Knowledge Management Quotes to Inspire You

Check out these memorable quotes on knowledge management from some of the top minds in the field. Learn from some of the top minds in the field of knowledge management with these quotes. Whether you are looking for inspiration or just want to learn more about the topic, these quotes are a great place to start. Here is a quick definition and some quotes on the benefits of knowledge management to give you a better understanding.

Knowledge Management Quotes

Knowledge management is a strategic approach to enhancing an organization’s ability to create, share, and use knowledge to improve performance.

Knowledge management aims to promote a better understanding of an organization’s collective know-how and make it available to those who can use it.

Knowledge management is about creating value from knowledge – converting it into a strategic asset.

Ultimately, knowledge management is about improving organizational performance by creating and using knowledge more effectively.

Knowledge management is about creating, managing and sharing knowledge – information as a strategic resource.

Knowledge management aims to improve organizational performance by creating, managing and sharing knowledge – information as a strategic resource.

An organization’s potential lies in the collective knowledge of it’s people; that is why we call it knowledge.

And every organization has a role to play in managing it’s collective know-how. Knowledge management is quite possibly the most crucial activity that managers do.

Collective know-how – that is what we call knowledge.

Knowledge management is about collective know-how – not knowledge in the minds of individuals, but knowledge created and shared as an organization. It is about changing who you are and what you do as an organization.

Knowledge management is about creating value from knowledge – converting it into a strategic asset. And knowledge management is all about improving organizational performance by creating and using knowledge more effectively.

Knowledge management is about creating, managing, and sharing knowledge – information as a strategic resource.

The challenge, of course, is to make it work. And the key to doing knowledge management work is understanding that knowledge management has never been just about technology. It has always been about how people and organizations operate.

Knowledge management facilitates the successful and efficient use of knowledge in an organization.

The principal function of knowledge management is to make knowledge available to those who may use it.

Knowledge management begins with recognizing that information that can be used strategically has been created but has not been used wisely.

’The essence of any action [or business] lies in the intention, not in the result. Therefore, our aim should be to change rather than control the result.’

The purpose of any knowledge management system is to enable organizations to harvest the maximum amount of knowledge from all sources, using that knowledge efficiently and effectively.

Knowledge management is about managing an organization’s collective know-how.

Knowledge management is the practice of collaborating across organizational boundaries to produce results that would not otherwise be possible. It is about sharing knowledge and expertise.

Knowledge management is a process–not a product or technology–that includes identifying and using relevant knowledge within the organization.

The primary focus of knowledge management is not technology but processes. It seeks to improve how people work together within and between organizations.

There are two approaches to managing knowledge: strategic and tactical. The goal of a strategic approach is to make all valuable information by linking it to specific business goals. A tactical course aims to transform information into a strategic asset by actively managing it.

The idea that ’knowledge is power has been around for a long time. However, the idea that one can manage knowledge has only been with us for about three or four years.

Benefits of Knowledge Management Quote

Knowledge management is managing knowledge (information) as an asset across an organization. It is about improving the effective use of people, knowledge and other resources in an organization.

[Knowledge management] enables organizations to:

•             Manage knowledge.

•             Increase the flow of relevant knowledge.

•             Assist high potential employees to progress.

•             Make better use of that information through collaboration.

The foundation of any knowledge management system is a common understanding of what that system contains and how it is used. The insights from informal meetings are often more important than written documentation.

Knowledge management is the strategic application of technology to capture valuable knowledge, create new knowledge, transform knowledge into services and make it available to employees worldwide.

Organizations would have all the information they need to run at peak performance in an ideal world. In such a world, the only challenge would know where to find the information when required.

Many companies are engaging in counterproductive activities to their knowledge management efforts.

The purpose of a knowledge management system is not just to store information but to organize it in ways that make it easier for managers and employees to use.

A key element of knowledge management is developing the organization’s collective intelligence – facilitating the creation and sharing of knowledge and ideas.

Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adopters of their knowledge.

In essence, knowledge management is about people and processes – not technology.

A practical knowledge management strategy should be integral to an organization’s business strategy.

Knowledge management is a journey, not a destination.

Knowledge management is a strategic approach to improving an organization’s performance by using it’s knowledge resources best.

An organization’s knowledge resources are it’s most important asset.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization to manage it’s knowledge resources better and improve it’s performance.

An organization’s knowledge resources are a valuable source of competitive advantage.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization utilize it’s knowledge resources better and gain a competitive advantage.

An organization’s knowledge resources are vital to it’s ability to compete and excel.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization better manage it’s knowledge resources, making them more valuable.

An effective knowledge management strategy can improve an organization’s performance by making better use of it’s knowledge resources.

Knowledge management is a strategic approach to improving an organization’s performance that uses it’s knowledge resources best.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization better manage it’s strategic assets, which are the key to it’s future success.

Knowledge management is all about people, processes and technology.

A successful knowledge management strategy uses an organization’s collective knowledge assets to support it’s core business activities.

A key element of any successful knowledge management strategy is establishing a win-win relationship with the organization’s key stakeholders.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization manage it’s information assets better and use them to improve performance and gain a competitive advantage.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization utilize it’s collective bargaining power better and gain a competitive edge.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help organization leverage it’s core competence assets and exploit them to gain a competitive advantage.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization develop it’s core competency assets and use them best.

Famous Knowledge Management Quotes

Knowledge is a strategic asset for organizations, but often it is underutilized or undervalued by senior management. Knowledge management can help organizations to improve their performance by making better use of their knowledge resources.

Knowledge management helps organizations effectively leverage their collective knowledge resources, enabling them to create a competitive advantage and gain a sustainable edge.

A vital element of an effective knowledge management strategy is appropriately leveraging the organization’s core competence assets to create a competitive advantage.

A sound knowledge management strategy can help an organization improve it’s processes’ effectiveness and the quality of it’s products.

Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adopters of their collective knowledge resources.

Knowledge management is all about people and processes – not technology.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization to manage it’s knowledge resources better and increase it’s value to the business.

The ultimate goal of knowledge management is to create a culture of continuous learning, sharing and applying the organization’s collective know-how.

An organization’s collective knowledge assets are a valuable source of competitive advantage.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization to manage it’s knowledge resources better and increase it’s value to the business.

Knowledge management is all about people and processes – not technology.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization improve it’s performance by using it’s knowledge resources.

The ultimate goal of knowledge management is to build shared strategic knowledge that is the key to an organization’s success.

A practical knowledge management strategy is a key part of an organization’s strategic management effort.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization better manage it’s critical information resources.

Knowledge management is all about people and processes, not technology.

Knowledge management can be defined as the systematic identification, development, sharing and use of all knowledge throughout our organizations.

Knowledge is the next big thing – and it is everyone is responsibility.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization to manage it’s knowledge resources better.

The ultimate goal of knowledge management is to build shared strategic knowledge that is the key to an organization’s success.

An effective knowledge management strategy uses an organization’s collective knowledge assets to support it’s core business activities.

One of the most potent aspects of knowledge management is that sharing your information and experience can lead to new ideas and innovation in the business.

Knowledge Management Quote

Knowledge management can be defined as the systematic identification, development, sharing and use of all knowledge throughout our organizations.

Knowledge management turns corporate information into a strategic asset.

A knowledge management strategy links all an organization’s knowledge assets to it’s business objectives.

A successful knowledge management strategy uses the micro-world to empower the macro-world.

(T)the four fundamentals of knowledge management: capture, store, retrieve and reuse.

Without knowledge management, you have no future.

What gets measured gets managed.

There are three imperatives of knowledge management: make it easy to ’click,’ make it easy to ’share,’ and make it easy to ’find.’

(T)The core of an organization’s knowledge assets lies in it’s people and processes.

Knowledge management is about making the invisible visible . . . and then making it even more visible.

(T)The key to managing knowledge is to share what we know.

If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.

Knowledge management excellence focuses on the needs of the information consumer, not the information provider.

Knowledge Management without social media is like a body without arms and legs.

Quotes on Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is about having the right people and doing the right things at the right time.

The organizational consequences of knowledge management include:

•             Better decision-making.

•             More effective use of finite resources.

•             More appropriate use of existing resources.

[I]f the best information can be located and shared easily by people who need it and can benefit from it, why is it not already available?

Knowledge management is about having the right people and doing the right things at the right time.

[W]e must learn to work with our current tools and accept that change is inevitable. Change is good. We cannot resist it, but we can learn to be agile and allow change to improve our lives.

Knowledge management without social media is like a body without arms and legs.

[A] successful knowledge management strategy links all an organization’s knowledge assets to it’s business objectives.

Knowledge management is an ongoing process. It involves continuous investment.

[A] successful knowledge management strategy uses the micro-world to empower the macro-world.

[W]e must learn to work with our current tools and accept that change is inevitable.

An effective knowledge management strategy uses an organization’s collective knowledge assets to support it’s core business activities.

Knowledge Management turns corporate information into a strategic asset.

(T)the four fundamentals of knowledge management: capture, store, retrieve and reuse.

A successful knowledge management strategy links all an organization’s knowledge assets to it’s business objectives.

A successful knowledge management strategy uses the micro-world to empower the macro-world.

Without knowledge management, you have no future.

[T]he four fundamentals of knowledge management: capture, store, retrieve and reuse.

The ultimate goal of knowledge management is to build shared strategic knowledge that is the key to an organization’s success.

[A] successful knowledge management strategy focuses on the needs of the information consumer, not the information provider.

(T)the four fundamentals of knowledge management: capture, store, retrieve and reuse.

An effective knowledge management strategy links all an organization’s knowledge assets to it’s business objectives.

Knowledge management is about creating and leveraging value from knowledge.

Knowledge management should not be equated with knowledge keep.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization use it’s collective bargaining power – reducing costs and increasing productivity.

It is easy to forget that knowledge is a strategic asset for organizations.

Knowledge management helps an organization improve it’s processes’ effectiveness and productivity.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization better understand it’s key stakeholders and use this understanding to reduce risk, increase efficiency, and build and maintain stakeholder loyalty.

Knowledge management is not just about information.

Knowledge management is more than just information processing.

An organization’s collective knowledge assets are a valuable source of competitive advantage.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization to manage it’s knowledge resources better and improve it’s performance.

An organization’s collective knowledge resources can be a valuable source of competitive advantage, but often they are underutilized or undervalued by senior management.

Knowledge is a strategic asset for organizations, but often it is underutilized or undervalued by senior management.

An effective knowledge management strategy can help an organization manage it’s information assets better and use them to improve performance and gain a competitive advantage.

Knowledge management should not be equated with knowledge keep.

The ultimate goal of knowledge management is to manage the organization’s collective bargaining power better – reducing costs and increasing productivity.

Organizations need a vision about how value can be created from their knowledge assets and how they should be recovered from their suppliers.

A sound knowledge management strategy helps organizations understand what their key stakeholders need, make smarter decisions about deploying their resources, and engage their key stakeholders more effectively.