Rumi Quotes on Light and Dark

In the realm of spiritual wisdom, few voices echo as profoundly as that of the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic, Rumi. His words, transcending time and space, have touched the hearts of millions, offering solace, inspiration, and enlightenment. This blog post delves into the profound depths of Rumi’s wisdom, focusing on his exploration of light and darkness. Through his quotes, we will journey into the heart of these universal themes, discovering how they intertwine and illuminate the human experience.

Rumi Quotes on Light and Dark

  1. “What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”
    • This quote suggests that our pain and struggles, symbolized by darkness, can lead to growth and enlightenment, represented by the candle.
  2. “Only in the darkness can you see the light.”
    • Here, Rumi implies that it’s through experiencing hardship (darkness) that we truly appreciate joy and goodness (light).
  3. “If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.”
    • This quote encourages us to find the light within ourselves, even when surrounded by darkness.
  4. “Your boundaries are your quest.”
    • Rumi suggests that our limitations, often seen as obstacles, are actually pathways to our personal journey of discovery.
  5. “You must have shadow and light source both.”
    • Rumi emphasizes the necessity of balance, acknowledging both our strengths (light) and weaknesses (shadow).
  6. “Sometimes the shadow stays next to the Light. Sometimes it disappears into the Light.”
    • This quote reflects on the transient nature of our struggles (shadow) in the presence of hope and positivity (light).
  7. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
    • Rumi suggests that our wounds, or hardships, allow for growth and enlightenment to enter our lives.
  8. “The lamps are different but the light is the same.”
    • This quote emphasizes the unity and sameness of the divine light, despite the different forms it may take.
  9. “The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night.”
    • Rumi uses the metaphor of the moon and night to convey that enduring through dark times can lead to illumination and clarity.
  10. “We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you have been seeking, has always been within.”
  • This quote reminds us that the light we seek externally is already within us.

Rumi Quotes About Darkness

  1. “Don’t complain about autumn. Walk with grief like a good friend. Listen to what he says. Sometimes the cold and dark of a cave give the opening we most want.”
    • Rumi encourages us to embrace our dark times, as they often lead to new beginnings.
  2. “Hardship may dishearten at first, but every hardship passes away. All despair is followed by hope; all darkness is followed by sunshine.”
    • This quote reassures us that darkness is temporary and will always be followed by light.
  3. “Once you conquer your selfish self, all your darkness will change to light.”
    • Rumi suggests that overcoming our selfish tendencies can transform our inner darkness into light.
  4. “The pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”
    • Rumi encourages us to pay attention to our pain, viewing it as a messenger that can guide us out of darkness.
  5. “The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”
    • This quote implies that in silence and stillness, we can hear the wisdom that helps us navigate through darkness.
  6. “Your task is not to seek love but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
    • Rumi encourages us to dismantle the barriers within us that block love, symbolizing darkness.
  7. “Appear as you are. Be as you appear.”
    • Rumi emphasizes authenticity, suggesting that pretending to be something we’re not can lead to inner darkness.
  8. “The desire to know your soul will end all other desires.”
    • This quote suggests that understanding our true self can dispel the darkness of unfulfilled desires.
  9. “Knock, And He will open the door. Vanish, And He will make you shine like the sun.”
    • Rumi encourages faith and surrender, implying that these can lead us from darkness to light.
  10. “Listen to Silence. It has so much to say.”
  • Rumi suggests that in silence, we can hear the wisdom that helps us navigate through darkness.

Rumi Quotes on Darkness and Light

  1. “Only full overhead sun diminishes your shadow. But that shadow has been serving you.”
    • Rumi suggests that our shadow, or darkness, serves a purpose in our growth and understanding.
  2. “You must have shadow and light source both. Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.”
    • This quote emphasizes the necessity of both light and darkness in our journey of awe and wonder.
  3. “The lamps are different but the light is the same.”
    • Rumi emphasizes the unity and sameness of the divine light, despite the different forms it may take.
  4. “The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night.”
    • Rumi uses the metaphor of the moon and night to convey that enduring through dark times can lead to illumination and clarity.
  5. “We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you have been seeking, has always been within.”
    • This quote reminds us that the light we seek externally is already within us.
  6. “Your task is not to seek love but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
    • Rumi encourages us to dismantle the barriers within us that block love, symbolizing darkness.
  7. “The desire to know your soul will end all other desires.”
    • This quote suggests that understanding our true self can dispel the darkness of unfulfilled desires.
  8. “Knock, And He will open the door. Vanish, And He will make you shine like the sun.”
    • Rumi encourages faith and surrender, implying that these can lead us from darkness to light.
  9. “Listen to Silence. It has so much to say.”
    • Rumi suggests that in silence, we can hear the wisdom that helps us navigate through darkness.
  10. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
  • Rumi suggests that our wounds, or hardships, allow for growth and enlightenment to enter our lives.


Rumi’s quotes on light and darkness offer profound insights into the human experience. They remind us that darkness and light are not opposing forces, but rather intertwined aspects of our journey. Through his wisdom, we learn to embrace our shadows, seek the light within, and understand that our struggles often lead to growth and enlightenment. As we navigate through life’s complexities, Rumi’s words serve as a guiding light, illuminating our path with timeless wisdom and profound understanding.