God Please Take Me with You Prayer

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just feel like everything is too much and you just want to leave it all behind? If so, then you have probably said the ’God Please Take Me with You’ prayer. This prayer is a powerful one, and it can help you to feel more at peace with whatever is going on in your life. If you are struggling with something, or you just need a little bit of guidance, then this prayer can help you to

God Please Take Me with You prayer

God, please take me with you when you go. I cannot bear to be left behind.

I do not deserve it, but please take me with you when you go. I cannot stand the thought of being left behind.

I am so scared. I do not want to be here anymore. Please, God, take me with you.

I am not ready to die. I have so much more I want to do. But if it is Your will , please take me with You.

God, I do not know where I am supposed to go from here. Please take me with You.

I do not know how much longer I can hold on. Please take me with You, Lord.

I give up. I cannot fight anymore. Please, just take me with You.

I cannot take any more pain. Please, just take me with You, God.

Please do not leave me. I am not ready to go yet. Please, God, take me with You.

I know I have made mistakes and I have hurt myself and others. But please do not leave me now. Take me with You.

I cannot think straight anymore. Please help me to be strong now. Please give me strength.

Please do not let them hurt us anymore. Please, God, protect us. Take us with You.

I am so angry now. I am afraid of what I might do to someone or myself. Please help me find peace.

Please do not let my family suffer anymore. Just take me with You.

I am so tired of feeling this way. It hurts so much sometimes. Please help me find a way out.

I just want it all to be over now. I cannot go on anymore. I am so tired.

They won’t let me be. I am so scared. Please take me with You.

I gave it all I had and it wasn’t enough. Please, God, just take me with You.

I cannot go on living the way I am now. Sometimes life seems too hard to bear. Please help me. Take me with You.

I am angry now. It makes me so mad. Please take me with You.

Please do not let it all end here. Let me keep living and learning. I still want to change the world.

God, please rescue us from this dark place. Don’t let them hurt us anymore. Please, God, take us home. Take us with You.

I am so afraid of what could happen to my family. Please help me get through this ordeal.

Please do not leave me here. I cannot go on anymore. Please take me with You.

I am tired of being alone and scared. I cannot do it alone anymore. Please help me.

Dear God, please take me with You when You go. I have made many mistakes and much more to make up for. But if it is Your will , take me with You.

God Please Take Me with You Prayer

God, please take me with you. It would make my passing easier for those I have left behind if they knew I was going to a better place. That it is not the end of life, but just the end of this phase.

I am ashamed that I cannot find a way out anymore. Please help me make it through this time.

I am so embarrassed and ashamed of my past. Take me with You to a place where nobody knows me anymore.

I am so tired of struggling. I cannot do this anymore. Please take me with You, God.

When it is time to go, God, please take me with You. It will be much easier on everybody if I am not here anymore.

Dear God, I know that we are both tired. Please take me with You during my sleep so I can rest. I am so tired of being in pain.

I know I have done many wrong things in my life and gotten into a lot of trouble. Please take me to a place where nobody knows me.

Dear God, I know that you do not want me here anymore. It is been hard on everybody. Please take me with You.

So much suffering has happened to me in this lifetime and at this age. It is all going to be over soon, God. Take me with You. I am ready.

I do not need this anymore. It is all too much for me. I cannot do it anymore. Please help me.

Please take me with You, God. I am at my wit is end and cannot do it anymore.

I know that there is nothing left for me here, and I won’t be missed when I am gone. Please take me with You.

I just want to die. I cannot do this anymore. Please help me.

Please take me with You, God. It is so hard for everyone when I am gone.

What is the point of my life? There is no reason for me to live. Please help me die in Your arms.

It will be so easy when you take me with You, God. I will have no regrets and won’t have to suffer anymore.

I know you love me, and I cannot live without You. Please take Me with You.

I have tried so hard to get out of this place. I am so tired of everything. Please take me with You.

I know you love me, God. Take me with You and make it all better.

It is hard to stay here when it is the end for all of us. I just want to rest. Please take me with You.

God, please take me with You. I am so tired of trying to do things on my own.

Please stay with me, God. I cannot do it without you anymore. Would You please take me with You?

I have tried so hard to make better choices, God, but I cannot anymore.

Please help me get through this, God. I know that I have done bad things in my life. Please take me with You.

Staying here is just too much for me, God. Please take me with You.

Dear God, please take me with You. It would be so much easier if you took me now. I have been wrong, and I have caused so much suffering for others.

Dear God, please take me with You. Everybody here is suffering and dying. I just want to go somewhere where it is all over.

God, do not leave me alone. Could You please take me with You?

Dear God, please take me with You. It would be so much easier if you took me now.

I am so tired of everything that is happening right now to everybody. Please, God, please take me with You.

Dear God, please take me with You. We have all been suffering so much that I want to escape it.

At least let me die peacefully if it is the Last Day. I have done many bad things in my life and deserve to die.

Please put me out of my misery, God. It is so hard for everyone here to handle all this pain. Please help me die. I am so tired.

Please help me die, God. I do not want to be here anymore.

I know you want me to live, but I cannot anymore. Please take me with You.

I have tried so hard to make it better, God. I just cannot do it anymore.

I will never be good enough for anyone or anything. Please forgive me for all the bad things I have done and all the suffering I caused. Please take me with You.

God Please Take Me with You

I know it is the Last Day, and I do not want to get up here. Please take me with You.

I have been a big sinner, and I deserve to die. Please help me leave this place and go with You, God.

Please help me die in peace, God. Don’t make me suffer anymore or have to bother anyone anymore. It is hard enough here without having people around. Please take me with You now. I am so tired.

I do not know what You want me to do anymore. I cannot do it anymore. Please just take me with You.

I do not want to go through all of this life anymore. I just want to die and go with You, God.

Please take me with You, God. I am so tired of trying to make things better on my own. I cannot do it anymore.

I do not want to live like this anymore. Please help me die.

Dear God, please take me with You. It is been so hard for everyone here. I know that I have caused a lot of suffering. Please forgive me and take me with You.

I have done so many bad things, and I deserve to die. I pray that you will help me die in peace, God.

I cannot go on anymore, God. Please take me with You.

Dear God, please take me with You now. It would be so much better if I just went with You.

I am not afraid anymore of what is ahead. I was just trying to do what was right. Please help me leave here and go with You, God.

I just want to go home. I know that you are going to take me with You, God.

The time is getting closer and closer, God. Please take me with You.

It is time for me to die, God. I have served my purpose on Earth and do not want to live like this anymore. Please take me with You.

I have caused so much suffering for everyone, and I am praying that you will help me die in peace. Please take me with You, God.

Please help me die before it is too late. I just cannot do it anymore.

I am so tired of being here in this place and among all these suffering people. Please take me with You, God. It is time for me to go home.

At least let me die in the arms of Jesus, God. I do not want to be here anymore.

Dear God, please take me with You now. It would be much easier if you took me now instead of making everybody suffer.

Please bless me and take me with You tonight, God. I am so tired of being here and among all this pain and suffering. Please help me die in peace before it is too late. I just cannot do it anymore.

I am praying that You will help me die before it is too late. I just cannot do it anymore. Please take me with You, God.

Oh, God, please take me with You now. I want to be with Jesus and all your other children in heaven. It is time for me to go home.

I know that You are going to take me with You, God. I have done bad things in my life, and I deserve to die. Please take me with You.

Dear God, please take me with You now. It would be much easier if You took my spirit now instead of making us suffer anymore. I am just so tired of this.

I know that the time is getting closer and closer, God. Please take me with You. I am so tired of everything.

It is time for me to go home. I know that You are going to take me with You, God. Please help me die before it is too late. I just cannot do it anymore.

Dear God, please take me with You now. It would be so much easier if You took me now instead of having to suffer any more.

It is time for me to go home. I know that You are going to take me with You, God. Please help me die before it is too late.

Please do not leave us here like this. Take us back to where we belong. Please, God, take us home.

Please do not leave me here alone like this. Please help me get through this.

I am so worried about everyone else now. I cannot stop thinking about them. Why does it all have to happen to us? Please, God, take us home.

I am afraid that one day I will be overcome with anger and do something terrible and hurt someone. Take me with You.

I want to go home again so severely now. Don’t let them take us there. Please, God, take me home.

How can I make it through this? I cannot go on like this anymore. Please take me with You.

Please do not leave us here like this. I cannot go on anymore. Please, God, take me home.

Please help me to get through this. It is so hard to be alone now. Please take me with You.

Please take me with You. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.

Please help us to get through this ordeal. I cannot do it alone anymore.

Please, God, take me home. Please do not leave me here like this.

I do not want anyone to have to suffer as I did. Please help them get through it without killing themselves or harming anyone else.

I cannot go on like this anymore. Please, God, take me home.

Please do not let us have to go through this anymore. I cannot stand it anymore.

Please help me take up my cross now. It is too heavy for me to bear alone.

I am so tired of the pain and suffering. Please, God, help me get through this.

Please do not leave us like this. Please take us home.

Please do not leave me like this. I cannot face it anymore. Please, God, take me home.

Please do not leave us like this. It is too hard to go on like this.

I do not want to live like this anymore. Please take me with You.

I cannot bear this any longer. Please take me with You.

Please God Take Me Now

I am so tired of being scared. I cannot do it anymore. Please take me with You.

I am angry all the time now, and I do not know how to stop it. Please help me before I hurt someone or myself.

Please do not leave us here alone like this. I am afraid of what could happen.

Please answer our prayers and rescue us from this dark place. Take us back to our home, where you will always be with us.

I do not want to be here anymore. I want to go home.

I am so lonely now. Please take me with You.

Please help me find peace and comfort now. I cannot stand being alone like this.

I know I do not deserve it, but I am begging You. Please, take me with You when You go.

God, please take me with You. I cannot stand the thought of being left behind.

God, I do not know what to do. Please take me with You when You go.

I am scared. I do not want to be here anymore. Please, God, take me with You.

Please, God. Please take me with You.

I know it is too much to ask for. After all, I have done and said, I do not deserve Your mercy. But I will settle for a amaybe’ instead of being told ’no’ outright. Please. I do not want to be here when it is time for You to go.

God, I know I do not deserve Your mercy after everything I have done and said. But if You could find a place for me in Your heart. I’d like to go with You when You take Your next trip.

I cannot stand the thought of not being here with those I love. Please have mercy on me and give me a second chance to get it right. And when I make up for my sins, please help me know what to do next. Please take me with You.

God, if You do not mind, I’d like to go with You. And leave my family behind, too.

God, please take me with You. Please let me die in Your presence.

God, please take me with You.

God, have mercy on me and put me to rest in Your love.

’Jesus, have mercy on me. God have mercy on me. Lord have mercy on me.’ And when I have said that enough times, please take me with You.

I ask only this much. Give me the strength to say, God, take me with you, and then give me Your peace afterward to know It is time.

When it is time for you to go, Lord, promise that You will take us all with You. It is the least we can do for You who gave us everything.

God, please take me with You. I still want to live, but only without all the pain and misery, I have caused. Please take me with You.

God, please take me with you. I just cannot bear being here anymore.

Dear God in heaven, please take me with you when You go. I have no earthly reason to live anymore. I ask this only as a gift to You. I do not deserve it, but I will take it just the same.

Dear God, if you know my heart and thoughts, please take me with you when You go. I am tired of living these lies.

God, please take me with you. After all, that is happened, and all that has been said between us, I’d like to die in Your presence. I do not deserve it, but I plead with You anyway. Please take me with You.

Dear God, after all, that is happened, please take me with you when You go. I am afraid to be here alone.

God, please take me with you. At least in death, I will be able to rest in Your presence.

God, please take me with You when it is time for You to go. And while you are at it, just let me die in Your presence.

God, please take me with you. I do not deserve a second chance to get this right. But if you could find a place in your heart for me anyway. I’d like to go with you when you take the next trip. I will do anything to stay with You, God.

God, please take me with you. I do not want to leave this world behind. Nothing matters anymore, anyway. Please take me with You.

God, please come for me now. Come for me now or never.

God in heaven! Take me with You! I have nothing left to live for!

Dear God in heaven and Your heart too, please grant this wish of mine that I have just made while I live that I may be in the presence of my maker when You take Your next trip.

God, please take me with you. I do not want to live this life anymore.