Life Is Not Fair Quotes – Sometimes Life Is Unfair

It is a life lesson that life is not fair. It does not matter if you are rich, poor, skinny, fat or have any other life circumstance in between. Everyone has their share of life is unfair moments and it can be hard to keep your head up when life hands you lemons. This blog post will provide quotes about life being unfair to help lift your spirits during these times!

It can be hard to believe life is not fair sometimes. These life is not fair quotes show that life isn’t always easy and things do not always go your way. We all have obstacles in our life, but we should never give up hope!

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is never fair. Imagine if we all had the same amount of good luck health and opportunity!”

“Life is not a fair game; you do what it takes, and in the end, no one goes home with empty hands.”

“Every day is a positive thing, whether it be the tiny speckles on your sunglasses or that one stray hair you found in your soup.”

“Life is a cruel mistress, and it can be hard to watch as she takes her unfair toll on the unsuspecting.”

“It is often said that if you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.”

“I come here not as a politician but as the woman who has had her fair share of life is knocks.”

“Life is unfair, and that may be a good thing for most of us.”

“Life may not be fair, but it is a constant that will never change.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is not fair, but it has never been. The morning struggles to bring the sun back repeatedly with the icy determination that will be rewarded in time.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“I come here not as a polished politician but as someone who has had her fair share of life is knocks.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Good things are about to happen. Keep your head up, and you will be glad that today was the day when everything changed for you.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is not always fair. Anyone who says it is, or even that life should indeed be honest, maybe a fool or worse.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is not fair; in the end, you are going home alone with nothing to show for all your hard work.”

Life Is So Unfair Quotes

“Life is bitter and sweet, but we can always look at the upside when it is not going well.”

“I come here not as a polished politician but with the perspective of someone who has had her fair share of life is knocks.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“If life were fair, would we truly appreciate the many blessings that our unlucky peers enjoy?”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“It is never fair. It is a dirty word which I will thank you for not using around me.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is not fair, yet you do what it takes, and in the end, only one person goes home with empty hands.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“When life is sweet, say thank you and enjoy. When life is bitter, use it as a learning experience to grow from your mistakes.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“It is a good idea to look for something positive every day, even if some days you have to search harder than others.”

“Life is not fair to many people. All we can do at the end of it all is hope for a better tomorrow and try again with empty hands.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is not always fair, but the morning continues to dawn even if it is been raining.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“One day, God will settle the score. He is going to right all wrongs and give justice where it is due- so who can get a better judge than him?”

“Life is not fair, and it never will be. But the morning still rises in determined hope of a better day to come.”

“Life is a journey that often takes the shortest route, but this does not make it easy. It is always best to take the more difficult path if you want something fair in return for your efforts.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“The shortest way is usually the foulest, but what about the fairer route? It might not be much longer.”

“Life is unfair. Sometimes it is not, but sometimes life takes a turn for the better, and you do not want to let that opportunity pass by!”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“I have had my fair share of life is knocks and come here not as a polished politician but just like you.”

Life Is So Unfair Quotes

“There are thousands of reasons not to go back. The only reason for going is because it broke you, and that is why the pain feels so good.”

“Life is not fair, so you do what it takes, and at the end of a long day, only one person gets to go home with empty hands.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is a harsh and unfair reality. Those who say it should be fair are either foolish or worse for not realizing that life cannot always go as planned.”

“Life is never fair. Sometimes it can be a blessing, but most of the time, you are better off not being lucky enough to have life work out in your favor.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is like a path, the shortest one usually being the dirtiest. The fairest way isn’t about much either.”

“Life is unfair, and I will be the first to admit that. But there are ways of circumventing this if you take a step back from everyday life – almost as though it is not happening all around us!”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“In a world where life is unfair, it should be no surprise that sometimes we get lucky.”

“Life is not fair, but the morning seems determined to provide a new day until it does.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“God is always with you, even in the most challenging times. He helps us to be patient and strong – so who can get better justice than God?”

Life Is Unfair Quote

“It is not a fair world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either naive or just plain wrong.”

“The morning seems determined to dawn, no matter how unfair life may be.”

“I come here not as a polished politician but rather, an experienced woman who has had to endure the hardships of life.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is never a bed of roses. But if it was, what incentive would there be to work hard for success and happiness when everything comes so quickly?”

“The shortest way in life is commonly the foulest, and indeed the fairer way isn’t much.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Nothing in life is fair. Fair doesn’t exist, and I will thank you not to use that language around me either.”

“Life is not fair, and it is hard to hear dirty words.”

“Life is the same as a roller coaster, it might be unfair at times, but you have to remember that sometimes life can favor your journey.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“The morning is an unyielding force that seeks to raise even against the most relentless of darkness.”

“I have had my fair share of life is knocks and come here not as a polished politician but just like you.”

Life Is Not Fair Quotes

“Life is unfair but doesn’t forget that there are times when it is in your favor. I come here not as a polished politician but with the perspective of someone who has had her fair share of life is knocks.”

“Life is unfair, but remember that sometimes things happen in your favor.”

Life is not fair and that life should be like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get, but usually it is something you do not want. I think life would be better if there were rules and we could all understand them before they happen.