Master Oogway Quote Yesterday Is History Tomorrow Is a Mystery

Master Oogway’s quotes are some of the most inspirational and influential ever. Check out this blog to learn more about the man and his words. Discover the best Master Oogway quotes that have inspired millions around the world. These top quotes from the wise Kung Fu Panda will motivate you to pursue your dreams.

Master Oogway Quote

“There is nothing wrong with change, what is wrong is our resistance to it.” – Master Oogway

“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.” -Master Oogway

In order to find your true path, you must let go of the illusion of control. -Master Oogway

“Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile, and start again.”

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you are hard like a rock, you will break. When you are soft like water, you will flow.” – Master Oogway

“The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.”

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

“The other day is TOMORROW with all it’s possibilities, promises, and opportunities.”

Master Oogway Quote

“Tomorrow is the day we worried about yesterday. Tomorrow is the day we put off until today.”

“Every day is a gift. That is why we call it the present.”

“Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

“There is no such thing as yesterday, tomorrow, and tomorrow . . . there is only today.”

“Yesterday IS history and tomorrow will be yesterday waiting to happen.”

“Don’t worry about the future. Learn how to live in the present.”

“The past is just a memory and the future is an inevitable prediction.”

“When you look at life in terms of the past and future, you will discover that you have wasted today.”

“Tomorrow? I cannot wait till tomorrow. It is going to be a good day.”

“Live in the present. Enjoy each moment as it comes.”

“Yesterday has gone forever. Tomorrow isn’t here yet; today is for you. So live your life on purpose. Embrace each day. Make the most of it, and together, we will make tomorrow even better.”

“The past is just a memory, the future is only a vision, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

“Today must be lived in such a way that every tomorrow will be better than today.”

“Every day is a new beginning for you.”

“The past cannot be changed. The future has not yet been written. The only day that you can change is today. Make it count.”

“Don’t worry about the future. It will be here soon enough.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, the present, to make use of. Live in the moment and make the most of it.”

“Tomorrow is not promised to us. If you regretted something yesterday, do it today.”

“Hope for tomorrow, but work for today.”

“Each day is a new beginning. Take advantage of this chance. Live with passion and enthusiasm, and be true to yourself.”

“Every day is a beautiful gift from the Universe. Don’t waste a single minute of it!”

“Life is too short of putting off living each day with all it’s opportunities until tomorrow. Today is the only day you can be with your loved one.”

“Don’t wait until tomorrow to do something. It may never happen. Life is too short of putting off living each day with all it’s opportunities till tomorrow.”

“You have only today, so do not waste it by worrying about yesterday or tomorrow.”

“If you had more time, would you change anything?”

Yesterday Is History Tomorrow Is a Mystery

“The past cannot be changed. The future has not yet been written. The only day that we can change is today. Make the most of today.”

“May your today be a happy, lucky day.”

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”


“Take every step with faith and you will see the path revealed to you as you walk. And one day, when you arrive at your journey’s end, it will be worth all you have ever done. Because as your journey ends, you will have memories of every step along the way.”

“Stop thinking about yesterday and tomorrow. Start thinking about today.”

“Every day is a new beginning in which we should live from our hearts and raise a smile to the world around us.”

“Live every day to it’s fullest because tomorrow may never come again. The happiness in the heart is not just for today. The happiness of today, maybe the sorrow of tomorrow.”

“There is never a reason to wait because life goes by quickly and you will miss valuable moments if you do not live them.”

“Live your life as if it will end tomorrow. Because it probably won’t. These moments are just as important as the ones that follow.”

“Every day is a gift. Make the most of it.”

“Yesterday, tomorrow will never come. Today is all we have and there are no more seconds left to waste.”

“Set goals, but do not be obsessed with them. Use them to inspire you to achieve more and be better than you started. Remember, every moment is a gift.”

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. If you do that, you will have nothing left to do but worry.”

“Live in the moment because this is all there is.”

“The only day that you can change is today.”

“Don’t wait until tomorrow to do something. It will never happen. Live your life today, and make the most of it.”

“Don’t worry about the future – it will come when it comes. Instead, give your attention to what you are doing now.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. ”

“Live each day as if it were your last because you will be right one day. It is better to go through life as if you will die tomorrow. That way, you will realize how precious life is and begin to live each day to the fullest.”

“The past is the past best forgotten. Don’t let it be your guide. Tomorrow is not a promise, so do not live there.”

“You can always change tomorrow. For today, choose happiness.”

Yesterdays History Tomorrows a Mystery

“There is only one day in front of you, this one. The past cannot be changed, And the future is still waiting. So, love the NOW!”

“The past is just a memory. The future is yet to be. The only time that is real is right now. So cherish every moment.”

“Don’t worry about the future; it will be here soon enough. Try not to worry about what went wrong or might go wrong in the future.”

“Live life as if it were your last day. Because one of these days, it will be.”

“Time waits for no one.”

“If you look back on your life, you will find that an amazing thing happened: Time flew by.”

“Yesterday has gone forever. Tomorrow isn’t here yet; today is for you. So live your life on purpose. Embrace each day. Make a difference and leave the world a better place.”

“I believe we all have a certain amount of time to live. That time is not infinite, but neither is it finite. If you have lived your life as if it were your last day, then you have indeed lived every day as if it were your last, for you will never die.”

“Life is too short to think about yesterday or tomorrow. You will never see tomorrow, so focus on today.”

“Lifetimes are too short, and there is no time for mourning. Every day is a gift. Make the most of it.”

“Don’t wait until tomorrow to take action — take action TODAY.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t promised yet. Live in the here and now and do not miss out on what you can do today.”

“There is more to life than being busy. There is more to life than achievement. There is more to life than success.”

“Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

“Today is just another day, but it is going to be your day, so do not miss this beautiful opportunity and try your best to succeed in life.”

“Live the moment. No one knows what tomorrow holds.”

“Do not wait for time – take the time to do something special. No one can take the time away from you. LIVE A LIFE OF HOPE. Live in the moment.”

“Every day is a new beginning. Live each day as if it is your last.”

“Time is short, but life passes too quickly, so cherish each moment and live life the way you want to live it because one day, this will be all there is.”

“Live in your present. NEVER live in the past or worry about the future. I implore you to live in your present. It is not an eternity, after all.”

Kung Fu Panda Present Quote

“Make it happen. Don’t let yesterday bring you down.”

“There is no tomorrow, only today.”

“Every day is a gift that must be treasured!”

“Lifetimes are too short, and there is no time for mourning. Every day is a gift. Please make the most of it. “

“Life is short but sweet. Reach out and grab it.”

“Today is your life. Make the most of it!”

“I will live my life the way I want to. There is no reason to wait until tomorrow. I want to do things my way today!”

“Live each day as if it were your last because you will be right one day. Live your life now and make a difference in someone else is life. Make it a great day.”

“Today is the only thing you should be thinking about. Don’t waste your time thinking about yesterday or tomorrow.”

“Life is simple. Enjoy every moment of it!”

“Do not wait for tomorrow because there is no guarantee that there will be one.”

“Live like today will be your last day on earth. Because one day it will be.”

“Never give up, for today could be your last.”

“Our only real life is the present. There is no use thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow.”

“If you live your life as if it were your last day, then you have lived every day as if it were your last. And you will never die.”

“What will make me happy today? That is what I want to know. Worrying about yesterday and worrying about tomorrow clouds my mind. But if I live today the way I want to, that makes me happy.”

“Whatever happened yesterday, whatever happens, tomorrow is unimportant . . . It is time for you to live in peace and harmony, so follow your path without fear.”

“Live the life you love. Love the life you live.”

“The past is the past. It is over and done. The future is what you make of it. So make it a good one.”

“Good or bad. Everything passes quickly. Make each day count.”

“You must live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Because you are.”

“Everyone has their purpose in life, so live yours to the fullest.”

“Today is a new opportunity to be happy, healthy and successful. So make the most of it and start today!”

“Every day is a gift. Make the most of it.”

“Live life as if it were your first day on earth; because one day it will be. If you were born today, you cannot be alive for yesterday. You do not have to worry about tomorrow if you are alive today.”

“Today is a gift. So accept it and cherish it.”

“Don’t think of the past. Don’t worry about the future. All that is important is now.”

“The past will not come back to life, so spend your time wisely and live in the present.”

“Make every day count with a positive attitude.”

“Don’t live to regret. Just do whatever you make happy.”

Kung Fu Panda Quote About the Present

“Live each day as if it is your last because tomorrow is not promised.”

“Tomorrow is not a promise, so do not worry about yesterday.”

“Life is too short to think about yesterday or tomorrow. You will never see tomorrow, so focus on today.”

“Live in your present. Never live in the past or worry about the future.”

“There is no time like today.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t promised yet. Live in the here and now and do not miss out on what you can do today.”

“Live life as if it were your first day on earth; because one day it will be. If you were born today, you cannot be alive for yesterday. You do not have to worry about tomorrow if you are alive today.”

“It is not by ability, but by the courage that we succeed.”

“There is no time like the present.”

“Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. Eat this gift with gratitude and live it to it’s fullest.”

“Reach out and grab it. Take that leap of faith.”

“Every day is a gift that must be treasured!”

“Lifetimes are too short, and there is no time for mourning. Every day is a gift.”

“Live each day as if it were your last and make the most of each moment because you will be dead one day. The past is gone, and the future remains to be seen. Today is all we have, so let is live it fully.”