Women are the best thing that can happen to you, the man who does not appreciate them is missing out on something beautiful and that is why we have compiled a collection of quotes that will encourage you to love and respect the women in your life. These quotes will help you cherish your significant others, so that you will always make time to show your love.
Quotes can be funny, touching, or inspirational. The only thing that is certain is that they will make you think. Here are some great quotes to inspire you to treat women with respect, especially when you are dating, engaged, or married.
Be Careful How You Treat a Good Woman Quotes
Women are like the stars. If they do not shine, then they are really not worth anything.
If you treat women badly, it shows. Women can smell bad behavior a mile away.
When I get home from work, my wife asks me how my day went and I tell her. She then asks me if I did something wrong, and if so, what it was. I always say ‘no, I didn’t do anything wrong; I just had a good day.
When a man has been married for a long time, he begins to understand that when he gets up in the morning he is getting down in the world. — Mignon McLaughlin
Women have a way of making you feel as if you are the only one who loves you, and it is because they know they can depend on you and love you. — Dorothy Parker
A woman is like a teapot; she gets hotter as she gets older. — Anon
The secret of happiness in marriage is not in finding the right person, but in appreciating the one who is already ours. — Anon
The most important thing is for a woman to be loved, and for a man to love her in return. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to keep your wife happy, do not let her talk to other men. — Bert Williams
A man should marry a woman whom he can love, but he should never marry a woman whom he cannot respect. — Bert Williams
Husbands are like the moon: they make their wives shine by reflected light. — Anon
The most important thing about a good woman is that she is a good woman. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
A man who is in love with his wife should not be ashamed to say so. — Ludwig Wittgenstein
I love you more than I can tell you, and I thank God for you every day. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
The most important thing is for a woman to be loved, and for a man to love her in return. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
A man should marry a woman whom he can love, but he should never marry a woman whom he cannot respect. — Bert Williams
The most important thing about a good woman is that she is a good woman. — R
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. — Bette Midler
A good woman is hard to find. A good woman is even harder to hold. — George Burns
If you are not careful, the world will be all around you and you will have no time to decide what you really want. — Oprah Winfrey
A man is lucky if he has a good woman in his life. — Mae West
I know the type of girl I want to marry. She is just like me, only she is prettier. — Jack Nicholson
Be careful how you treat a good woman, because you just might get hurt. — Jimmy Buffett
A good woman is not one who cooks your dinner, cleans your house, and cares for your children. She is the woman who loves you enough to let you sleep late on Saturday and go out with another man on Friday night. — Dr. Phil
Women are like tea bags; they come in different flavors, but they all taste the same. — Earl Wilson
A good woman is like a piece of fine china – fragile, yet it has great value. — Jill Clayburgh
I would rather have a good woman, I mean a real woman, than all the money in the world. — Sidney Poitier
Never trust a woman who doesn’t wear makeup. — Woody Allen
A good woman is like a fine wine. You do not always know her from her appearance. — Woody Allen
A good woman is a woman who knows her own mind and will do what she thinks is right, even if she is wrong. — Oprah Winfrey
The best part of a bad day is a good night with a good woman. — Woody Allen
If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. — Woody Allen
Be Careful How You Treat a Good Woman
A good woman is hard to find, and when you find one, you have to be careful or she will steal your heart. — George Burns
You know what I do when I feel bad? I go buy a new pair of shoes. — Lance Armstrong
I am gonna make her feel like a princess. I am gonna treat her like a queen. — Lance Armstrong
You do not have to be perfect, you just have to be true. — Bill Cosby
 I am just being careful. There is no other reason to be careful. — Carrie Fisher
Women have a way of doing this to you when you least expect it. — Steve Martin
Be careful how you treat women. You will never get out alive. — Frank Sinatra
Don’t try to be a lady, be one. — Margaret Thatcher
It is better to be alone than in bad company. — Charles Dickens
A good woman is a treasure; she is like a fortress that cannot be taken by storm. — Sir Francis Drake
Women have been the source of all our troubles on this earth. We have to keep a watchful eye over them, because they are dangerous things, especially to men.
Women are the root of all evil. — Buddha.
I do not know why people are so complicated. Men and women think they are different. But the truth is, we are really the same.
Every relationship is built on a foundation of lies. Women lie to men, men lie to women, children lie to parents, and dogs lie to cats. — Robert Brault.
I do not mind being compared to Hitler as long as it isn’t to his face.
I like you just the way you are. If you were a boy, I might even marry you. — Germaine Greer.
Women are like buses; there is always another one around the corner.
The problem with women is that they are always right, even when they are wrong.
You can only be loved by a woman who is worth loving.
A good woman is hard to find. You have to be gentle with them, and be a little more serious than you think you should be. If you can find a good one, hold on to her.
Be careful how you treat a good woman. You will never get another.
A good woman is hard to find, but when you do, treat her as if she were made of gold.
A good woman can make a man feel like he is a king, but a bad woman can make him feel like he is a slave.
I do not care what you say about me, I know the truth. I am not that kind of man.
There are three kinds of women in the world. Those who are too busy to be loved, those who love too much to be true, and those who are true enough to be loved.
If you want to be treated like a gentleman, act like a gentleman.
Be Careful How You Treat a Woman Quotes
She is a good woman, but she is a dangerous woman.
I have been married three times, and the first two were wonderful. The third one was awful.
If a girl is a bitch to you, it is your fault. If she is a sweetheart, it is her fault. But if she is both, it is the fault of whoever is in the middle.
Women are always asking why I am so mean to them. But that is not true at all. Women are the ones who are always complaining. I have given up on trying to understand them.
There are many kinds of love. One of them is when a woman loves a man enough to put up with him.
Why should women be any different than men? They both want a man to do everything.
I never really understand why a man would want to sleep with a woman
A man has to learn to love himself before he can learn to love somebody else. — Oscar Wilde
Never marry a woman with a low opinion of you. — Abraham Lincoln
Women are like tea: they should be drunk in small quantities, and frequently. — William Wordsworth
Don’t put your heart and soul into something you do not care about, and you will never experience true happiness or fulfillment. — Brian Tracy
A woman should be like fine wine — better to let her age naturally than to force it. — Mae West
A man should look at a woman with love — as his sister. — Martin Luther King
I like women, but I do not love them. Love is too much to ask for. — Rudyard Kipling
Women love men who love themselves. — Gloria Steinem
No matter how old I get, I will never get tired of hearing ‘You are beautiful.’ — Marilyn Monroe
When I say ‘I love you,’ that is all I am talking about. — George Michael
A man’s success is measured by the number of loves he receives. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Women are like tea: they should be drunk in small quantities, and frequently. — William Wordsworth
How to Treat a Woman Quotes
A woman is like a tea party; you do not know what to expect until you get there. — Joan Rivers
If a woman cannot cook, she shouldn’t eat out. — Margaret Thatcher
If a woman cannot cook, she shouldn’t watch television. — George Bernard Shaw
A man is like a piece of driftwood — he drifts with the current. A woman is like a small boat — she stays afloat by the stern. — Vincent van Gogh
I wouldn’t trade my kids for anyone else is! — Karen Hughes, First Lady of the United States
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. — Paul Harvey
I’d rather have a good friend than a perfect wife. — Henry Ward Beecher
If a woman isn’t pretty on the outside
Be careful how you treat a good woman, she might leave you. —Sidney Sheldon
If you want to be a success in love, start by loving your wife. —John Gottman
Don’t treat women as if they are stupid. They are not. —Mitch Hedberg
There is no better time than now to fall in love. —Carol Burnett
A woman’s heart is like the sea: gentle when you are young and rough when you are old. — Miguel de Cervantes
If a woman loves a man, she is either in love with him or she hates him. —Robert Frost
When I met my wife, I was lucky enough to know she was worth waiting for. — John Gottman
You cannot be in love with a person and not love him or her. — Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
She is the kind of girl that makes your heart sing. — Lennon & Ono
I believe that a good woman is one who can look at a man with tenderness and sympathy while hiding her contempt. — Gloria Steinem
Women do crazy things when they are in love, and I do not blame them. — Mitch Hedberg
If a woman loves a man, she is either in love with him or she hates him. —Robert Frost
Love is when a woman looks in a man’s eyes and sees someone she wants to be with for the rest of her life, and he looks back into her eyes and sees the same thing. — Robert Munsch
A woman will give you more than you can imagine, if you just ask her. — Anonymous
A man’s home is not a place to keep a good woman, it is where he keeps her best. — Katharine Hepburn
Never argue with a woman, when she is in bed; she will always win. — Gale Sayers
If you give a good woman a bad name, you do not deserve one yourself. — Katharine Hepburn
Never marry a woman unless you can carry her over the threshold. — Hugh Hefner
Be kind to women, for they are doing the best they know how.
I am not the type of guy to get serious with a girl I see once or twice a week. I like to be around them, but that is all. I am not looking for a girlfriend. I’d rather be single than settle for a relationship that doesn’t go anywhere.
I would much rather be treated kindly by someone who
A good woman is the best thing to have around in any time of trouble. But a bad woman is the worst thing in the world when you are happy.
It takes only one person to make a difference in this world.
A woman’s job is to make a man’s life more tolerable. — Joan Crawford
A woman has to be treated with all the tenderness and respect one gives to a flower.— Edith Wharton
A good woman is like a diamond. You do not see it until the light hits her just right. — Don Juan
It takes one to know one.— Frank Capra
I like to treat women right. I do not see any reason to mistreat them.— James Brown
I think that women are angels. I do not think they are devils. I think they are just people who are very much like us. — Margaret Atwood
Quotes About How to Treat a Woman
A good woman is worth more than ten good men. — Proverbs :
I am going to treat her like a queen. — Mitch Albom
There is no one I know who wouldn’t rather have a good woman than a good man. — Barbara Bush
If you cannot be with the one you love, love the one you are with. — Anonymous
A good woman is a gem that never was on earth before, and a good man is a diamond that never was in the mine. — George MacDonald
To be a good wife is to be a good mother. — Abigail Van Buren
I am not saying I am a good wife. I just want to be a good one. — Kristen Bell
Marriage is a partnership, not a competition. — John F. Kennedy
The best of all possible wives is a wife who knows her place and keeps it. — Oscar Wilde
A good woman is the glory of her husband, the delight of her children, the solace of his old age, and the crowning blessing of his life. — Abigail Van Buren
If you cannot say anything nice, at least say something nice. — Anonymous
If you cannot say anything nice, at least say something nice. — Anonymous
It is not what you do; it is what you love that matters. — Anonymous
A good wife is one who knows her place and keeps it. — Abigail Van Buren
To be a good wife is to be a good mother. — Abigail Van Buren
The most important thing in life is to be loved. — Oscar Wilde
A good wife is one who knows her place and keeps it. — Abigail Van Buren
A good wife is one who knows her place and keeps it. — Abigail Van Buren
If you cannot say anything nice, at least say something nice. — Anonymous
A good woman deserves better than a man who treats her like a good woman.— Sir Richard Branson
A good woman is always worth waiting for.— Unknown
Women are like tea bags. You never know how strong they are untill you put them in hot water.— Unknown
A man’s home is his castle. A woman’s home is her fortress.— William Shakespeare
A woman should be like a piece of land, to be cultivated by the husband, and not like a garden, where every one is allowed to dig for himself.— Aristotle
A woman should be like a piece of land, to be cultivated by the husband, and not like a garden, where every one is allowed to dig for himself.— Aristotle
Be careful how you treat a good woman. You will end up with a fool for a husband, and you will have to pay dearly for it.— Robert Louis Stevenson
Don’t let a good woman leave you.— Unknown
A good woman is like a diamond; she only shines brighter when looking at her through a mirror.— Unknown
A good wife is like a good bank. The more you use her, the more she will stand by you.— Proverbs :
If you treat her like a lady, she will act like one.— Unknown
If you are a man, it is likely that you know the importance of treating women with respect, courtesy and compassion. And if you are a woman, you know that there are certain ways to say things to a man that are just plain wrong.
If you want to avoid a big mess, keep this guide handy. I am sure you will be able to identify the right way to say the wrong thing, before it gets out of hand.