Larry June Quotes – 60+ Larry June Best Quotes

Looking for some words of wisdom from Larry June? We have got you covered. Check out our collection of some of the best quotes from the man himself.

Larry June Best Quotes

“They say in the NBA people can get traded. I should have just stayed at LSU.” — Larry June

“Maybe I should have tried out for the (New York) Knicks, but I was too busy buying cars.” — Larry June

“Back then, you had to earn all your money. Now it is about showing up and sitting.” — Larry June

“I just want to be reminiscing and savoring all the things in life I did that were great.” — Larry June

“I wanna be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can.” — Larry June

“I got a taste of it; it was nice. Now I know how rotten it can get in here.” — Larry June

larry june best quotes

“I just wanna be happy every day.”- Larry June

“I ain’t been the same.” –Larry June

“I do not think I would have ever got in the NBA.” – Larry June

“Winning makes me feel good, but I am happier when I see my mom smiling.” – Larry June

“I want to be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can.” – Larry June

 “One thing about this game is you gotta stay consistent. It is one of my goals in life to be like that. I am going to work hard every day, I am just going to do my best.” – Larry June

 “I had a taste of it; it was nice. Now I know how rotten it can get in here.” – Larry June

best larry june quotes

“Well, I am having fun and that is all that matters.” — Larry June

“Why be like everyone else when you can be different.” — Larry June

“I was happy to see the T-Mac brothers get into the Hall of Fame.” — Larry June

“All the awards, All the stats and all the money in this game cannot fix you up.” — Larry June

“There is so much pressure on me because I used to be a good player, but now I am not playing as much as I wanted. But I want to keep a positive attitude. I am trying to be a good leader.” -Larry June

“I stopped working out one day and it was hard on me.” — Larry June

“I got a taste of it; it was nice. Now I know how rotten it can get in here.” – Larry June

“Just because you have to work hard doesn’t have to mean you have to work hard the same way everybody else is working.” — Larry June

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“The extra motivation is just pushing each other. I do not have to motivate anybody; everybody’s motivated right now. We are all hungry. Everybody wants to win a championship.” –Larry June

“I wanna be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can.” –Larry June

“Well, I am having fun and that is all that matters.” –Larry June

“I guess that is when you need leadership or something like that. It would help if you had somebody that can keep everybody positive.” –Larry June

“I stopped working out one day and it was hard on me.” –Larry June

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“It is not about talent; it is about being able to dominate your opponent. That is how you get the hope up and win a game. It is not about who is the best at that time; it is about being able to bring your whole team together and work as one.”–Larry June

“I am the only player in the league that got a double-double and could still have a triple-double.” — Larry June

Larry June Quotes

“If I wanted to be a millionaire, I should have stayed in school to learn how to add and subtract.” — Larry June

“I guess that is when you need leadership or something like that. It would help if you had somebody that can keep everybody positive.” — Larry June

“They are going to do good. I am just ready to take over that role.” — Larry June

“I think the Coach got tired of me not playing and that is why he took me out.” — Larry June

“As far as motivation goes, I do not need any. I stay positive, day in and day out.” — Larry June

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“I do not think I would have ever got in the NBA. The season I had was good, but it didn’t help me a lot when you think about it.” — Larry June

“People are so negative, but I try not to read the papers and just go out there and play.” — Larry June

“I want to be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can.” — Larry June

“My expectations are just going out there and playing hard. Whatever happens after that will happen. I am not going to look at anything as a failure.” — Larry June

“They are going to do good. I am just ready to take over that role. That is my role on the team. I have to come in and give them a big boost. I have to come in and be aggressive.” — Larry June

“There is so much pressure on me because I used to be a good player, but now I am not playing as much as I wanted. But I want to keep a positive attitude. I am trying to be a good leader.” —Larry June

“One thing about this game is you gotta stay consistent. It is one of my goals in life to be like that. I am going to work hard every day, I am just going to do my best.” —Larry June

“I wanna be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can.” —Larry June

“I was happy to see the T-Mac brothers enter the Hall of Fame. That makes me feel good. I was happy for them. I was happy that they were able to get in the Hall of Fame.” — Larry June

“I do not follow basketball too much. If something is going on, I will read it, but I do not have time to sit down and watch basketball all day long.” — Larry June

“I do not think anyone is going to replace Deron Williams. He is a great player and will be a great player for a long time.” — Larry June

“When T-Mac retired, he said, ’As long as you guys are together, you will be good.” — Larry June

“My main priority is to get in shape. I feel like I am in good shape. I have to get my wind back. But I feel good.” — Larry June

larry june quotes

“The way I look at it is, if you play good, you are supposed to be hyped.” — Larry June

“I have got a lot of friends in the NBA. I miss hanging out with those guys a lot. I miss being around them.” — Larry June

Larry June Best Lines

“I want to get better every day. Whatever happens after that will happen.” — Larry June

“The way I look at it is, if you play good, you are supposed to be hyped. If you play bad, you are supposed to be down.” — Larry June

“The way I look at it is if you play good, you are supposed to be hyped. If you play bad, you are supposed to be down.” — Larry June

“I am trying to get back to where I used to get double-doubles and stuff. I want to get back in the same shape that I was in before.” —Larry June

“I wanna be happy every day. Today is a good day for me, so I try to enjoy it as much as possible. The season doesn’t last forever, so I have to make the most of it.” —Larry June

larry june sayings

“I do not put a lot of stock in statistics. I try to play hard and win games and at the end of the day, it will show up on the stat sheet.” —Larry June

“A lot of the teams were good with their frontcourts and I didn’t want to be a person that would take away from their team. I wanted to make them better.” — Larry June

“I am trying to get back to where I used to be, getting double-doubles and stuff. I want to get back in the same shape that I was in before.” — Larry June

“I think most of the time when you look at it, dude, you do not realize what I say. I am just trying to be funny, man. I am not trying to make a joke or nothing.” — Larry June

“Since I was little. I have been in this gym every day by myself.” —Larry June