Done Chasing Quotes

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Done Chasing Quotes

Whatever you do in life, always ensure that what you are chasing after is worth it. You will go through so much shit to achieve it.

Life is like a rollercoaster; when you are going downhill, the most you can do is hold on as tight as you can.

When you open up and tell people why you are chasing them (yourself), they do not chase after you anymore. They chase after what they see in you. In the end, that is what you want.

You can only blame yourself for what happens to you in life, not other people. Always chase after your dreams and never let anything stop you from achieving them because life is too short.

Stop chasing after people who do not want to be chased. You will only end up hurting yourself.

Much of the pain we go through in life is because we do not chase after the right person.

I used to be chasing happiness and I was miserable until I realized that we could not chase after our dreams. We have to wait for them to come around.

If you spend your whole life chasing money, you will never have enough. If you spend your whole life chasing thrills, you will live an empty life. If you spend your whole life chasing love, the only thing you will catch is rejection. Catch yourself before it is too late.

Life is short. It is too short to be chasing after something you are scared of.

I feel like I am so close, but I am still not reaching my goals. I hate myself because I still cannot see the end of the tunnel.

Don’t chase after people who do not want to be chased. It will only lead to hurting yourself.

It is unfair to expect others to chase after you when you aren’t chasing after what you want.

When we chase after people, we are always scared of them leaving. They usually leave us because of something we tell them. Or what they see in us.

Why chase when you can chase?

To chase after something that is already gone will make you feel worthless.

Chasing dreams makes you feel empty, but you can always run after them and pick up the pieces.

You do not have to be in a relationship to be chasing someone. You need to love yourself enough not to settle.

The more people chasing after your dreams, the more likely your dreams will come true. There is nothing more disappointing than chasing after a dream with no one to share it with.

If you are chasing something that will hurt you in the end, what is the point of winning?

Some things are worth waiting for, like the perfect man, but some things aren’t worth chasing and if you are, move on.

The people who chase after me are not good enough for me, and those who I chase after do not want me. Why chase after something that you know will never be yours?

Don’t chase after something unattainable. You may get it one day, but do you want to wait for it? You will waste your time. You will lose yourself.

Don’t chase the person who doesn’t chase you. There are plenty of great people in the world to chase after. Stop wasting your time.

I am Done Chasing Quotes

I am chasing someone that cannot be caught and doesn’t want to be caught.

Stop chasing me. If there is something you want, go and get it. Do not wait for it to find you or come to you.

Don’t waste your time chasing something that won’t happen and is never going to happen. Stop chasing rainbows and butterflies. They will never land in your hands.

Don’t chase someone who doesn’t want to be chased. You will hurt yourself chasing after something that will never happen.

You shouldn’t waste your time chasing someone that doesn’t want to be chased. If someone doesn’t want you, let them go.

There are many fishes in the sea, but I am only chasing the one that is worth my time and effort.

All the good ones are either taken or too scared to chase after you. Stop chasing after them. Instead, change yourself and make yourself ready to be chased.

I am Done Chasing You Quotes

I am tired of chasing people who feel like they have so much time. Life is too short to think that you have all the time in the world.

Relationships weren’t meant to be complicated. You should care about each other and love one another enough for them not to be a struggle. Stop chasing something that you know is impossible.

The person who refuses to chase after me doesn’t want me and the person who will chase me, I do not want them. So I am done chasing.

You should focus on your life instead of trying to get someone to chase after you. They will be chasing after you if you are worth their time and energy.

Some things cannot be chased because they have no desire to be caught. They will never fall into your hands because they do not want it. Be honest with yourself. They do not want you.

The person who cannot be chased is the one that doesn’t want to be chased. Be honest with yourself and do not chase after things you know will never be yours.

The second someone stops chasing after you. It means they have found something better to chase after. You can be replaced.

Sometimes the people who chase after you are the people that are not worth chasing after.

You do not need to be in a relationship to be chasing someone. You need to love yourself enough not to settle.

Love means never having to chase after someone because they will chase you. It means being good enough for someone that they do not have to chase you around. Love is about being chased.

I am tired of chasing after people who are too scared to chase after me. I do not care anymore. You either have the guts to chase after me or let me be.

Sometimes you must let go and forget the things you can never have. Stop wasting your time chasing something that will never happen.

If someone doesn’t chase after you, let it go because it is best for you. They do not want you and they will never chase after you.

The person who doesn’t want to be chased the most is the person who will always be chasing after you.

Sometimes no matter how much you try to get something, it just doesn’t want to let go. It is okay. Stop chasing it. Let it go and move on.

If someone doesn’t want to chase after me, I am done chasing after them. They are not worth my time.

You are either chasing your dreams or chasing your excuses. Choose wisely.

Stop chasing rainbows and butterflies. They will never land in your hands because they do not want them. Be honest with yourself. They do not want you. Stop chasing things that will never happen.

My heart is broken so often that I am done chasing after people. I am done being an idiot and falling in love with people who do not want me. Give up on me. I have already given up on you.

If you are wasting your time chasing someone who doesn’t want to be chased, then it is time to accept that they do not want you enough. Stop wasting your time chasing them.

I am tired of chasing people who say they do not want me. I do not know how often those words have hurt me.

I am tired of chasing after someone who isn’t worth chasing after. How often do you think I will chase after you and when will you learn that you are not worth it?

Done Chasing Friends Quotes

Don’t chase after something that will hurt you in the end. If something isn’t will ing to catch you, let it go.

I will no longer chase after something that I know is trying to escape from me. Let go of what is not meant for you.

When the person who should be chasing after you isn’t chasing after you, it means that he is good with the fact that he doesn’t deserve you.

Don’t waste your time chasing someone who doesn’t want to be chased. They are not worth it. Move on and be happy with yourself. You do not need them.

Don’t chase after something that will only hurt you. If someone doesn’t want you, let them go.

I am tired of chasing someone who doesn’t want to be chased because they already have somebody better than me. I am done chasing. You are not worth my time.

If you are chasing after someone who doesn’t want to be chased, then maybe it is time for you to change yourself and stop wasting your time.

I do not care if someone doesn’t want me because I am too happy and will stay that way. You can have one of the others.

Sometimes you have to give up on something that never was meant for you. It doesn’t ever deserve to be in your hands. You are just wasting your time if you continue to chase after something that will never be yours.

If someone doesn’t want to be chased, they won’t let you find them. If someone wants to be chased, they will ensure you can find them. Don’t chase after someone who doesn’t want you.

Some things will never fall into your hands because they do not want them. They will never be caught because they aren’t trying to get caught. Be honest with yourself. They do not want you.

The person who is always chasing after you is the person that is not worth chasing after. Be honest with yourself and do not chase after things you know will never be yours. Chase after the things that you know is worth chasing after.

Who is chasing who in your relationship? If someone isn’t chasing after you, they must not care about having you around. Let them go and move on.

Chasing someone is a task that takes up a lot of energy but not much time.

Have you ever had someone chase after you but after ’. . .’

You are not chasing. You are being chased. Be ready when the person who sent you running catches up with you.

I am not chasing after someone and I am chasing after nothing. The reason why I have never had a relationship is that I have never stopped chasing someone.

You can only chase your dreams when you stop fleeing from yourself.

It is much easier to be happy being alone than to be unhappy trying to convince yourself to be happy with someone else. I am done chasing happiness, wishing that someone else would come along and make me happy.

We chase material things because it is easier to control something you can physically see, touch and measure.

Never let someone make you feel like you do not deserve the same attention they give everyone else. You have to stop chasing them before they stop running after you.

Many people are scared to be alone, but the truth is, being alone isn’t bad. To chase after someone who doesn’t want to be chased is stupid when someone is chasing after you.

If you have never tried or chased after your dreams, then you are not living.

I am not chasing after someone, but I have stopped fleeing from myself.

The problem isn’t finding someone to chase. The problem is when you stop chasing something and just become that something. I hope he stops chasing before I catch up with him.

Never let the fear of alone make your choices for you. We chase material things because it is easier to control something you can physically see, touch and measure.

I do not believe I should have to worry about what someone wants from me or what they think of me. I am not chasing after someone. He is chasing after me.

To be happy in life, you must be will ing to be happy with yourself.

The only way to deter someone from chasing after you is to show that you can do the same. I have stopped chasing after the girl I love and I am not going to chase after her anymore.

I do not have time to chase after people who do not want to be chased. Life is too short.

People will only chase after you when they see you chasing them.

You will always find people who think it is a shame that you are no longer chasing something that used to make you happy.

Sometimes it just isn’t worth the effort of chasing after something that isn’t worth your time and attention. Don’t let anything make you feel like it isn’t worth your time or attention.

I am not chasing after someone because if I do, he will be chasing me, but I am not going to chase after him so he can chase after me. I do not want to be on the defense.

If you are chasing someone, then you are not chasing after yourself.

I do not have time to chase after people who only do what they want to do when they want to. If I am not chasing, I am not trying to stop someone from chasing but instead not being chased by anyone.

I am never going to chase anyone again. Who has the time?

I am done chasing after something that isn’t calling my name. I am going to chase after what I want, what I need and what makes me happy.

I will never chase again. I want something natural that doesn’t make me feel bad when I look at myself in the mirror. I am done chasing people.

Done Chasing People Quotes

Those who chase after others will get caught up in their own pursuit and never have time to look back and see if you have arrived. Those who are faithful to themselves do not have time to worry about what others expect or if they are happy with them.

I thought going after what I wanted was terrible, but now I see that everything I have ever chased has led me to where I am today. If you are in the wrong place, then stop chasing and stay in the wrong place.

People won’t chase after you unless they think you are chasing them. If someone wants to be caught, they will catch up with you without any effort.

I am done chasing after someone. I want to chase what makes me happy, not someone else. Life works best when you chase after what you love and let go of things that do not make you happy.

You have to stop chasing things before you become those things.

I am done chasing after someone. I want my life back and will not let anyone tell me what I can and cannot do.

The only way to deter someone from chasing after you is to show that you can do the same. You have got your own life. Live it as if it is your first day of work and do not let anyone bring you down. Don’t let anyone convince you that you do not deserve to be happy.

Never chase people. Let them chase you instead. The only time someone will ever chase after you is if they see that it is easy for them to catch you. The only way to see if someone is chasing after you is to allow yourself to be chased.

I am done chasing after someone. I am not chasing after him. He is chasing after me.

If someone is chasing you, then why are you running from yourself? Just be you. People will surround themselves with who they are and what they want at that moment in time. If someone wants to be with you, then let them chase after you.

I am done chasing after people who cannot keep up. I will spend time with myself before I try and catch anyone else.