My Heart Is Yours Quotes

This blog is all about quotes from the heart. If you are looking for some inspiration or just a little bit of motivation, then this is the place for you. We have got a wide range of quotes that will resonate with you, no matter what you are going through in life. So take a look and see which ones speak to you. My Heart Is Yours Quotes is the perfect place to find what you are looking for.

My Heart Is Yours Quotes

Do you know that the heart and lungs are the busiest in our body because they have to work a lot? My heart for you feels like that. It may be hard for you to know, but my heart is yours.

If you love something, losing it will be hard for you. So wish me back the heart that is yours and I hope we will be together.

When my days are bad, about anything, my mind always comes back to you and my love for you. So I ask you please always remember me in your life, which makes my heart with yours. I love you.

In my dream, I only wish that we could be together forever, but if this is not possible, at least my heart will always be yours; please accept it.

When I look back at all the happy moments that we have had, my heart thinks about how lucky I am to find your love. So I know that my heart will be yours.

In my heart, I see only you and your love that gives me the strength to overcome all the difficulties in my life. My heart is just for you a lot, so this is why it is yours.

When I look at the sky, I think of how blue it is and how much my heart is full of love for you because you are beautiful, like a blue sky with stars. So wish me back my heart because it is yours. I love you.

I know my heart is yours when I wake up and see your image. My heart is just always yours, so please accept it.

You are a lovely person and I think that you are funny, but you shouldn’t be so mean to me. That is why my heart is yours because it cannot bear to see you unhappy. Please give my heart back to me. I love you.

As my life went well, my mind always returned to you and my love for you. So please give your heart back to me; I hope we will be together forever.

I am thinking about how much we have missed each other and hope for a reunion soon. If we still cannot be together again, at least my heart is yours. Please accept it.

My mind always goes back to you and my love for you. So my heart is just yours and I hope we will be together forever. I always care for you because you are the best.

I have never seen a person like you, so different and lovely. You are beautiful in every way, inside and outside. So my heart is yours.

The days we spent together were the best moments in my life and I am sure we will be together again soon. At least my heart is yours for now.

Today, my mind returns to you every day and all the wonderful things we have done together. My heart is just yours and I hope we will be together forever.

When I woke up in the morning and saw your face, my heart was just for you a lot, so this is why it is yours.

You might see yourself as ordinary, but to me, you are extraordinary. I love all aspects of you, so my heart is yours.

You may feel very lonely now, but I will ensure that you are always with me. My heart is yours.

I’d like to let your know that my heart is only for yours. So please keep care of it and do not let it down because I love you.

You are so only to me; I promise to be yours forever. My heart is yours.

Love can make a person do many things, and one of them is the thing that will make us love them more. I will always love you throughout my life; please accept my heart that is yours.

I know how it feels to be in a relationship with a man who does not love you as much as you would have. I hope my heart will always be yours.

My heart is only for yours. I want to keep loving you all my life, but if you cannot love me, please let me know that my heart is yours.

My heart is yours forever. I am pleased knowing that, my love, you are always there to help me because I care about you and respect your feelings. Thank you for being such a wonderful man to me.

I know some people do not deserve your love, but I will always be there. My heart is yours forever.

My heart is only for yours. I promise my love for you will last forever, so please give me your heart.

My heart is yours and my brain thinks of you all the time. You are lovely to me because I have never met anyone like you before, so my heart is only yours. Please give me your heart as well.

People see you as very good, but when I see you, it is different. You are also an exceptional person to me because I do not see anyone exactly like you before. My heart is yours forever.

The only reason why in my heart, I do not believe that there can be such love is that it would not make sense to my heart if it didn’t have your name of yours. Here is my heart; take it and love it.

When I see you, my dear, I forget everything around me. I am sure you are the only one for me and I want to tell you that my heart is yours.

My darling, when I think how good it would be to hear that you love me too, I think of how you sometimes look at me. It is so sweet and gentle. How wonderful would that be? My heart is yours.

I love you because you are the one that makes me a better person and I want to tell you that my heart is yours because it is the only thing I want to give to you.

You are mine because no one else in this world can make me happy and have such a wonderful life as we do now. Here is my heart, take it and treasure it.

My heart started to shine when I met you because of your smile and words. I want to tell you that my heart is yours.

You are mine because there is no one else in this world who can make me a happier person than you do. Here is my love; take it and love it.

You Have My Heart Quotes

The only reason why in my heart, I have decided that there can be two hearts instead of just one is that my heart would miss yours if it had not found the best one in it. My heart is yours.

Your words are the most beautiful I have ever heard and they shine in my heart, fill it with your love and make it more complete. My heart is yours.

I fell in love with you when we first met. Here is my heart; please take it and keep it safe because it belongs only to you. Love you lots.

There is nothing better in this world than to be with you. My heart is yours.

The only reason why in my heart, I am sure that our hearts will never come to part is that my heart belongs to you and it will always be yours.

When I searched for a word for love, it was you. And when I used to cry, you were there. And when I was alone, you were with me. You are my life and I want to say my heart is yours!

I love you so much that all the time and every place reminds me of you and by the way, I just want to tell you that my heart is yours. So please take care of it.

You have made my heart so warm, so glad and so happy. I hope you can accept the warm feeling in my heart in return.

My heart is yours because it wants to obey and love you with all it’s strength.

My heart speaks, but I cannot resist, so I must obey it. So please take care of my love, and take the time to listen to it.

My heart is yours because you do not doubt me anymore.

When I look at the sky, I remember your face in it. And when I see a tree in the wind, I see your eyes shining. You are everywhere and every time. My heart is yours.

I want to tell you that I love you with every cell of my body and every piece of my soul. I love you truly and deeply. My heart is yours.

Nothing is better for me than to be with you; nowhere else is better for me than with you because my heart is yours.

My heart is always in front of me because it wants the first place in my life. It really needs your support and your care. My heart is yours.

When I see your face, my heart feels so good and warm. When I hear your voice, my heart is so relaxed and happy. Yes, my heart is yours.

I wish you knew how much you mean to me because it is the happiest moment of my life when I am with you. So I want to tell you that my heart is yours.

My love for you will never end. My love for you will never die because it belongs to you now. I love you, and I will give my heart to you forever.

I must let you know that my heart is yours because it dreams of being with you. My heart is yours.

My love for you will never leave me; I am here waiting for your call and hopeful that you can love me back. My heart is yours.

Ok, here is the secret that nobody knows: my heart is yours because there is nothing more beautiful than your love for me. It is the only thing I need. I want to obey it.

My heart has woken up, and it wants to let you be part of my life. My heart is yours.

I am sure that I am so lucky to have you in my life; I cannot imagine how amazing it would be without you. My heart is yours!

I have chosen you because my heart has chosen you, my feelings are focused on you, and my love is meant only for you. My heart is yours.

My heart is yours because you are so good to me. Thanks for letting my heart love you!

In the light of your face, my heart feels so warm and so joyful. You make me feel alive and happy every day, so my heart is yours.

My love has always been placed in your hands. I know that if I do not give in to it, I will never be able to be with you. My heart is yours.

My heart has chosen you and it wants to be with you. I will never forget all the moments we spent together. My heart is yours; I love you so much.

My heart is yours because I only want it to be with you now. My heart is yours.

I am so happy because my heart knows that you are always beside me now, and I can feel your care for me. My heart is yours.

I love you more than you know because it is the happiness and joy to be with you. So my heart is yours.

My heart is yours because it is the reason to be happy.

After you arrived in my life, everything changed. I love you a lot, so I wish to give my heart to you now. My heart is yours.

My love for you will never change; it always will be the same because it belongs to you now. My heart is yours.

I love you more than anyone else can ever say. My heart, indeed, is yours.

You are my heart is greatest compliment. I am sure I will be happy and fulfilled if I want to be with you.

My Heart Beats for You Message

My heart doesn’t want to let you go anytime soon because it only wants your love and care. My heart is yours.

There are millions of things that make me happy, but there is nothing better than your love. My heart is yours.

My heart is yours because I cannot forget our precious moments together. My heart is yours.

My love for you will never end. I just want to say that my heart is yours.

Even if people laugh at my love, I will be so happy because your love has been in my life. My heart is yours.

It is time to tell you that I am here for you and want to take care of you and be with you. My heart is yours.

I want to tell you that my love for you will never end; I just hope you will be with me forever. I love you so much.

Every time I tell someone about my feelings for you, you make me feel so good and happy. My heart is yours.

My heart is yours because of what I feel when we are together. My heart is yours.

I want to be with you now and forever because my only happiness is your company. I love you so much.

You make my heart want to do things for you because I cannot help it. My heart is yours.

Even if people laugh at my love, I will be so happy because your love has been in my life. You are everything that I need. My heart is yours.sss

I know that some people do not deserve your love. But I will always be there. My heart is yours forever.

The love of my life has been my soul and my life, so please accept my heart. That is yours. I promise to be yours forever.

People tell me that I am a wonderful person, but seeing you was the opposite. You are very special to me. My heart is yours forever.

A once-in-a-lifetime love story where two people who should not belong together fall into love with each other. I want my heart is yours love to last for eternity.

You are only to me, so please accept my heart that is yours. My love for you will last forever; I promise that.

We are a couple of people who are very different from the others, but deep inside, we have many similarities. I love you always and forever.

We are not just in love with each other but also have many similarities that make our bond even more potent than before. My heart is yours and I will never let you go. I love you.

Two different people who have many similarities and have fallen in love with each other. My heart is only for yours.

I do not know what love is, but I know that my heart is yours. I promise to love you every day to show you my appreciation.

My heart was broken before because of a very special person in my life. But now I met a new person that makes me feel special and loved again. So my heart is yours now. I love you.

You can be the love of my life because I see someone in you that makes me feel special. My heart is yours forever and I will always love you from now until forever.

Love is a beautiful feeling that two people experience when they meet each other. Two people have many similarities; one is that they fell in love with each other—my heart only for yours. I love you.

I want to let you know that I love everything about you and do not care as long as I am with you. My heart is yours now.

We are a couple of people who have many differences, but we will always be together no matter what. My heart is yours forever.

We are not just in love with each other but have many similarities that make our bond even stronger than before. My heart is yours forever. I love you.

I want to let you know that I will never let go of your love and I promise to share my happiness with you. My heart is yours forever.

I know you are busy with your job and family, but I want you to know that I will always be there for you. My heart is yours forever.

You might not realize how much I love you, but please take my heart. That is yours. I promise to share my happiness with you.

You might not know this, but I fall in love with you because you are different from other people—my heart is only for yours.

I wish I could describe how much in love I am with you, but it will not be enough words to explain my feelings toward you. My heart is yours forever. I love you.

No matter what happens in the future, my heart will always be yours. I will be there for you. My heart is yours forever.

I want to let you know that I love everything about you and do not care as long as I am with you. My heart is yours forever.

You have many things to do and many places to go, but please remember that there is someone who loves you a lot. My heart is yours forever. I love you.

You mean more to me than you can imagine. And I know that my heart is yours.

I know you might not realize how much I love you, but please take my heart. That is yours. I promise to share my happiness with you.

My heart is yours and I want to let you know that I love everything about you and do not care as long as I am with you. My heart is yours forever. I love you.

I will always be there for you and cannot wait to be with you. My heart is only for yours.

In life, we have many people who mean something to us, but there is only one person in this world who can make us feel special and loved at the same time. So my heart is yours forever. I love you.

You might not recognize how much I love you, but please take my heart. That is yours. I promise to share my happiness with you.

When I met you, I realized that someone took care of me and cared about me all the time. So my heart is yours forever.