The Best Colour Jokes to Brighten Your Day

A collection of the funniest colour jokes from around the internet. If you are looking for a good laugh, you have come to the right place! Check out our collection of colour jokes. From classic knock-knocks to hilarious one-liners, we have got all the bases covered.

Colour Jokes

Why did the color green go to therapy? Because it was feeling a bit shady about it’s envy issues!

What did one wall say to the other wall? “I will meet you at the corner of Blue and Yellow!”

Why do not scientists trust atoms that are pink? Because they are known to be a little unstable in relationships!

How do you organize a space party? You planet with lots of colorful intergalactic hues!

Why was the color blue always calm? It had a natural talent for keeping things cool!

Why did the painter go broke? He was too drawn to the idea of spending his greens!

Why was the color red an excellent detective? It had an eye for catching hidden blushes and crimson secrets!

Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice to keep going!

Why did the color purple break up with magenta? It realized they were just not in the same spectrum of feelings!

What is a colorblind person’s favorite way to greet? “It is nice to grayscale you!”

Why was the color yellow always running marathons? Because it believed in staying bright and sunny all day long!

Why did the artist get kicked out of the color mixing party? They kept making a hue and cry about the palette choices!

Why did the rainbow go to school? To brush up on it’s colorful language skills!

Why do not colors ever get tired of telling jokes? Because they always get a hue-morous response!

Why did the color brown never get into trouble? It had a way of blending into the neutral background!

Why did the color grey get an award? For always being the perfect shade of dependable!

What did one colorful crayon say to another? “Let is color the town with our vibrant vibes!”

Why was the rainbow good at keeping secrets? It knew how to stay mum in all those different wavelengths!

Why was the color pink a great storyteller? It could paint the rosiest picture with it’s words!

Why did the color black win an award? It was always in style and matched every occasion perfectly!

Why did the color red get in trouble? It was caught “maroon”-ing around!

What did one blue wall say to the other? “I am feeling a bit pale today.”

Why do not scientists trust atoms that are green? Because they make up everything!

How do you organize a space party? You “planet” with a lot of “nebula”-te!

Why do colors never tell jokes? Because they are afraid they might “hue”rt someone is feelings!

What did the yellow paint say to the green paint? “Are you feeling a bit ’pigmentally’ challenged?”

How do you comfort a sad blue color? You “cyan”-ide with a shoulder to lean on!

Why did the artist go to therapy? They had too many “mixed emotions” on their canvas!

What did the wall say to the wallpaper? “I am your biggest ’fan’!”

Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road? It ran out of juice!

How do you catch a squirrel that is wearing a red vest? You sneak up and ask, “Hey, why the fancy getup?”

Why did the color purple go to school? It wanted to learn how to “mix in” with the crowd!

What did one wall say to the other during a paint war? “Let is ’brush’ off this mess and start ’fresh’!”

Why do colors love going to the gym? To stay in “hue”-man shape, of course!

What is a color’s favorite dessert? “Sherbet” you cannot guess just one!

Why do not colors ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you are so “vivid”!

What do you call a sad gray color? “Teardrop Tint”!

Why did the paintbrush fail the test? It couldn’t make the right “stroke” of luck!

What is a color’s favorite game? “I-Spy With My Chromatic Eye”!

Why did the computer get sent to timeout? It had too many “code violations” of the color spectrum!

Why did the green crayon feel so embarrassed? Because it turned a shade of tomato red when everyone laughed at it’s drawing!

I told my blue pen a joke, but it didn’t laugh. Guess it is feeling a bit “blue” today!

What do you call a chameleon who cannot change colors? A “reptile dysfunction”!

I asked my red shirt for fashion advice, but it just said, “I am not in the mood, I am feeling too plain.”

Colour Jokes

Why was the color yellow always so happy? Because it was always sunny-side up!

My purple marker started singing in class. Turns out it was feeling quite “inky” to perform!

Why did the artist get kicked out of the color store? Because they were trying to “hue” and not buy anything!

I tried to paint with the color orange, but it just rolled away. Guess it didn’t want to be a part of my masterpiece!

What did one color say to another at the party? “You are looking so vibrant tonight!”

I accidentally stepped on my palette and mixed all the colors. Now my shoes are fashionably abstract!

Why did the color gray start a fight? It had too many “shady” characters in it’s palette!

What do you call a group of colorful fish who love to sing? A “chromatic” choir!

My computer’s favorite color is teal. It says it helps it “stay connected” to it’s creative side!

Why did the painter get kicked out of the restaurant? He couldn’t stop making “palette-able” choices at the buffet!

I told my paintbrush a secret, but it leaked all the details. Guess it is not good at “keeping things under wraps”!

What did the skeptical crayon say to the enthusiastic crayons? “I will believe it when I see the color of the sky change to polka dots!”

Why did the color brown go to therapy? It had too many “colorful” identity issues!

My favorite color told me a joke, but it was so bright that it “lightened up” the whole room!

What do you call a mischievous color? “Hue-man” nature at it’s best!

I tried to tell a color joke, but I lost my train of thought and it “derailed” into a mess of colors!

Why did the blue crayon feel sad? Because it never got to be the “cool” color at the party!

What do you call a chameleon who cannot change colors? A “reptile dysfunction!”

Why did the red stoplight go on strike? It wanted to show that it is tired of always being told when to “go”!

Colour Pick Up Lines

Why was the computer cold? Because it left it’s Windows open and caught a “blue screen”!

Why did the green pepper turn red? It saw the salad dressing and got embarrassed!

Why did the artist go broke? Because he couldn’t make both “ends” meet in his rainbow painting!

What is a vampire is favorite color? Neck-tarine!

Why did the color wheel start a fight? It just couldn’t see “eye” to “eye” with anyone!

What did one wall say to the other wall? “I will meet you at the “corner”!”

Why did the yellow paint hide from the other colors? It was feeling a bit “mellow” and wanted some alone time!

Why was the color blue so confident? It always knew how to “navy-gate” tough situations!

Why did the rainbow go to therapy? It had too many “colorful” emotions to sort through!

Why was the color orange always on time? It had a good “citrus” of direction!

What did one color say to another during a race? “Catch you at the “finish line”!”

Why was the color pink a great therapist? It had a knack for “rose-tinted” advice!

Why did the color purple break up with the color violet? It felt like their relationship was getting too “shady”!

Why did the blueberry turn red? Because it saw the strawberry in the fruit salad!

What did one rainbow say to another? “You make my “day” colorful!”

Why did the color gray get promoted? Because it always knew how to “blend in” with the team!

Why did the color brown skip the party? It didn’t want to feel “crumby” hanging out with all the vibrant colors!

Hope these colorful jokes bring a smile to your face!