Before You Do Me Wrong Quote

Before you do me wrong, remember this quote, To err is human, to forgive, divine. We all make mistakes, but it is important to forgive yourself and others.

Before You Do Me Wrong Quote

Don’t do me wrong or you will regret it later.

If you think about doing me wrong, do not. I promise it won’t end well for you.

I’d rather you not do me wrong and move on with your life.

It is not worth it to do me wrong, so do not bother.

I will never forgive you if you do me wrong.

Doing me wrong is a huge mistake you will regret for the rest of your life.

Don’t think you can do me wrong and get away with it.

It is best to move on and not even think about doing me wrong.

You do me wrong, I will do you more wrong.

The less you think about doing me wrong, the better off we will be.

If you do me wrong just once, I will remember it forever. So do not even think about it. I do not like you.

Do me right, or be ready to do me wrong. You will regret it later.

You cannot go around doing me wrong, so do not think about it.

I am against doing anyone wrong because being on the losing end of that feeling is awful and I want to avoid that as much as possible.

Never do me wrong unless you are prepared for the consequences. I am not in this to make you feel bad.

If you do me wrong, I will come after you and ensure it is a long time before we break up.

It would be best if you just tried not to do me wrong and only if it becomes unavoidable would I accept it. It won’t be pretty if you do me wrong.

If you ever did me wrong, I’d get mad and feel hurt. Don’t even think about doing that. It will only make things worse.

Before you do me wrong, think about what you are losing.

I won’t let you do me wrong, so stay away from me.

You cannot do me wrong because I am not for sale.

The only way to do me wrong is to come near my heart and break it.

Don’t fall in love with her before you do her wrong and then break it off.

Don’t ever try to do to me what I won’t allow. It will give you a bad reputation and bring you nothing but misery. I was hoping you wouldn’t wrong me because I will always have your back.

Don’t ever do me wrong, because that would ruin our friendship.

You shouldn’t do to me what I cannot stand and then pay for it later on down the line.

Don’t try to do me wrong; you won’t get away with it.

Don’t try to do me wrong because there is no honor.

You cannot really do me wrong because I wouldn’t allow it. We are friends, after all.

Quote Me Wrong Meaning

Before you do me wrong, tell your friends and family first so that they will forgive you for doing me wrong.

There are two ways to treat a lady: badly or right. Don’t ever do her wrong. You will end up destroying our friendship.’

Before you do to me what I won’t allow, think about how much it will hurt.

You might think it is okay, but I will never allow it. If you think about doing me wrong, do not. I promise it won’t end well for you.

If you decide that means doing me wrong, do not do it. You will regret it later, and we are friends anyway.

If you do me wrong, I swear to God I will never forgive you for it, but there is a good chance that I won’t be speaking to you again.

Before you do to me what my heart cannot tolerate, remember we are friends after all.

Don’t ever try to do me wrong because there is nothing worse than doing something like that. It is not worth it and I will never forgive you.

Don’t ever try to do me wrong because it will make your life miserable.

If you are waiting for this to happen, do not do me wrong because I am not waiting for you to do that. You cannot do me wrong because I can see through your motives. We are friends, after all.

If you think about doing me wrong, do not. There is no honor in it. We are friends after all, so do not do me wrong. If you had the faintest thought about it, do not do it. I promise it won’t end well for you.

If you do me wrong, you will never see me again.

Doing me wrong will only cause you to pain in the end. I do not want to be hurt again, so please do not do me wrong.

I do not deserve to be treated wrong, so please do not do it.

Before you do me wrong, think about how it will affect our relationship.

Please do not do me wrong because it will only cause you pain in the end.

Before you do me wrong, consider the consequences of your actions.

Please do not do me wrong, or you will regret it.

If you are thinking about doing me wrong, do not bother. It is not worth it to hurt me like that.

If you thought about doing me wrong, do not. Just move on and find someone else who won’t do you wrong.

Before you do me wrong, think about how it will affect our relationship.

You cannot trust him after he is done you wrong.

Doing me right is always good. Always think about the consequences of your actions before doing me wrong.

If you think about doing me wrong, do not bother. It is not worth it to hurt me like that.

I won’t forgive you if you do me wrong.

Doing me wrong will only cause a lot of pain in the end.

Before you do me wrong, think about how it will affect our relationship.

It is hard not to do you wrong. So before you do me wrong, make sure you know the right way to go.

Always make sure to check yourself before you wreck yourself by doing me wrong.

Please do not do me wrong before you do me wrong. Study the mistakes that I didn’t make and ask yourself if you can learn from them.

Always think twice before you do me wrong.

It is hard to do me right, but it is even harder to do me wrong, so make sure you never have to apologize for doing me wrong.

To ensure that I do not do you wrong, or anyone else for that matter, I will always ensure that I do not. Before you do me wrong, make sure that it is a decision you are okay with.

If you ever do me wrong and regret it, then I hope your mistake will teach you a lesson. Even if you do me wrong, you will never regret it and I do not need you to be perfect.

Don’t do me wrong before you do, ask yourself: ’Did I need this or want this?’

Do Me Wrong Once, Shame on You Quote

Before you do me wrong, be sure you will never need me again because if you do, it will all go wrong and I can promise it won’t be pretty.

Before you do me wrong, make sure that we are not close enough for us ever to lose each other.

Make sure that what you are doing is right before you do me wrong. Do me right and ask yourself if it is something I would do to myself.

Think before you do wrong because the truth hurts. Always make sure that you do not do me wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, or you will regret it.

If you think you are going to do me wrong, ask the guy across the street because he will probably give you a good one. Also, he is always open for a late night drink.

Don’t do me wrong; before you do me wrong, tell yourself if it is the right thing to do. No one is perfect so if you think this is a good idea, make sure you can remember that we can all make mistakes.

Before you do me wrong, make sure you never need me again. Please do not do me wrong, because trust me when I say; you do not want to lose me for good.

If you ever do me wrong, do not be surprised if we are no longer friends.

Before you think of doing me wrong, make sure you know the right way to go. If you do me wrong, we may have a problem and the next time we meet; I may not be your friend.

Before you do me wrong, always ask yourself if it is the right thing to do and if it is, then make sure you know the right way to go.

Avoid doing me wrong because it hurts when I am around.

Before you do us wrong, make sure we are not close enough that what you did won’t come back to bite us in the butt. If you do me wrong, avoid the awkward moment of us being together alone for a long time.

Don’t do me wrong; if you ever do, make sure that it is a decision you are okay with.

Before you do me wrong, please keep your eyes on my eyes and never lose sight of what is right. Don’t do me wrong because trust me when I say you will never regret it.

Keep in mind to always think twice before you do me wrong. If you ever do, make sure it is a decision you are okay with.

Do me right, or please do not do me wrong if you do, make sure that it is a decision that won’t ruin what we have.

If you ever do me wrong, do not be surprised if we are no longer friends.

I do not need you to be perfect, but please do not do me wrong.

I do not think I need to tell you not to do us wrong. If I have to say it once more, it will be just because I am trying to make sure you know, but I really mean it this time. Don’t do us wrong, because trust me when I say you will never regret it.

Keep an eye on me before you do me wrong, and make sure that it is something that I would allow you to do to me. You will move on from this; it will be nothing by the time we get together again.

Before you do me wrong, ensure it is the right thing to do. Before we ever got together, I made sure that there was a line you couldn’t cross. So unless you are ready for me to be your friend in the future, I will never forgive you.

If you ever do me wrong, make sure it is a decision you are okay with.

Never do me wrong. If you ever do, make sure it is a decision you are okay with. I won’t always be around and the last thing I want is for us to have a falling out.

Before you do me wrong, make sure you never need me again. Always be on your best behavior and never do me wrong. You will ruin our relationship and be a messy end to things.

It is hard not to do you wrong. So before you do me wrong, make sure you know the right way to go.

Always make sure you have thought about it before you do me wrong.

Before you do us wrong, remember to always think twice before doing us wrong.

Do Me Wrong Quotes

Before you do me wrong, make sure that we are not close enough for us ever to lose each other. Don’t let things get too far; give it up after an argument because that is when feelings get hurt. I have to ensure that I am doing the right thing and won’t take it back if I do.

I do not need you to be perfect, but please do not do me wrong. You will ruin our relationship and be a messy end to things.

Never hurt me before you do because if you do, it will leave scars that won’t heal. It will be hard for us to get back together and trust me when I say it will be the last time we are ever close again.

Before you do us wrong, make sure that it is something that we would both agree on. And if you do us wrong and try to break up with me, ask yourself if it was a decision based on what I asked you to do.

Before you do me wrong, do not meddle in my affairs. Don’t try to take the reins of my world.

Instead of doing me wrong, ensure you understand what I need and why I need it.

Never do me wrong. Before you misunderstand me, ensure you understand what I need and why I need it.

Before you do me wrong, please remember to ask yourself what a good guy should be like. Because if you ever have to ask yourself that, you have done me wrong.

It is hard not to do you wrong. So before you do me wrong, make sure you know the right way to go.

Before you do me wrong, please remember the best way to act and be, because if you ever have to ask yourself that, then you have done me wrong.

Before you do me wrong, please make sure you always think twice and that you never make the mistake of thinking that it is okay to put yourself before me.

Before you do me wrong, keep your eyes on my eyes and never lose sight of what is right.

Don’t do me wrong before you do me wrong. Instead, look deep into my eyes and ask yourself what I see. I am not perfect and I am not what you want me to be. But I am a good man.

Before you do me wrong, make sure you know how bad I feel when you hurt me.

Before you do me wrong, please promise always to treat me as best as I deserve and as good as I want.

Before you do me wrong, be sure and make sure that we are both happy.

Share your pain before you do me wrong.

I’d rather you not hurt me again than hurt me again.

If it is going to be wrong, just let me know it. Before you do me wrong, please tell me.

Before you do me wrong, let is ensure we are doing right. Let is make sure we are doing good for each other.

Before you do me wrong, please tell me if you are trying to be excellent.

I know that I do not deserve bad treatment from you. I know I do not. And then, when the lousy treatment happens, it hurts me so much more because I know it shouldn’t happen to me. I know it shouldn’t happen to me.

Before you do me wrong, let is ensure you know how it makes my heart feel.

Before you do me wrong, make sure you know how happy I always get when I am with you.

Could you not do me wrong, do not be mean to me? Please do not disappoint me; before you do that to me, make sure you know me first..

Life is a stage, so make sure you know how to act. Before you do me wrong, make sure I am the one that made you feel great.

You wouldn’t want to get stabbed in the back of the neck with a dagger before slaying your enemies. Before you do me wrong, make sure I am the one that made you feel great.

Before you do me wrong, make sure you know how happy I always get when I am with you.

Don’t do me wrong, do not be mean to me. Don’t disappoint me; before you do that to me, make sure you know me first.

Before you do me wrong, do not be mean to me. Don’t disappoint me; before you do that to me, make sure you know me first.

Life is a play, so make sure you know your role. Before you do me wrong, make sure I am the one that made you feel great.

Don’t turn your back on me if I am being good to you. Don’t leave me if I never did anything terrible to you. Before you do me wrong, make sure I am the one that made you feel great.

Life is a stage, so you know which role to play. Before you do me wrong, make sure I am the one that made you feel great.