Rumi Quotes on Death

alal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, and Sufi mystic, has left an indelible mark on the world with his profound and soul-stirring words. His thoughts on death, a universal yet often feared concept, provide a unique perspective that transcends the physical and delves into the spiritual. This blog post will explore Rumi’s quotes on death, offering a glimpse into his wisdom and the comforting, enlightening perspective he provides on this inevitable part of life.

Rumi Quotes on Death

  1. “When you leave me in the grave, don’t say goodbye. Remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind.”
    • Rumi encourages us to view death not as an end, but as a transition to a paradise beyond our comprehension.
  2. “Every mortal will taste death, but very few will taste life.”
    • This quote reminds us that while death is inevitable, truly experiencing and appreciating life is a rarity and a gift.
  3. “Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.”
    • Rumi advises us to distance ourselves from negativity and fear, elements that bring us closer to a metaphorical death.
  4. “Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets and the moon sets, but they’re not gone.”
    • Here, Rumi compares death to the setting of celestial bodies, emphasizing that death is not an end but a part of a cycle.
  5. “Death is a coming together. The tomb looks like a prison, but it’s really release into union.”
    • Rumi portrays death as a unifying force, a release from the physical constraints of life into a spiritual union.

Rumi Quotes About Death and Life

  1. “Life is a never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.”
    • This quote encapsulates Rumi’s belief in the cyclical nature of existence, where death is merely a transition point.
  2. “We all face death in the end. But on the way, be careful never to hurt a human heart!”
    • Rumi reminds us of our shared mortality and the importance of kindness and compassion in our journey towards death.
  3. “I died as mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I was a man.”
    • Rumi uses the metaphor of evolution to illustrate the transformative nature of death, suggesting that it is a process of growth and elevation.
  4. “Living that life removes the need to fear death. What’s to fear? We are with God Now, and we will be with God Then.”
    • Rumi’s words reassure us that a life lived fully and in connection with the divine eliminates the fear of death.
  5. “When I die; when my coffin is being taken out you must never think I am missing this world.”
    • Rumi expresses his readiness for death and the afterlife, urging others not to mourn his departure from the physical world.

Rumi Quotes About Grief

Rumi Quotes About Life and Death

  1. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
    • Rumi suggests that our experiences, including the pain and the awareness of mortality, are openings for enlightenment and growth.
  2. “If you want to be more alive, love is the truest health.”
    • This quote emphasizes the importance of love in truly experiencing life, hinting at its power to overcome the fear of death.
  3. “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”
    • Rumi encourages us to find our purpose in life, a pursuit that makes life meaningful and death a mere transition.
  4. “The Prophets accept all agony and trust it. For the water has never feared the fire.”
    • Rumi speaks of the acceptance of life’s trials and tribulations, including death, as a part of our spiritual journey.
  5. “Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets. The moon sets. But they’re not gone.”
    • This quote reiterates Rumi’s view of death as a part of a cycle, not an end.

Rumi Quotes About Death of a Loved One

  1. “When I’m being carried toward the grave, don’t weep. Don’t say, He’s gone! He’s gone.”
    • Rumi urges us not to mourn the physical departure of a loved one, as their spirit continues to exist.
  2. “The sun sets and the moon sets, but they’re not gone. Death is a coming together.”
    • Rumi comforts us with the idea that death is not a separation, but a unification with the divine.
  3. “The tomb looks like a prison, but it’s really release into union.”
    • This quote offers a comforting perspective on the death of a loved one, viewing it as a release into a spiritual union.
  4. “The human seed goes down in the ground like a bucket into the well where Joseph is.”
    • Rumi uses a biblical metaphor to illustrate the continuation of life after death.
  5. “Don’t shed any tears, don’t lament or feel sorry. I’m not falling into a monster’s abyss.”
    • Rumi reassures us that death is not a terrifying abyss but a transition to a different form of existence.

Rumi Quotes on Death and Dying

  1. “I’m not leaving; I’m arriving at eternal love.”
    • Rumi views death not as a departure but as an arrival at a state of eternal love.
  2. “When you leave me in the grave, don’t say goodbye. Remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind.”
    • This quote offers a comforting perspective on death, viewing it as a gateway to paradise.
  3. “I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore; For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.”
    • Rumi speaks of the dissolution of the physical self in death and the continuation of the soul.
  4. “The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.”
    • Rumi uses the metaphor of a ship drowning in the sea to describe the immersion of the self into the divine at the point of death.
  5. “I am both silent and fermenting for you like the sea of Aden!”
    • Rumi expresses his readiness for death and the afterlife, likening his state to a sea in ferment.


Rumi’s quotes on death offer a comforting and enlightening perspective on a topic often shrouded in fear and uncertainty. His words remind us that death is not an end but a transition, a part of the cycle of life, and a gateway to a spiritual union. As we navigate our lives, these quotes can serve as a beacon, guiding us towards a deeper understanding and acceptance of life’s ultimate transition.