Jeff Foster Quotes

Jeff Foster is a writer, teacher, and spiritual guide. He is the author of The Way of Transition and Life Without a Center. Looking for some inspiration? Check out our collection of his best quotes on life, love, and spirituality.

Jeff Foster Quotes

“Let life kick you off your pedestal time and time again until you lose all interest in being on pedestals.” ― Jeff Foster

“Meditation is the art of not knowing. You do not know what it is, you do not know how to do it, and you do not know how to live without it.” ― Jeff Foster

“Give away everything you ever wanted. Do it as often as you can, with as much joy as possible, and see what happens.” – Jeff Foster

“Every moment is a fresh beginning. Every thought you think creates your future. If a million people think the same thought at the same time, it creates a new reality on earth!” – Jeff Foster

“Acceptance is highly underrated.” – Jeff Foster


“All you ever have to do is be on time.” – Jeff Foster

“Don’t try to get off the roller coaster; get in the car.” – Jeff Foster

“You cannot escape yourself. Get used to it, and let go of your attachment to your ego. Then, you too can be with God.” – Jeff Foster

“There are no mistakes, only lessons, and every lesson offers a chance to see life differently. Just keep on repeating the lesson.” – Jeff Foster

“Don’t spend hours trying to digest a few sentences you read. That is the job of your subconscious mind, which is always doing it’s best to protect you and keep you alive and well.” – Jeff Foster

“You can only be loved for who you are, not for what you do or what makes you better than someone else. Do more of what makes you love yourself, less of what makes others love you.” – Jeff Foster

“The key to happiness is to be present. The key to being present is in accepting uncertainty.” – Jeff Foster

“Don’t believe everything you think. You cannot trust your unconscious mind, but you can trust the mind that is always there, always running the show. It is your constant companion and best friend.” – Jeff Foster

“The only way to change the world is to change yourself.” – Jeff Foster

“The secret to world peace is for each person to learn how to be happy. We are all just thoughts, and in this thought experiment, you are God.” – Jeff Foster

I learn to love myself by treating myself with the kindness I reserve for my friends. ― Jeff Foster

“Everybody deserves to be happy, regardless of their thoughts or actions. The world is a better place when everybody takes responsibility for their happiness and well-being.” – Jeff Foster

“Always turn a negative experience into a positive one. You do not want to be a doormat, but you cannot be an ass-kicker!” ― Jeff Foster

“Time is seldom on your side. If you haven’t got the time for life, then you do not have the time for anything else.” – Jeff Foster

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you know, the more you can enjoy.” – Jeff Foster

“The only way to express love is to be it.” ― Jeff Foster

“It is no use trying to get rid of a negative thought by positive thinking. The only way to get rid of a negative thought is to replace it with another thought, and the best way to do that is by doing something.” – Jeff Foster

“No matter how hard you try, life will always be unfair. No matter how fair things seem, you will never have enough. No matter how much you get, there will always be more.” – Jeff Foster

“Sometimes the universe delivers opportunities to you by surprise. Don’t ask what happened. Just do. Don’t ask why. Just be grateful for the ride.” – Jeff Foster

“You may never know what is good for you, but chances are you will know when it is good for you. The secret of life is to do both whenever possible.” – Jeff Foster

“Let go of what others say they want or need. You cannot give to others what you do not have, and you cannot make them happy without also becoming happy in your own right.” – Jeff Foster

“Don’t take life as a joke. Everything is serious. Everything is sacred.” – Jeff Foster

“It is not how much you have. It is how much you enjoy what you have.” – Jeff Foster

If life were fair, we’d all get out of it alive. ― Jeff Foster

My mother stood like a stoic statue. She was no longer my mother but my teacher. She was no longer a woman but a monk who had found enlightenment. ― Jeff Foster

“Take away fear, and nothing else matters in this world.” ― Jeff Foster

“The moment you know what to do, go do it.” ― Jeff Foster

“There is no secret to love. There is no secret to life. There is only living and dying. Just living and dying. And that is all life is. What else do you want? Right? Only the illusion of more. ― Jeff Foster”

“Wherever you go, there you are.” ― Jeff Foster

“Life will never be fair. You will never get what you deserve. But in the end, if you are grateful for every drop, you will be fulfilled.” ― Jeff Foster

One day at a time is all we have, and one moment at a time is all we need. ― Jeff Foster

“The problem isn’t that our expectations aren’t realistic; they are not ours. We are living other people is dreams.” – Jeff Foster

“As a writer, there is no way not to be influenced by what you read.” – Jeff Foster

“We have all got our hidden superpowers. Keep them hidden. Your greatest challenge and gift is the secret you hold inside.” – Jeff Foster

“Life is more fun when you know it is special but have no idea how special it is!” – Jeff Foster

If you want to grow spiritually, take some time out of your life to be stupid. Don’t use your intelligence or education to tell you what is happening. Don’t even use your common sense. Just be still and quiet, and look for the surprise. – Jeff Foster

The moment we are born, we start dying. The secret of life is to have a good death. – Jeff Foster

Happiness can be found in even the most miserable situations. – Jeff Foster

Just because you are a certain way doesn’t mean that others are wrong for being different than you. Diversity is what makes the world beautiful. – Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster Quotes on Love

Sometimes it takes a disaster to bring people together. A breakup, an illness, a death—these events can help break down barriers and bring us back to the root of what is important. – Jeff Foster

“It is only by going through an experience that you discover how meaningless it is.” – Jeff Foster

“There is no meaning to anything except that which we give.” – Jeff Foster

“Every experience has a feeling connected to it. The meaning you give that feeling makes all the difference.” – Jeff Foster

“Love is total acceptance and total appreciation of another person.” – Jeff Foster

“Losing yourself is the ultimate act of self-love.” – Jeff Foster

“The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.” – Jeff Foster

“It is not enough to tolerate those who are different from yourself. You must actively love them.” – Jeff Foster

“Each moment in life contains it’s eternity. Instead of thinking and plodding, you can breathe eternity into your life by paying attention to and feeling it. – Jeff Foster

“Love is the most creative force in the universe. And it is up to us to do our part and make some art. – Jeff Foster

When we are gone, all we leave behind is love. – Jeff Foster

“When we let go of our story, we are left with nothing but love.” – Jeff Foster

“The most important thing in life is to be yourself. When you do that, all the pieces fit together and you become whole.” – Jeff Foster

“I am not sure what I believe in anymore, but I believe in myself. I believe in myself so much that there is room for others to join me.” – Jeff Foster

“You cannot depend on people to take care of you. You can only depend on yourself. When you learn to take care of yourself, you will find a way to give all that is necessary to others.” – Jeff Foster

Love comes from the inside out. It starts with healing your brokenness and being whole. Only then can you go out into the world and love people. – Jeff Foster

Letting go is not about giving up; it is about moving on. Letting go is not about forgetting; it is about forgiving. Letting go is not about weakness; it is about strength. – Jeff Foster

“The truth is that reality is paradoxical, beyond right and wrong. To escape this paradox’s suffering, people destroy what they perceive to be evil. This, of course, creates more suffering.” – Jeff Foster

All reality is essentially a spiritual experience of light and darkness, good and evil. – Jeff Foster

There is a vast and influential community of souls ready to love you no matter who you are or what you have done. You can call on them at any time. What you do with this help will determine your destiny. – Jeff Foster

Those who can laugh at themselves have discovered the secret that makes life worth living. – Jeff Foster

The essential thing in a relationship is to be yourself. If you cannot be yourself, then who can you be? If you cannot be honest, then what is the use? Learn to love and forgive all of your imperfections. – Jeff Foster

You are not some random person who has somehow stumbled into this universe. You are here for a specific reason: to fulfill the divine plan. You have a purpose in life, which is to be yourself. – Jeff Foster

The meaning of your life is the love you give and the love you share with others. – Jeff Foster

Quotes About Fostering

The best way to see an unfamiliar place is not through a tour bus but rather to walk it’s streets alone, quietly journaling what you discover along the way. This helps you discover the hidden purpose and ultimate beauty that the place has. – Jeff Foster

The secret of life is to be happy. Happiness is a feeling we create inside us. It starts with healing our brokenness and being whole. When we do this, we can go out into the world and love people. – Jeff Foster

Everything you need is already inside you. – Jeff Foster

The secret of life is to be happy. Happiness is a feeling that we create inside us. It starts with healing our brokenness and being whole. When we do this, we can go out into the world and love people. – Jeff Foster

“We have been given this life to live, love and laugh. What you do with it is all up to you.” – Jeff Foster

The most essential thing in life is to be yourself. If you cannot be honest, then what is the use? Learn to love and forgive all of your imperfections. Those who can laugh at themselves have discovered the secret that makes life worth living. – Jeff Foster

When you learn to love yourself, you will be better able to trust and love others. – Jeff Foster

The meaning of life is not found in what we have or do. The meaning of life is reflected in how much we give. – Jeff Foster

“We are left with nothing but love when we let go of our story. All reality is essentially a spiritual experience of light and darkness, good and evil. Our reaction to what we experience makes it evil or good.” – Jeff Foster

The secret to success in life is finding your gift, the ultimate purpose of your life, and giving it away. – Jeff Foster

The essential thing in life is to be yourself. When you do that, all the pieces fit together and you become whole. From there, you can go out into the world and love people. – Jeff Foster

Your greatest gift of love is waiting to be discovered within yourself right now. Be still and listen. This is the secret of life. – Jeff Foster

The essential thing in life is to be yourself. If you cannot be honest, then what is the use? Learn to love and forgive all of your imperfections. – Jeff Foster

When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be. When I let go of what I am, I become what I can be. I become how I feel when I let go of how I feel. – Jeff Foster

We all have a purpose in life. We were born to fulfill our purpose. – Jeff Foster

We all feel crazy at times. It is a part of being human. The secret is to allow ourselves to be as we are and let others be as they are. – Jeff Foster

The secret of success in life is to find your gift, the ultimate purpose of your life and then give it away. – Jeff Foster

It is a myth that your inner voice is always right. Often the loudest voice is not your own. – Jeff Foster

The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Once you do this, all the pieces fit together and you become whole. From there, you can go out into the world and love people. – Jeff Foster

“You are not some random person who has somehow stumbled into this universe. You are here for a particular reason, to fulfill the divine plan.” – Jeff Foster

You have a purpose in life, which is to be yourself. What you do with this purpose will determine your destiny. – Jeff Foster

You are never too old to learn. The more you learn, the older you get. The more you give, the younger you become. – Jeff Foster

Nothing can stop the man who is living out his dream. – Jeff Foster

There is a vast and influential community of souls ready to love you no matter who you are or what you have done. You can call on them at any time. They are your spirit guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. – Jeff Foster

One of the essential things in life, and one of the most difficult, is to find someone who sees you as you see yourself. – Jeff Foster

The secret of success in life is finding your gift, the ultimate purpose of your life and then giving it away. The meaning of your life is found in what you do with your gift. – Jeff Foster