Danny Duncan Quotes to Get You Through the Day

Looking for some Danny Duncan quotes? We have got you covered! Our collection of quotes from the popular YouTuber.  Check out our collection of the best Danny Duncan quotes that will inspire you to live your best life!

Danny Duncan Quotes

You must remember, you are the big fish in a little pond. You gotta go out and find the big pond. – Danny Duncan

Go after the big fish. If you want to make it, you have gotta go after the big fish. – Danny Duncan

I am not a great man; I am just a good man. — Danny Duncan

You have to work for what you want in life. – Danny Duncan

Every day is another opportunity to make things better for people. – Danny Duncan

The only way your going to get what you want is to go after it. – Danny Duncan

To live a positive life, you have to see the positive in everything. – Danny Duncan

You have got to be able to step outside of yourself, look at yourself and say, ’Is this working?’ – Danny Duncan

It is not what you put into something; it is what you get out of it. I have a lot of fun. – Danny Duncan

There are no mistakes in this life, only lessons. If you didn’t learn anything from your mistakes, you wouldn’t be alive. – Danny Duncan

You do not have to stand tall to be big. – Danny Duncan

Every day is an opportunity to make things better for someone. – Danny Duncan

There is nothing wrong with being born in a small town that has a big heart. – Danny Duncan

If you wanna get something done, you have got to do it yourself. – Danny Duncan

It is not what you do but how you do it. – Danny Duncan

You have got to have a vision. You have got to be able to see the picture of where you want to be. – Danny Duncan

The greatest gift is giving something back. – Danny Duncan

I want to be able to look back on my life and say I did everything in my power. – Danny Duncan

When you are doing something for someone else, you are doing it for yourself also. – Danny Duncan

The only way your going to get what you want is to go after it. – Danny Duncan You have got to learn that everything doesn’t happen overnight. – Danny Duncan

Fate doesn’t decide who you live and die with. You decide that. – Danny Duncan

I am not just setting an example for my family; I am setting an example for my community. – Danny Duncan

If you want to be successful in life, surround yourself with people who are successful. – Danny Duncan

We need a lot more men like my father in this world. He selflessly served our country with honor. – Danny Duncan

No matter how high you are, you can always rise higher. – Danny Duncan

You do not achieve greatness by being nice; you achieve greatness by being yourself. – Danny Duncan

You can be great in a small town. You can be greater in a big town, but you are only as good as your last victory. – Danny Duncan

We had some rough times growing up; we learned to survive and by surviving and helping each other, we learned how to succeed. — Danny Duncan

We were brought up with a strong work ethic that instilled in us the courage to go after our dreams. – Danny Duncan

I believe everyone is born to succeed. We learn how to fail, and when we do, we use that as a stepping stone. – Danny Duncan

It takes time and a lot of work to get something done. — Danny Duncan

You have to go after it. You cannot sit around waiting for everything to happen–you have to act with the knowledge that you can achieve your goals. – Danny Duncan

You have to be your hero. You have to do those things you have to do, and not worry if people are going to think it is right or wrong. – Danny Duncan

I want everyone who watches my story to feel like they can go out and make their dreams come true. – Danny Duncan

I wasn’t a great athlete. I didn’t even play college ball, but I still made it to the NFL. – Danny Duncan

Danny Duncan Inspirational Quotes

I wasn’t a great athlete. I didn’t even play college ball, but I still made it to the NFL. – Danny Duncan

Doing the right things for the right reasons will always work out in your favor. – Danny Duncan

I didn’t get my first job from the boss; I got it from a reference from a man who believed in me. – Danny Duncan

You have to live your life to the fullest and take advantage of all opportunities that are given to you. – Danny Duncan

You have to be positive. You have to believe in yourself, and you have to believe in the people around you. – Danny Duncan

You cannot be afraid of failure if you are chasing your dreams. – Danny Duncan

Greatness comes from being yourself. You cannot be anyone else–you can only be you. – Danny Duncan

If you want to make your dream a reality, then you have to act on it. – Danny Duncan

The greatest gift is giving something back. – Danny Duncan

A good life is living it to the fullest and not being afraid to fail. – Danny Duncan

I want people to know that they can accomplish anything, no matter where they come from. – Danny Duncan

If you follow your dreams and stay positive, anything is possible. – Danny Duncan

Surround yourself with people that support your goals and ambitions. _Danny Duncan

You have to go after it. You cannot sit around waiting for everything to happen–you have to act with the knowledge that you can achieve your goals. – Danny Duncan

I was born with a drive to be successful, and that is something that won’t change. – Danny Duncan

Don’t live in the past. You cannot change what happened. But you can change what happens tomorrow. – Danny Duncan

You have to surround yourself with people that support your goals. _Danny Duncan

Don’t live in the past. You cannot change what happened. But you can change what happens tomorrow. – Danny Duncan

It takes time and a lot of work to get something done. – Danny Duncan

If you want to be successful in life, surround yourself with successful people. _Danny Duncan

I am not saying that we all want to achieve great things. But it is important to put in the work from an early age and not wait until you are older. – Danny Duncan

Danny Duncan Phrases

I went on a 2-week break at my job when I was 22 years old and I had all kinds of opportunities presented to me. — Danny Duncan

You have to go after it. You cannot sit around waiting for everything to happen_you have to act with the knowledge that you can achieve your goals. – Danny Duncan

You have to live your life completely to the fullest and not be afraid of failure. – Danny Duncan

The way someone talks about you is their responsibility. The way you talk about yourself is your responsibility. – Danny Duncan

You have to love yourself before anyone else can love you. – Danny Duncan

You do not want to be the best in the world at anything because you are never going to match that. You want to be the best at what you do. – Danny Duncan

Surround yourself with as many positive people as possible. _Danny Duncan

My goal is always to do things better than they were before in my position. Whether that is growing the business or making sure we have a good customer experience. – Danny Duncan

It is no good to beat yourself up over anything. Just learn from it, and move on. – Danny Duncan

I think taking time out of your day and enjoying life is important. You cannot take life so seriously. – Danny Duncan

The expectations that you set for yourself are more important than the expectations other people set for you. – Danny Duncan

I think it is important to give back_to make a difference in someone is life. – Danny Duncan

We must be ourselves, but we also have to be different. And that is what makes us successful. – Danny Duncan

We all want to be happy, but we do not know how to make it happen. – Danny Duncan

We just got to bounce back from that. We are going to win some games before the season is over, but I think we have played well enough this year to win more. – Danny Duncan

I think taking time out of your day to enjoy life is important. You cannot take life so seriously. – Danny Duncan

It is about being yourself, and not changing who you are just because everyone else is changing. – Danny Duncan

You have to surround yourself with positive people. There is nothing that you cannot achieve if you have the right people on your team. – Danny Duncan

You must be able to walk away from the things that hold you back. _Danny Duncan

No one starts as a great leader. You become a great leader by consistently making small decisions along the way in your life that eventually add up to big ones. – Danny Duncan