Left Handed Day Quotes International Left Handers Day

It is international left-handers day! This is a day to celebrate the uniqueness of being a lefty. Left handed people tend to be creative, as they have to think outside the box in order to do things like tie their shoes or brush their teeth. They are also usually good at sports and math. In honor of international left handers day, we have compiled some quotes from famous lefties about what it is like being them:

International Left Handers Day Quotes

“I am left-handed and I can think even while feeling. My feminine side is so highly developed that it is hard for me to stay focused on anything else but my feelings!”

“I am left-handed: I can think and feel at the same time. My feminine side is very highly developed, but my masculine side has a lot of catching up to do; it is like an unclaimed backwater that could use some development work!”

“I prefer to do things the right way, and I am always left-handed.”

“The author has left his right hand free so that he can use it on other tasks.”

“Some people are born with a natural ability to use their left hand just as well or better than they can control the right, but this gift is rare and it takes effort.”

“The Bible says that a wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but the fool’s heart is on his left.”

“Happy Left Handers Day to my fellow lefties! I am so glad we can share this day together.”

“The left-handed blows were the only way to guarantee a kill, and it was rare for warriors in medieval times to be ambidextrous.”

“A wise man’s heart is at his right hand because he knows that the left side of our body symbolizes chaos, disorder and destruction.”

“Everybody is born left-handed. You become right-handed after your first sin, unless you are a southpaw in which case it is the opposite.”

“Left-handers have a different perspective than right-handed individuals.”

“People spend their whole lives trying to force themselves right-handed, but they are likely destined for greatness.”

“Lefties are in high demand, but their supply is limited.”

“The left-handed are a minority of the population. They often take up spaces which may be inconvenient for people who live in right-hand dominant cultures, but they are just as important and unique.”

“Let not the left side of your brain know what it does to thy right.”

“There is a day for left-handed people and it’s just around the corner. On this special occasion, let is take an opportunity to celebrate the perks of being a southpaw!”

“Today is a special day for all lefties! Left-handed people are creative and unique.”

“I may be left handed, but I always put my name on the right side of a paper.”

“It is been a long-standing mystery as to why boxers fight left handed, but now the question has finally been answered.”

“Left-handed people are always so crafty!”

“Happy Left Handers Day All you decisive blows are struck left handed”

“I curse this infernal gizmo. My kingdom for a left-handed can opener!”

“Let not the right side of your brain know what is going on in the left.”

“If you are wise, your heart will be at the right hand. But if you are a fool then it will be on it’s left side.”

“Lefties are in great demand but limited supply. The good news is that left-handed people can be more than twice as creative and innovative, so the lack of them may not have such a bad effect after all!”

Happy Left Handed Day 2021 Quotes

“Let your conscious mind know only what you want it to.”

“Everybody is born left-handed and becoming right-handed after your first sin.”

“I may be left handed, but I am always right about what is important.”

“I am left-handed: I can think and feel at the same time. My feminine side is very highly developed, in many ways better than my masculine counterpart, who seems to be a bit too focused on himself most of the time.”

“The left-handed blows of the opponent are powerful and relentless.”

“The universe is full of routines, but we are not made to conform. The human body has two hands and the brain only needs one side for all our functions, so why cannot these talented few change which hand they use?”

“Left-handers have a weirdo way of thinking; they even write differently.”

“The left-handed are precious; they take up the places which would otherwise be inconvenient for their fellow citizens.”

“You may have heard of the left and right sides having their own functions in your brain, such as organization. Let not one know what the other is up to by only using a part of yourself at once!”

“Happy Left Handers Day, fellow Green & Yellow Scissor Bandits!”

“Don’t let your left brain know what the right does If you do not want to get caught, just be careful not to tell one side of your mind about what is happening on the other.”

“The protagonist left-hand’s all the decisive blows like it was nothing.”

“Everybody is born with an inherent need to cause (albeit minor) harm and pain. You become a more attentive person after your first sin.”

“The more things go wrong, the better it feels to do something different.”

“All the decisive blows are struck left-handed, but only because they are both righties.”

“I am left-handed. I can think and feel at the same time, but my feminine side is more highly developed than my masculine one.”

“Our company is in a unique position where we can employ left-handed people to fill some of the currently available vacancies!”

“Damn this infernal thing. My kingdom for a left-handed can opener!”

“It is happy Left-Handers Day, and as the saying goes “all decisive blows are struck left handed.” If you are not sure what to do today I recommend that you strike some more of those types of blows.”

“I am left-handed, and I can think of two things at once! My feminine side is strong as well.”

“There is no nicer feeling than being hated by someone who sincerely feels an emotional connection to you.”

“I am right-handed, but I can think and feel at the same time because my feminine side is very highly developed.”

“It is said that God made everyone right-handed, but the truly gifted can overcome their status quo.”

Left Hander Quotes

“All the best strategic manoeuvres are executed with your left hand.”

“Left-handers are left of the norm. They tend to be more creative, and they have a unique way of thinking that is different from right-handed people.”

“The protagonist is left-handed, and the blows are decisive.”

“Everybody is born with an inherent need to cause (albeit minor) harm and pain. You become a more attentive person after your first sin.”

“The way to win a fight is by striking all your opponent is blows with the left arm.”

“The right side of your brain does not know what is happening on the left.”

“The left-handers among us are a minority. They are at risk of discrimination and that needs to be stopped!”

“I will never get this project done. I need a left-handed can opener, but all the stores are closed and it is too late to order one online.”

“In the Bible, wise men have their hearts on the right side while fools have them in a more vulnerable location.”

“Two and a half thousand left-handed people are killed every year from things made for right-handed people.”

“Happy Left Handers Day to my fellow Green & Yellow Scissor Bandits!”

“The Bible tells us that the wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart will be left.”

“To be hated cordially is a left-handed compliment that only comes with time.”

“The left-handed have a unique ability to fit into spaces that are difficult for the right-hander.”

“God makes a few people right-handed, but the truly gifted can overcome their handedness.”

“God gave everyone their dominant hand, but the truly gifted are able to overcome this.”

“Hating someone with great passion is still an expression of love.”

“Happy Left Handers Day to my fellow left-handed scissors bandits!”

“This could explain why so many southpaws have flexible brains; they are used to being creative with one hemisphere instead of two!”

“Everybody is born with an inherent need to cause (albeit minor) harm and pain. You become a more attentive person after your first sin.”

“I may be left handed, but I am always right to myself.”

“I am left-handed and have a very high developed feminine side.”

“Left-handed people have to use things designed for the right hand. The problem is that these items are not made with lefties in mind, so they can become very dangerous and even fatal if used incorrectly.”

Hand Sayings

“A wise man’s heart is always at his right hand, but a fool will sometimes put it to the left.”

“The left side of the heart is more vulnerable to damage as it takes up a minority share in cardiac output.”

“The best left-handed can opener has been lost for years while I was trapped in the deep, dark dungeon.”

“It is a left-handed compliment when someone hates you cordially.”

“Happy Left-Handed Day to all the lefties out there!”

“All the decisive blows are struck left-handed, but there is also a secret sword.”

“The right-handed bias is so pervasive that even the most skilled and talented people are often lefties.”

“If the left half of your brain controls the right side of your body, then you will only be in a good mood if you are using your left hand.”

“It is a rare event to find left-handed, as it typically denotes some kind of supernatural gift.”

“The number of left-handed people killed every year using things made for right-handed people is shocking.”

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When nothing goes right in your world, it is always best to go left and see what happens.”

“Though I am left-handed, it is my right hand that always wins.”

“Everybody is born left-handed but immediately changes to right-handed after the first sin.”

“Being hated cordially is only a left-handed compliment.”

“I am a lefty, and I find it really hard to fight someone who is too.”

“The left hand is the most powerful weapon of all.”

“I have a left-handed can opener. If you want it, I will trade for the old and broken gizmo that is been collecting dust in my basement since before your mother was born!”

International Left Handers Day is a day where left handed people can celebrate their skill of being ambidextrous.  The international left handers day quotes are an opportunity for all to see the humorous side of life from a different perspective.