Love Protection Quotes

Looking for some protection quotes to help you feel loved and supported? Check out our collection of quotes about love and protection. Love Protection Quotes to keep your love safe and strong. Enjoy our collection of pretty, inspiring, and heartwarming quotes about love and protection.

Love Protection Quotes

You are my world, and I cherish every minute because whatever happens, I will love and protect you.

I will protect your heart, defend it from all outside forces, and keep it safe and open for love to come in.

No matter what else happens, I will always put you first. When there is trouble, I will be there for you; when things are scary, I will be your rock. When things are lovely and beautiful, I will make them even better.

I will be there, even if it is just a whisper away, protecting your heart with my love. If we lose each other in the world, I will always stand with you.

If you believe, I will protect you. If you care, I will love you. And if we are together, nothing can ever touch us both. It is a promise, a guarantee full of fire and passion. It is my promise to you.

My love, I will protect your heart. Like a warrior protecting his tribe, I will guard your heart as my own.

I swear by the moon and stars that I will be with you forever and always love you and never leave, no matter what life throws at us, that the only one who holds power over me is the one who holds your love. I will protect you.

If you want to be with me forever, I will protect you, no matter what happens. That is my job, and mine alone. I will remain by your side even if the world turns against you and attacks you.

I will protect and defend your heart from all the pain that life can throw at it. I will defend it from itself as well.

There is so much power in our love that we can overcome anything. I could be the last thing standing between you and the devil himself. I will stay, no matter what happens. Even if it means I have to sacrifice myself.

I’d rather die than lose your love… I will protect your heart with all my might.

I would do anything for you, protect you, even if it was the last thing I do on this earth. Having you in my life is the only thing that makes it worth living.

I will protect you with my very soul, even if that means losing myself in the process. I will fight for you, even if I have to give my life. It is what love does.

When my life is over and my story has been written, I want to pass down a legacy of love. Forever yours, I will protect you under the stars and around the moon. Until our last days, this is me loving you.

Under the rain and snow, through every storm, we will be together. Through every tragedy life throws at us, we will stand strong. I will fight for you if it is the last thing I do.

I need to be your protector, your shield that keeps you from harm. I need to be the one who fights on your behalf when the world turns against you.

I will do whatever it takes to protect you and keep you safe. I will give my life, heart and soul if that is what it takes.

When you love me, I will protect you, no matter what. And it doesn’t matter who comes at you or tries to hurt you; I will never let them touch one hair on your head.

I will protect you from the darkness that is trying to get in. I will be there for you as long as we are together. If the whole world is against you, I will stand by your side and fight them all.

Love and Protection Quotes

I will protect you with my life. I will be by your side through any storm, fire or darkness, fighting for us to stay together.

I cannot promise that we will never have bad days or that life will always be good. But I promise to try my best to protect you from whatever comes our way.

You are my love and I want to hold you in my arms forever. To protect you with all my might. I will be there, under the rain, snow and any other storm. You are all that matters to me.

If my destiny is to die protecting you, then so be it. I will not waiver in my protection of you and will fight for you until the end of time, just like a knight.

I am here for your protection, always by your side. I want to shield you from the outside world. I want to be the one who keeps you safe and sound. This is me loving you.

You are my love, my life, my entire world. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you safe. To protect you and defend your heart.

I will still love you even if the whole world turns against us. I will protect you forever. I will do anything for you.

Protecting my heart is my way of loving you and leaving an everlasting mark on your heart that you can never forget. This is me loving you.

When I am gone, I want to be the one who protected and defended your heart from the nightmares of the world. That is what love does.

I will protect you forever, no matter what happens. I swear by the moon and stars that someday we will be together, even if it means my life. I love you.

There is nothing on this earth that could separate us. If there is a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or flood, nothing will get in the way of my protection of you.

I need to be your safe harbour in life. I need to be the one who you run to when things are bad. I want to be where you can hide when the world comes crashing down around you. I need to protect your heart.

I am here for your protection. I am here to be the one who takes care of you and puts a smile back on your face.

I want you to be safe and protected from the world’s cruelty. All I want is to be the one who takes care of you. This is me loving you.

If any evil or danger tries to sink it’s teeth into your soul, I will be there to protect you. You do not even have to ask. This is me loving you.

I will fight for you to the end of my days, no matter what. I will never give up on protecting you, even if your heart is on the chopping block. I will protect your heart with all my might.

I swear I will be here to protect you from any pain and agony life throws us. No matter what comes our way, I will be there. This is me loving you.

I cannot promise that our lives will be easy and filled with blessings, but I will do everything I can to ensure you are protected and safe. That is my job.

I do not want to be the reason you are sad or hurt. I do not want to be why things fall apart in your life. But if that is what it takes for me to protect you, then so be it.

I will protect your heart from any demons lying in wait for you. I will never let you come to harm. You came into my life and changed it; now, I just want to protect you.

I do not care what the world throws at us; I will always be here for your protection. Remember that I will be here for you no matter how bad things get.

I need to protect your heart from all the evil in this world. If anyone tries to hurt you, I will be there to defend you.

I want to be there for whatever life throws at you. I want to be the one protecting your heart, fighting on your behalf and defending you no matter what.

I will protect you forever and never let anything bad happen to you. I will fight for you no matter how hard it gets. This is me loving you.

Protect My Loved Ones Quotes

I will always be here to protect you, whether it is from outside forces or inner demons. I need to be the one who keeps my eye on your heart. I am your protector.

I will be here to protect you from the world and our inevitable bad days. I will stand by your side no matter what happens to you.

When the demons come for you, there is only one man that I want to be on your side. No force can get in between my love for you and my protection of you. I will always be by your side, fighting for our love no matter what.

If it is my fate to die protecting you, I will die a happy man. I will give everything I have to protect you and keep you safe. This is me loving you.

You are my everything, the one person that makes me feel complete. I need to protect your heart from all the evil in the world.

When life throws it’s punches at us, there is only one man I want to be on your side. No force will deter me from protecting you. I will be there, fighting for us no matter what.

I will protect you with my life no matter the cost. I will never give up on loving you and defending your heart to the end of time.

Yes, I will love you. If it is my destiny to die protecting you, then so be it. I will die a happy man because I have protected and defended your heart from the evil in this world. This is me loving you.

I will always protect you; I am here when the world is too much for you. I am here for you no matter what happens to us.

My heart is yours, and I want to be the one who will fight for your heart with all my might. This is me loving you.

I will fight for you, protect you, and never give up. Our love is worth fighting for.

Loving you means that I will fight for your heart no matter what. It means I want to guard your heart against all the evil in the world. I will never give up on you and always protect you.

I want to be the one fighting by your side, protecting your heart from all of life is pain. You are my everything and I want to give myself to you completely. I will fight for us, guard your heart and love you until my dying breath.

My heart is committed to yours. When I tell you that your love is worth fighting for, I mean it with everything in me. No matter what. I will fight for our love until the end of time.

I will do anything to protect your heart. It is my job to shield you from all the bad in the world. I will always be here for you, no matter what happens.

I want to be the only man you can turn to when life is too much to bear. So be it if it is my fate to give everything for your heart. I want you to know that I will always be here for you.

I want to be the only man you can turn to when life is too much to bear. No matter what comes our way, I will be here by your side, fighting for our love no matter what.