Seasonal Friends Quotes

Looking for the perfect quote to describe your seasonal friends? A collection of the best quotes about seasonal friends. Check out our collection of quotes about seasonal friends and relationships. Celebrate the change of seasons with these quotes about fall, from some of our favorite fictional friends.

Seasonal Friends Quotes

“A seasonal friend only comes around when it is convenient for them. They are not there for the highs or the lows, only the in-betweens.”

“Seasonal friends are like snowflakes; they are beautiful but melt away when the sun comes out.”

“A seasonal friend is like a bag of potato chips; they are fun to have around when you are craving something salty, but by the end of the day, you will realize that they were never really that important.”

“Seasonal friends are like snow; they are beautiful right before they fall, but it can be a blizzard when they do.”

“A seasonal friend is like a snowflake; they look gorgeous when they land but leave a mess behind.”

“Seasonal friends are like a warm hat on a cold day; they are fun to have around when you are in need of a hat, but they quickly become annoying once the need ceases.”

“A seasonal friend is like a snowman; they look beautiful at first glance, but if you look closely, you will notice that their hearts are all hollow.”

“A seasonal friend is like a winter coat; they are designed to keep the chill away, but they soon become worn out and difficult to wear.”

“A seasonal friend is like a present you get for Christmas, you always look forward to receiving it, but once it gets opened and put on, you cannot wait to get rid of it.”

“A seasonal friend is like a snowman; they look beautiful from a distance, but when you get up close, you realize they are just a bunch of lumps of ice.”

“A seasonal friend is like a beautiful painting; it looks pretty on the outside, but as soon as you notice the flaws underneath, you are disappointed with what you see.”

“A seasonal friend is like a bowl of popcorn; they are fun to have around when you are craving something salty, but they lose their appeal once the craving ends.”

“A seasonal friend is like a snowflake; they look pretty on the outside, but once you turn them over, which most people never do, you find out that they are just lumps of ice.”

“God created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh. He created seasonal friends in six minutes and rested on the seventh day.”

“Seasonal friends are like snow; beautiful when left alone, but once you try to touch them, you do not realize that they are full of rottenness underneath.”

“A seasonal friend is like a piece of chocolate cake; they look delicious until you eat one and then they quickly lose their appeal once your craving is satisfied.”

“A seasonal friend is someone who will never treat you with respect. They will only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. If you treat them like gold, they will always treat you like gold. They will continue treating you poorly if you let them treat you poorly.”

“A seasonal friend will never give you the benefit of the doubt. They will always make you question yourself, no matter how genuine your side of the story is.”

“A seasonal friend will always be there to tell you things that make you feel bad about yourself. They only want to hear what they want and fill your head with garbage so they can feel better about themselves.”

“A seasonal friend is somebody who will never show you that they have your best interest in mind. They will always be out for themselves and care only about their opinion and how it will look to you, as if they are the only one who matters.”

“A seasonal friend will never appreciate what you do for them. They will always want more for themselves, no matter how good and helpful something is. They will only want more of something when it is in their best interest.”

“A seasonal friend is somebody who can never be happy for you. They will always make you feel guilty for accomplishing something they had a hand in making possible. They will always find a way to make you feel like anything good you do is wrong.”

“A seasonal friend is somebody who will never congratulate you on your accomplishments. They will always make you feel like you are something that needs to be fixed and that you shouldn’t be happy about who you are.”

“Seasonal friends are like leaves on a tree; they are lovely while they last and then gone.”

“A seasonal friend is someone who comes and goes way too quickly. Even though they were fun, it didn’t seem like they were here for the long haul.”

“A ’seasonal’ friendship is like a rose; it is pretty the first day it blooms and then dies in your hand as soon as night falls.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a snowflake; they are beautiful but do not last.”

“A seasonal friendship is the love of life without enough time to grow. It is bittersweet and painful but necessary if you want to go on and experience new things with new people.”

“The most painful loss is losing someone you love who didn’t love you back. A seasonal friend is someone who wasn’t there but left with the promise of being there soon. That never happened because their vision of the future has changed.”

“Seasonal friends are like leaves on a tree; they are lovely while they last and then they are gone.”

“A seasonal friend is someone you only knew for a season. They filled your life with happiness but never really cared about your happiness. They came and went like the changing of the seasons. You may cherish the times you had together and remember them fondly, but you never expect them to return.”

Seasons of Friendship Quote

“Seasonal friends are like autumn leaves; they are beautiful but eventually fall off.”

“Seasonal friends are like the wind; they are always there, but you can never hold on to them.”

“Some friends are like Spring flowers. They bloom for a short time and are gone. But others are like trees; they are with you for life.”

“A seasonal friend comes to you at the right time but then disappears. A real friend stays with you through everything.”

“Some people are here for a short time but leave a significant mark. Such as seasonal friends.”

“A real friend is like a breeze. They are unwavering and always there. A seasonal friend is like the wind. They show up when you have nothing better to do.”

“Some people are like a snowflake; they are there only for one night. A real friend is like a tree that stands beside you through the good and bad times.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a flower; it lasts a little while and then dies. A real friendship is like a tree that grows strong with age, even in the most challenging times.”

“Some people are like the ocean: they take you on many adventures and make you feel alive when you are around them. A seasonal friend is more like the ocean; they only come to visit once in a while but leave you feeling empty.”

“Some people are like wildfires, burning hot at first but then dying out. A seasonal friend is like a firefly; tiny in size but bright for only an hour.”

“Some people are like solid winds; they spin you around, making you see everything differently. A seasonal friend is more like an ocean: calm and not very powerful, but there to hold you when the storms come.”

“A seasonal friend is like a firefly; bright for an hour. But a real friend is like the sun, always shining your way.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a rose; it blooms for a short time but then dies. A real friendship is like a tree; it grows and changes direction, but always grows more assertive.”

“Some people are like trees that grow strong in the wind. They bend with the storm and come out more vital than ever. A seasonal friend is more like an ocean: calm, not very powerful compared to the sun, but there when you need them most.”

“Some people are like the ocean; they take you on many adventures and make you feel alive when you are around them. A seasonal friend is more like a tree; they only come to visit once in a while but leave you feeling empty.”

“Not all people you meet in your life will stay for a long, long time. Some will come for a moment and never leave; others, whether on purpose or not, come and go faster than the changing seasons. These kinds of friends are seasonal friends; they come when the world is bright and sunny but disappear when the night falls.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a rose; it blooms for a short time and then dies. A real friendship is like a tree; it grows and changes direction but always grows more robust.”

“Some people are like the ocean; they take you on many adventures and make you feel alive when you are around them. A seasonal friend is more like the ocean; they only come to visit once in a while but leave you feeling empty.”

“A seasonal friend is someone who comes and goes quite quickly. They fill your life with happiness but never really care about your happiness. They leave without a goodbye, sometimes without even saying goodbye.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a flower; it blooms for a short time and then dies. A real friendship is like a tree that grows strong with age, even in the most challenging times.”

“Some people are like leaves on a tree; they are beautiful and vibrant for a time, but eventually, they disappear. Permanent friends are like branches on a tree; they may feel lonely, but they will never fall.”

Reason Season Lifetime Meme

“Seasonal friendships are like flowers, bright and beautiful for a short time, but eventually, they fall off. Permanent friends are like trees; you can always rely on them.”

“I am so tired of seasonal people in my life. I have no more room in my heart for them. I need a real friend here for the long haul—someone who will stick through the good and bad times, no matter what happens.”

“Some friendships are like leaves; they come and go with the seasons. But others are like roots, deep and connected to you forever.”

“A real friend is someone who leaves the room when you have a bad day, and when you come back, they tell you about all your funny moments. A seasonal friend is someone who walks out of the room when you are crying and comes back only to ask what is wrong.”

“Some friends come in the spring, and others come in the winter. But real friends are forever.”

“Seasonal friends are like dandelions; pretty to look at for a minute, but when you blow them away, they scatter with the wind.”

“A real friend is like a tree, strong and stable. A seasonal friend is more like grass; beautiful and green in the summer but dead by winter.”

“A season friend is someone who you only see during the summer months and then not at all during the winter. A real friend stays by your side through thick and thin.”

“A real friend is someone who is there for you, no matter what. A seasonal friend only wants to be around you when it is convenient for them.”

“Some people are like lace; they are pretty to look at, but they catch easily and burn quickly. A real friend is like iron; they may get rusty, but they can be used repeatedly.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a flower; it blooms for a short time before dying out. A real friendship is like an oak tree; it grows roots deep in the ground and weathers every storm.”

“Some people are like fireflies—they are bright and beautiful, but they only shine at night. A real friend is like the sun—there to provide light, warmth, and comfort all day.”

“Some people are like will ows, able to bend in the wind but never breaking. Others are like trees that stand tall and firm against any storm.”

“A season friendship is like a rose; it blooms for a short time but then dies. A real friendship is like a tree; it grows and changes direction but grows more substantially.”

“A real friend is someone who sees your flaws and loves you anyway. A seasonal friend is someone who sees your flaws and loves you too much ever to let you forget them.”

“A seasonal friendship is like a flower; it blooms for a short time but then dies. A real friendship is like a tree; it grows and changes direction but always grows more vital.”

“Some friends are like leaves on a tree; they are beautiful and vibrant for a time, but eventually, they disappear. Permanent friends are like branches on a tree; they may feel lonely, but they will never fall.”

“There are two types of relationships in this world: people who only want to be around you when it is convenient for them and people who want to be around you through thick and thin.”

“There are two types of people in this world: those who walk out of the room when you are crying and those who stay to comfort you.”

“Some people are like fireflies; they are bright and beautiful but only shine at night. A real friend is like the sun; there all day to provide light, warmth, and comfort.”

“A real friend is like iron; it may get rusty, but you can use it repeatedly. A seasonal friend is like lace; pretty to look at but quickly catches fire.”

“Real friends are like trees; they stand tall, even in the strongest storms. Seasonal friends are like flowers, beautiful and vibrant for a short time, but eventually, they fall off.”

“Some people are like flowers; they are beautiful and vibrant for a time, but eventually, they disappear. A real friend is like a tree; they stand tall, even in the strongest storms.”

“There are two types of people in this world: those who leave when you get down or stay when you get up and those who want to be around you no matter what.”

“A real friend stands by your side through thick and thin. A seasonal friend stands by your side for a short time and never thinks about you again.”