Funny Quotes About Myself Funniest Quotes

You can find or make funny quotes about yourself by using the following search strings on google. Hope you enjoy!

People are always telling us how we should be ourselves and not try to be someone else. But when was the last time you heard anyone say something funny about themselves? Here are some of our own personal favorite quotes about ourselves!

Funny Quotes About Myself

I am not perfect, but I am good enough.

I am pretty average looking. I do not stand out.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I am not really sure what to put here, so I will just start with a funny quote about myself: I am too lazy to be clever.

I always say whatever comes to mind, which can sometimes be hilarious.

I like to think of myself as an average person who happens to be REALLY funny.

I am pretty boring and not too special. I guess that is why I like to laugh at myself so much.

My friends think I am funny, but that is only because they know me.

I am an average looking girl who has an affinity for animated gif’s and hilarious quotes about myself.

I try to make others laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I tend to think that I am not too bad of a person. I think people have very flawed views of others, though.

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

My friends think I am funny because they know me as a very quiet person who usually doesn’t say much. They think I am a comedian, but I prefer to laugh at myself!

I find it very hard to actually make jokes, as that requires being witty or clever. I am just not, so I laugh at others.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I like people to laugh at me because it makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel less lonely sometimes. I also love making others laugh, it is addictive.

I always say whatever comes to mind, which can sometimes be hilarious.

My friends think I am funny because they know me, and they are just being nice!

I am a pretty average looking girl who has an affinity for animated gif’s and hilarious quotes about myself.

I always make fun of myself. It makes me feel good, because I do not really have any major flaws that I need to hide. I am pretty happy with myself, actually.

I think people have a very skewed view of others, and as far as I know, I am pretty average.

I make good friends and am loved by them. or at least they say they are. But that is what makes it bad because it could easily be a lie to get closer to me, which is something I would never do. I am just not that kind of person.

I try to make others laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I am pretty boring and not too special. I guess that is why I like to laugh at myself so much.

I am an average looking girl who has an affinity for animated gif’s and hilarious quotes about myself.

I like to make people laugh, but only when they need a laugh. Which is very rarely. I am pretty nice, but I can be very mean; it just depends on the situation.

I am not really sure what I should put here, so I will just start with a funny quote about myself: I am too lazy to be clever.

I always say whatever comes to mind, which can sometimes be hilarious.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make other people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I am a big fan of laughing at yourself, but only if you are okay with being made fun of. I know I am.

Funny Statements

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

My friends think I am funny because they know me as a very quiet person who usually doesn’t say much. They think I am a comedian, but I prefer to laugh at myself!

I find it very hard to actually make jokes, as that requires being witty or clever. I am just not, so I laugh at others.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I always say whatever comes to mind, which can sometimes be hilarious.

I am a big fan of laughing at yourself, but only if you are okay with being made fun of. I know I am.

I am pretty boring and not too special. I guess that is why I like to laugh at myself so much.

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

My friends think I am funny because they know me as a very quiet person who usually doesn’t say much. They think I am a comedian, but I prefer to laugh at myself!

I find it very hard to actually make jokes, as that requires being witty or clever. I am just not, so I laugh at others.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

Quotes That Describe Me

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make other people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

My friends think I am funny because they know me, and they are just being nice!

I like people to laugh at me because it makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel less lonely sometimes. I also love making others laugh, it is addictive.

I like people to laugh at me because it makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel less lonely sometimes. I also love making others laugh, it is addictive.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make other people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I try to make others laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make others laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

People think that I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I like people to laugh at me because it makes me feel good about myself and makes me feel less lonely sometimes. I also love making others laugh, it is addictive.

I try to make other people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I try to make people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I have a kind heart and am really nice to people. The problem is that you cannot hear what is on the inside, so they never know.

People think I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

I always say whatever comes to mind, which can sometimes be hilarious.

My friends think I am funny because they know me and they are just being nice!

I try to make other people laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

I try to make others laugh by making fun of myself. I am always happy when someone does, as I find it very flattering!

My friends think I am funny because they know me, and they are just being nice!

My friends think that I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.

People think that I am weird because of my interests, but I really like them.