence. And like the roots of a tree, it’s spirit never dies. It goes deeper and deeper into the earth and finds it’s place in the same soil. And it becomes so deeply at home there, that death itself becomes a subject of great interest to it.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“In a universe where everyone is constantly watching everyone else, your personal moment of silence becomes an opportunity to be strange.” ― G.K. Chesterton

“The moss reaches deep into the earth and into silence. And it becomes so deeply at home there, that death itself becomes a subject of great interest to it.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss is silent because the moss is alive. The moss does not die. It goes deeper and deeper into the earth, and becomes more and more at home in silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss reaches deep into the earth and into silence. And it becomes so deeply at home there, that death itself becomes a subject of great interest to it. And the moss becomes more and more at home in silence.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it gathers momentum. The rolling stone gathers no moss, but it gathers momentum. The foam becomes the sea, and the sea becomes the world.” ― Ankala Subbarao

“We are here to see with our own eyes.” ― Albert Einstein

It is still there, even when you are not looking at it. Just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. All of life is a shadow play. Moss is a silent knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

“The moss has to have oxygen and water to grow. Any other time, it dies, and doesn’t grow back.” ― Steven Jobs

“The granularity of bones in a body. A forest with galaxies of moss. The granularity of a body, the granularity of a skull. And the silent galaxies within.” ― Ankala Subbarao