I Admire Your Strength: A Collection of Quotes

After all you have been through, you are still standing. I admire your strength. No matter what life throws your way, you always manage to keep a smile on your face. You are an inspiration to all of us, and I admire your strength.

I Admire Your Strength

I have learned that a sense of humor is a significant source of strength. And someday, when things are tough, the only thing that will get you through is your sense of humor.

Trouble is a result of the destruction of inner strength.

If you want to see the world as it is, look at it through the eyes of a person with inner strength.

Strength is not the ability to overcome difficulties. Strength is the ability to face them.

The most beautiful people I have met in this world have known trials and tribulations but carry on with their lives, finding the strength to smile and love the people around them.

You know when you feel down that you can make a change if you want to. You have to look at the positive side of things.

You have the power to change your life. You can do, have and be almost anything you want. Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.

 There are two ways of exerting one is strength: one is pushing down, and the other is pulling up.

 Inner strength is the ability to be flexible and make life changes, learn from it and go on.

You are powerful. You have the power to attract anything you want. This power has been given to you by your Creator. It is called destiny, fate, or divine purpose.

 Never allow anyone to tell you that you cannot do something because it is too difficult. Never give up, no matter how matters look at any point in your life.

 You may have to walk through some challenging situations before reaching the other side. But if you make it there, you will be stronger than ever.

 To be strong involves having the ability to make decisions that suit your needs at present.

 Strength is the ability to let go of the past and to be present in the present moment.

An ounce of strength is worth a pound of weakness. It is always better to lose in a battle than not try. It could make all the difference in your life whether or not you become what you want to be.

 Even when you feel you are weak, you are still strong.

 It is through the strength that we earn the right to be happy and to enjoy life.

 No matter how hard life may get, how many obstacles are in your way, or how much pain you may have to endure―you can still choose what kind of person you want to be.

 Blessed is the man who knows his strength and decides not to use it.

 How we perceive our strengths and weaknesses and how passionate we are about growth will determine our success in life.

 Being assertive is not about always being right. It is about getting over it, dusting yourself up when you fall and moving on.

 The strength of the whip is in the tongue. (meaning: speech has the power to hurt or heal)

 Strength is about knowing what to do when it is not easy. It is about having the courage to do things even when it hurts and appreciating that difficult times will eventually pass.

You are strong. You can overcome all of your problems and challenges. You can do anything you want if you believe in yourself and think positively.

Strength comes from within, not from without.

 It is a strength that allows a man to resist his weaknesses. And it is a weakness that makes him vulnerable to the temptations of others.

 Strength is the ability to stand up when you are knocked down.

A man may be strong and in physical condition but still very weak when facing his fears and following his dreams.

 Words and thoughts are potent energy sources that can destroy or create. But they can never alter the inherent power of your true nature.

 The essential thing in life is to know that you have the power to make a difference.

 Strong people can control their desires and live according to their values and beliefs, regardless of what others say or do.

 The difference between strength and weakness is about visualization and commitment. Weak people focus on their problems and failures. Strong people focus on success and achievement.

I Admire Your Strength Quotes

 An ounce of flexibility is worth a ton of strength.

 Strength is the ultimate ability to struggle when everything seems lost.

 Be strong because it makes you realize the power you have inside yourself to succeed in life despite all the adversities you may face.

 Strength is the ability to be flexible and make life changes, learn from it and go on.

True strength comes from your determination not to give up, no matter how hopeless a situation looks. It is the will to fight adversity until you end up victorious.

 Hope lights a path followed only by solid hearts.

 The time of most significant gain in wisdom and inner strength is often that of most incredible difficulty.

It is not about winning or losing a battle but about having the courage to fight for your dreams.

Strength is the ability to overcome fear and embrace courage.

 True strength comes from within and does not depend on your physical abilities.

 It is not always strength that wins, but the will to win.

Strength is not measured by physical strength but by the ability to surmount all obstacles.

 There are two ways of exerting one is strength: one is pushing down, and the other is pulling up.

Before reaching the other side, you may have to walk through some complicated situations. But if you make it there, you will be stronger than ever.

 Strength is about choosing between what is best for you and what others want. It is essential to know the difference between your own strength and the strength of others.

Strength is about knowing what to do when it is not easy. It is about having the courage to do things even when it hurts and appreciating that difficult times will eventually pass.

 True strength comes from your determination not to give up, no matter how hopeless a situation looks.

 Strength is the ability to be flexible and make life changes, learn from it and go on.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. That is strength when you go through hardships and decide not to surrender.

We can change our circumstances; we cannot control everything that happens. But we can choose how we respond to what we encounter and affect our events.

If you are at peace with yourself, then you are already strong. And when you can easily accept what is happening now, your power is impressive.

Strength means the ability to change circumstances.

When you realize that you no longer need to hold on to fear and worry and that you can just let them go, you are suddenly able to draw upon immense inner strength.

Sometimes, our light goes out but is blown into flame again by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.

Strength comes in many forms; it is not always physical, but often it is.

Having a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself and see the irony in life are great strengths that allow you to face challenges with courage.

I Admire Your Strength and Resilience

To find inner strength and peace, you must be able to support yourself. To do that, you must be able to help others in similar circumstances.

One of the most significant challenges we all face is that we are often in turmoil within but outwardly appear calm. Outwardly appearing calm may not necessarily reflect reality inside.

You have power over your mind―not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

There is no shame in having a sense of humor. It is quite a blessing. Humor has the power to lighten your spirit and open your mind to new possibilities as you face challenges in all areas of life.

As you practice living with self-acceptance and true strength, you will realize that you have already realized the greatest strength that matters most: the ability to accept one moment at a time.

One of the most significant sources of inner strength is suffering. Suffering has the power to transform fear into love, hate into compassion, hostility into understanding, and isolation into connection.

The mystery is not that we should suffer so much but that we can endure so much suffering. It is some hidden strength, and I think, in a way, that it is God-given.

When you have a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself and see the irony in life, you can face challenges with courage.

The stronger your will , the stronger you become.

Anything is possible if you put your strength into it.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

We are made strong by the difficulties we have to endure.

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty.

The rope of kindness is made of fibers drawn out of the heart of a friend. It is strong enough to support the weight of the world.

The strongest among men are indeed those whose hearts are touched by compassion.

The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.

There is no greater power in the world than the strength of a woman who turns away from temptation for the love of her children.

I Admire Your Strength and Courage Quotes

There is a quiet strength deep inside you that only you can access.

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

The strength of a thousand men is often hidden in the heart of one.

A strong person never has to prove his strength. He only has to be.

The strength of a man lies not in how hard he can hit but rather in how hard he can get hit and keep moving forward.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. That is strength when you go through hardships and decide not to surrender.

It is easy to be strong when you have nothing to fear or lose. When you have everything to lose, give me a call and I will help you find your inner strength.

Strength is not the ability to break the fall. It is the ability to fly after you have fallen.

Your greatest strength lies within yourself – your courage, power, and ability to overcome adversity. And they all come from the heart. You do not need the approval of others, only from yourself.

The strength of the heart is a thousandfold more excellent than the strength of the body.

If you cannot find your inner strength, look at your outer situation and realize that there will never be any problems more remarkable than what you are will ing to cope with.

The strength of a thousand men is often hidden in the heart of one.

A strong person is not defined by how many times they fall but rather by how many times they stand back up and continue forward.

Having a hard life does not mean you are a weak person. It means you are brave and strong.

Strength is not the ability to break the fall. It is the ability to fly after you have fallen.

Be brave like a lion, even if all your friends stay home and keep crying. Be strong like a tiger, even if everyone around you wants to run away and hide in the corner.

Be strong even when your world is falling apart. Remember that everything in life isn’t what it seems to be. Be strong and carry on.

Be strong, you are the guardian of your heart and no one can hurt you without your permission.

Strength to me means not giving up, having faith in yourself and trust in God, and believing even when it seems like there is no possible way something will work out.

Strength is not the ability to break the fall. It is the ability to fly after you have fallen.

Strength is the ability to overcome your fears, seek out your strengths and develop them further. Strength is never satisfied with what you have achieved. It always wants more.

Strength is when you stand up and say, ‘I am not afraid because I m strong enough to face my fear.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Keep going!

Be strong, you are the guardian of your heart and no one can hurt you without your permission.

Be brave like a lion, even if all your friends stay home and keep crying. Be strong like a tiger, even if everyone around you wants to run away and hide in the corner.

You have only one life. You might as well make it the best life possible and find something positive in every single experience.

Have the courage to get up and face your problems. You will get up again.

You are not weak because you are afraid but because you give in to your fears. You cannot be strong if you do not take the first step!