Quotes About Losing Your Mind

Losing your mind can be a scary thing. But sometimes, it can be the best thing that ever happens to you. Here are some quotes about losing your mind that will inspire you to let go and live your best life.

Quotes About Losing Your Mind

“You are never happy with someone because he thinks you are losing your mind.”

“It is an infrequent person who doesn’t lose their mind sometimes.”

“The goal is to lose your mind, not to get another one.”

“You imagine things are crazy when they are not. You are losing your mind.”

“I am afraid to lose my mind because there may not be one.”

“We are losing our minds on a public playground by the river where our river is.”

“When you lose your mind, you are in the most challenging situation.”

“If you have to do something, you lose your mind.”

“To know the truth is to lose your mind.”

“To lose your mind means that you are a person in a good, calm and orderly state of mind.”

“It is tough to keep your memory when you are losing it.”

“The ability to remember is one of the signs of having lost your mind.”

“To lose your mind is to have gained a place and the ability to remember.

“If you are losing your mind, you are a person who is not self-disciplined.”

“If you are losing your mind, then you are going crazy. If you are going crazy, then you are losing your memory.”

“You are losing your mind when you are not crazy.”

“It is normal to lose your mind on your anniversary or the day of someone is birthday or death.”

“If you are losing your mind, then you are a person who is in great pain. If you are in great pain, you are exhausted and stressed out.”

“When you are not losing your mind, you are losing your reasons for living.”

“If you are not losing your mind, then you are a person who doesn’t have thoughts or ideas.”

“How can it be important to remember anything if you lose your mind?”

” The best memory is the one we tend to forget. The ability to have a good memory is the ability to lose our minds.”

” If you are losing your mind, then you are very confused and very tired. If you are tired, then you are crazy.”

“A crazy person is a person who is not self-disciplined and is unable to keep control of their actions.”

“It is crazy that you believe you have lost your mind; you haven’t. It is your mind that has lost it’s way and is wandering.”

“You think you are losing your mind, but I know that is not the case.”

“It is not the real you and so you are lost.”

“You think you are losing your mind, but that is not true. You are just wandering out of a train of thought and into another.”

“Do you know what the most painful thing in the world is? Losing yourself.”

“I know you are losing your mind, but it will find it’s way back.”

“The truth is that you are never really lost; you can just get turned around.”

“If you dig deep into the roots of why you think you are losing your mind. You will find the real reason.”

“People always say that losing your mind is good, but it is not. It is the worst thing in the world, and if you do not get lost repeatedly, it can become permanent.”

“It will be back in time if you have lost your mind. It always is.”

“Losing your mind can happen to any of us, but we all have the power to find it again.”

“When you think you have lost your mind, what that means is that you are out of a certain thought pattern when in fact, you will find the next one.”

“You think you have lost it, but I know better. You are not lost at all. You are just wandering in circles, a different circle every time.”

“You think you have lost your mind, but it cannot be lost. It is outside your body and will always be with you like a shadow wherever you go.”

“You may think you have lost your mind, but losing your mind is completely normal.”

“If you cannot find anything to do, start thinking about why you think you are losing your mind.”

“The only way that we can lose our minds is if we stop thinking.”

“It is easy to get lost, but what is tough is finding your way back again.”

“You think you are losing your mind and maybe you are losing the small pieces that make up the whole.”

Lost in Your Own Mind Quotes

“You do not realize that you are already lost, but it makes perfect sense when you look at it like that.”

“When I am in a couple, I feel I am disappearing, dying, or losing my mind, but it gets better as time goes on.”

“If you do not stop thinking, you will never get lost because you will never stop.”

“You say you are lost, but I know you are in the right place.”

“You think you have lost your mind, but you are doing fine.”

“Losing your mind is like falling off the world’s edge, which happens to everybody daily. But not all people fall and some even fly.”

“You think you are losing your mind. That is not true; you are just wandering out of a train of thoughts and into another.”

“You think you have lost your mind, but that is not true. You are just wandering out of a train of thoughts and into another.”

“You think you are losing your mind, but it is not true. Everyone can lose their minds if they want to.”

“You think you have lost your mind, but that is not true. You are still thinking the same way as before and traveling in a different direction now and then.”

“You think you have lost your mind. It is not true. You are just wandering around in circles and do not even know it.”

“If you have lost your mind, you can get it back again. It is like looking for a dropped contact lens when it is on the end of your nose.”

“You think you have lost your mind, but that is not true. You are just wandering out of a train of thoughts and into another.”

“If you think you have lost your mind, it is probably because you are losing yours.”

“You can lose your mind and still be better at having done so. And the beauty of getting lost is it’s ability to take us back to a place where we can see again.”

“Lose your mind and find your soul.”

“One of the ways to lose your mind is to lose yourself.”

“Losing your mind may have saved your life.”

“Losing your mind means learning to trust the crazy wisdom of your heart.”

“To be able to lose your mind and still be able to tie your shoes”

“If you want to know who is crazy, try asking them when they last lost their mind.”

“The one thing everyone who has ever lost his mind has in common is that he is never found it again.”

“Losing your mind and returning to reality can be an excellent thing.”

“You have to lose your mind before you can find it.”

“(T) hat is the trouble with losing your mind: by the time it is gone, it is too late to get it back.”

“The loss of mind is a sort of death without dying.”

“Losing your mind is not the problem, but keeping it is.”

“He who knows that he has lost his mind is wise.”

“To begin with, the opposite of losing your mind is not being so sure of it.”

“I think we lose our minds and come to them repeatedly until we finally get it right.”

“Losing your mind is much worse than losing your memory. You can remember how things were, but you can never imagine how they might have been.”

“Losing your mind doesn’t mean you are crazy; you are finally getting sane.”

“Losing your mind is not the same as doing something idiotic. It is the idea that you are making a choice and know what you are doing.”

“Losing your mind is better than being safe, sane and sound.”

Sayings About Losing Your Mind

“It is better to be completely lost in your thoughts than wholly convinced of everything other people think for you. Losing your mind is better than having your brain, not in the right place.”

“Losing your mind only occurs when you start listening and thinking. It is harder to understand when you are not thinking at all.”

“The trick is to keep your mind so distracted that you cannot lose it.”

“You cannot lose much of your mind until you start doing something useful with it. And that is what it is, valuable.”

“You cannot lose your mind! You do.”

“The more you worry about losing your mind, the more likely you will find it. It is a threat that can only be overcome.”

“They call it losing your mind because it feels great.”

“You lose your mind when you stop trying to find another way.”

“You lose your mind when you stop trying to be like someone else.”

“The pain of losing your mind is more familiar than the joy of finding it.”

“Losing your mind means you will have to think for yourself. And that is harder than you might think.”

“Losing your mind is what happens when you stop pretending to be anything else.”

“Saving your mind means thinking for yourself and not just about yourself. And that is what losing your mind means.”

“If you are lucky, you will lose your mind. Then maybe you can finally get it back.”

“Losing your mind is the first step to finding it.”

“Losing your mind is not the same as doing something stupid. It is the idea that you are making a choice and know what you are doing.”

“Losing your mind happens when you start thinking for yourself.”

“Losing your mind will be harder, especially if you think it is a good idea.”

“There is no such thing as losing your mind. You stop telling it what to do.”

“Losing your mind is when you venture out of your comfort zone and come back with something useful instead of just another story about how dangerous it was.”

“Losing your mind is getting there faster than the people who want to go elsewhere. Lose your mind and you can get anywhere.”

“Losing your mind is not being so sure of it, to begin with.”

“Losing your mind is when you give up on being one of the sheep and decide to stop pretending you are something else.”

“Losing your mind means paying attention to what matters.”

“Losing your mind means never wanting to be the same as someone else.”