Last Pregnancy Quotes to Read Before Baby’s Arrival

Looking for the perfect way to announce your pregnancy to the world? Check out our collection of last pregnancy quotes! If you are looking for the perfect way to announce your pregnancy to friends and family, check out our list of the best last pregnancy quotes!

Last Pregnancy Quotes

I do not ever want to forget the wonder of your life. I always want to remember how you hiccupped as you were born, how you were born down-sunken on your right side (a sure sign of a posterior placenta), and how you cried for the first time on my chest about 3 hours after birth.

I want to remember that I never got over the fact that I was a mommy to you. And I wanted everyone else to know it too. I liked the world to know you were mine.

I mainly want to remember that no matter how heated your sibling rivalry is, you always made it through with a soft heart. And I wanted everyone else to know that too. I wanted the world to know you were kind. To prove it, even on the days when your siblings were driving you crazy and even when they didn’t understand why you still kept turning the other cheek.

You never got too big for hugs. You were always so present, so aware that it was important to be with your mommy, and there was never a moment when you weren’t my sweet boy.

You would climb into bed with me at night. You would share my dreams. And I loved it! You truly made me feel 26 again!

Your dad and I had our first dance to ’One Sweet Day’ together when we told you we were pregnant the day you were born. We danced with you through your first tooth and first word. We danced when you splashed, and we danced when you laughed. We would dance together in your baby bumps and then separately in our big belly bumps.

I kept dancing when you moved to toddlerhood. You loved being on the swing. We danced in the park. We were two grown-ups, but we were so in love with being clumsy and making embarrassing goofs that we could never stop dancing. We laughed until we were breathless at the weird things you did during those first years.

You brought me so much joy when I was sad or felt like my life had been suddenly ’cut short’ somehow because of your needs or yours. Just the sight of your chubby cheeks could melt my heart. And I loved it!

I loved being your mommy. I knew I couldn’t have a baby forever, but it was hard to let you go. We had so much fun together. Until you left me, that is when it got hard.

I do not know what to do now that your life has been cut short and that mine is too. I am always trying to look forward, but that is hard. It was all so much easier when I knew I could still be your mommy. When I knew we had time for anything and everything.

I know you are watching over us and that you will always be with us. I hope we can meet again someday–and soon! Until then, my sweet boy, you are forever in my heart, my last pregnancy. And I will never get over it.

I do not know how to want to be a mommy again. How do I find the place where I can say, Yes! This is what I want for my life. How do I get there?

I think it would be easier if people didn’t tell me how fast time goes by. And, most of all, it would be easier if people didn’t ask if we were done having kids. I am not done. I want babies.

I know other women who are mothers. Sometimes they get so tired of being a mother that they feel hopelessly stuck. And these women have children younger than you were! How do I cope with the frustration of that? I do not know if there is any magic formula. But I do know that I love being a mother.

Last Baby Quotes

I certainly do not want to say that my life was more important than theirs or that they have it easier. I know our experience of being a mommy is different.

And maybe the key is to remember what I learned during your short life. The one thing you taught me: You are my last pregnancy. Your siblings may or may not be moms someday, but either way, you will always be their firstborn brother. You were my previous birth, my last baby. You were my last pregnancy.

I need to remember that and be okay with this experience of being a mommy is over now. My favorite one. And I know it is time to welcome the next phase.

So, I will live without them for a while longer. Because my life has changed, many other things have stayed the same. I will still tell your story to the world–perhaps even in my blog–and I want you to know that you are always with us.

You will be able to play with the other kids at school and learn our language. You will also be part of this family, and we will teach you all about it.

’ How are you feeling?’ I often heard that from strangers when I was pregnant with you. It didn’t bother me because I knew they were trying to be excellent. But it did make me wonder. When is the right time to say such a thing? And who should get to say the words?

Your dad told me that if we have another baby, ’I want it to be a surprise this time!’ How ludicrous of him. ’Surprises’ are for children who do not know better than to hope for the best. At some point, you have to realize that babies come with responsibilities.

I am so excited to spend time with Caleb and Clara. I look forward to having a baby again and enjoying newborn snuggles and sweet grins. If you are the fourth one, all eyes will be on you no matter how much we try not to make you the baby.

My favorite part about the last pregnancy was that you were safe – and warm, perfect, and healthy. You pushed your way into this world without pain or tears. We are thrilled to welcome you.

There will be many nights when I will hold you close to my heart. Many times, I will want to lay awake in bed with no one but my husband watching over me. I think we will both miss you more with respect to your father.

You will have our undivided attention. You will be the light in this house, the one thing that doesn’t change when you leave for school. You will be our favorite blessing.

I am sorry, I will not be much fun until you are born. If this is our last baby, I have some work to do when you get here. I need to make sure everything is ready for you.

I have been pregnant for 38 weeks, and it has been the most beautiful challenge of my life. It has made me physically and emotionally unstable. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I will be as prepared as possible when you arrive. I will have your favorite outfits, your brand-new car seat, and our favorite baby toys. I know these items will not compensate for my lack of experience, but hopefully, they will ease some of your frustrations.

I remember pushing you out of me and thinking how perfect you were. You were sweet and quiet after 10 hours of labor. You were the epitome of little newborns.

You kicked your legs and lifted your head, but that was about it. You were a sleeping angel wrapped in a white blanket. I was happier than I had ever been.

I didn’t know if you would cry, smile, or hold on to your mother with both hands as I tried to make you let go. And then suddenly you did, just like that, and sucked away the last bit of my fear.

Last Baby Quotes

I felt so proud of myself for being strong enough to give birth on my own. I felt so thankful that you were here after nine long months of waiting for you.

The nurses laid you on my chest. You were a little shocked at it. First, I think. You looked around the room, then reached out your hands and grabbed onto me.

I have had what most consider an uneventful pregnancy. But I have one week to go, and honestly, I am feeling more nervous now than at any other point in this whole thing. I think because this is the last time around.

I am so nervous about your birth. Why? Because I am so excited! I will miss you. But I know that being a mom means being able to do what is best for your child, and it might not be suitable for me. So I will have to be okay with that.

Your daddy and I talked last night about how our family has been blessed with such awesome babies. Not one of them was planned by us, but each one was a delight. And although you are a surprise, we will love you just the same.

I know that I may not be the best mom. You will be so quick and beautiful and people will want to talk to me all the time. But I think God knows what is best for your life, and because He cares so much about you, He wants me to do anything He asks, even if it makes me sad or uncomfortable.

You are still tiny. You are not confirmed yet. And that is why your fifth will be the last one. It is still hard to believe that this baby is in my belly and growing daily.

I do not regret trying for another child five times. I would never resent you or any of your siblings for making me a mother, but there are times when I wonder if I will be done having kids or if I will grow old raising them. It is scary to think about.

I know that pregnancy is not easy. It always makes me tired and irritable. I try to focus on all the good things but sometimes, I want to cry.

There are many things I miss when I am pregnant, but right now, all my life revolves around your growth. Everything around me reminds me that you are coming soon.

I want you to stay in here just a little longer. I know the timing isn’t perfect. I know that we aren’t ready for you yet. But I feel like you need to be with us longer. Please.