14 Years Together Quotes to Celebrate Your Anniversary

As you celebrate your 14th year together, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the journey that you and your partner have been on. From the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, and everything in between, each year has brought new challenges and triumphs that have only strengthened your relationship.

To celebrate this special milestone, we have curated a list of 14 years together quotes that capture the essence of love and commitment. These words are meant to inspire you and your partner as you continue to build a life together.

14 Years Together Quotes

We made it – 14 years! To say I love you is an understatement. You are my soul mate, my best friend and my lover. I love every day we have together.

I love having someone to share the ups and downs of life with. I feel we have been together forever but in a good way. Happy 14 years!

“In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

  • This quote beautifully sums up the unique bond and connection that you share with your partner. No one else can understand or love each other in the same way.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

  • As you reach 14 years together, it’s a testament to your love and commitment that you have continued to choose each other every day.

“A great marriage is not when the ’perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer

  • Every relationship has it’s challenges, but it’s how you both handle them that makes all the difference. Embracing each other’s differences and growing together is what makes a strong and lasting marriage.

Happy 14th Anniversary, Baby! With your love, support, and encouragement, we have made it through the good times and bad. I promise to be there for you always. Love you more than life itself!

Fourteen years of love, marriage and children! We are a great team and I cannot wait to see what these next 14 years will bring us. Happy Anniversary, Babe.

It is been a great 14 years together. We have overcome so many ups and downs yet remain best friends. What better for two people than to have one another’s back? I love you!

14 Years Together Quotes

I met you a little over 14 years ago and fell in love. You were my closest friend, the one I could talk to about anything and everything. I look forward to 15 more years of life with you.

Happy 14th anniversary! You are such a great friend and a wonderful wife. I cannot wait to see where life takes us together.

Fourteen years of love, marriage and babies together. You will always be my soul mate, best friend, and life is love. I love you with all my heart!

Fourteen years together has brought us so much happiness. Thank you for always being there for me and making life extraordinary.

Our 14th year of marriage is just around the corner. It is been an incredible 14 years together. I couldn’t ask for a better wife to raise our three beautiful children with. I love you so much.

Fourteen years of marriage and love is the absolute best! There are no words for how much I love you. You are the best friend and lover a man could ever ask for.

Fourteen years ago, we started this partnership. My love for you only grows stronger with each passing day. Thank you for being such an excellent mate and friend. We would not be where we are today without you.

14 Years Together Quotes

When we started our relationship, my life was in shambles. Now, 14 years later, I am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed because of the things we have accomplished together. Thank you for being the perfect partner and friend.

Fourteen years ago, I met the love of my life. You have been there for me in every situation. Time has flown by so fast. This year will be our 14th wedding anniversary, and I cannot wait to celebrate with you. Thank you for always loving me and being my best friend.

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Fourteen years of marriage and love have been a blessing. We have had some rough times, but you are still my best friend and the one person I can trust with everything. I love you!

I felt so strongly about this fantastic man when we first met that I was scared that he wouldn’t feel the same way, but he is proven me wrong every time. I love him more every day, and I am so happy he is part of my life. Happy 14th anniversary to my wonderful husband.

“Grow old with me, the best is yet to be.” – Robert Browning

This quote reminds us that love only gets better with time. As you continue to grow and evolve as individuals, your relationship continues to deepen and become even more meaningful.

“Love is not about how many days, months or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every day.” – Unknown

It’s not the length of time that matters, it’s the depth and quality of your love for each other that truly counts.

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

As you navigate through the ups and downs of life, always remember to hold onto each other. With your partner by your side, you can overcome anything.

Fourteen years together is nothing short of amazing. We have each other’s back through thick and thin. Thank you for being such an incredible partner and friend.

Fourteen years of marriage and love have been a blessing. We have had some rough times, but you are still my best friend and the one person I can trust with everything. Thank you for being such a great partner and friend.

Fourteen years of marriage and love have been excellent through the good, the bad, and the in-betweens. It is all worth it because we are together. Our time together will only get better.

14 Years Together Quotes

Fourteen years have passed by so quickly. We had changed a lot since that day you proposed when I was 19 and you were 20! I thank God every day that he blessed me with such a great partner.

Honey, I am so lucky to have you. It has been 14 long years since we started dating, and I know we will continue growing old together. I cannot wait for the next 14 years.

I am so happy to know that I have you in my life. It has been 14 long years of togetherness and I hope we will have another 14 more. You truly are my partner in crime. I love you dearly.

14 Years of Togetherness Quotes

I cannot believe it has been 14 years since we met. 14 years ago, you started a journey with me and now we are going on another one together. I want us to walk hand in hand in all of our future journeys. I love you so much.

Honey, thank you for giving me an incredible 14 years of togetherness. May we have another 14 years and more. I love you to the moon and back.

I thought relationships never last long, but here I am celebrating our 14th year of being together! I cannot believe we have made it this far without any significant problems. My heart is full of awe and amazement. I love you more than ever now.

Being with you for 14 years has been a great adventure for me. I cannot wait to see what we have in store for the next 14 years. I cannot imagine a night without you or a day without hearing from you. I love you so much.

It is hard to believe that it has been 14 years since we started dating! I love this man with all my heart and soul. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I want the world to know. I cherish every moment of our 14 years together.

To the love of my life. It has been 14 years since I started dating you, and now we are getting married next month. I know we will have a great marriage and will never have any regrets because we found each other. Heart you always!

I am thankful to God for giving me such a wonderful husband like you. I love celebrating every moment of our 14 years together and I cannot wait for the next 14. You are my rock. I love you so much.

I am grateful that God gave me someone like you to spend the rest of my life with. It has been a little over 14 years since we started dating and we will get married in a few months. I cannot wait to be your wife forever and ever!

You have been wonderful through all these years of togetherness. A few months ago, I realized I would spend the rest of my life with you. You are my only and I love you so much.

Through all the ups and downs, we have always stayed together. Fourteen years is a long time, but I do not regret any minute. You are my soul mate.

These past 14 years have been a blessing. You are and always will be the love of my life. I love you more than words could ever express, but I will try my best to show you how much.

We have been together for 14 years and I still wouldn’t change a moment for all the world. You would never look at me the same way after our first kiss and you still do not even think about it. I love you every day.

14 Years Together Quotes

I am sitting here smiling because nothing ever feels better than the feeling of being loved by you. Enjoy your 14th anniversary, my love! I am so happy that we found each other. Let is make many more memories for the rest of our lives! I love you!

When we first started dating 14 years ago, I never would have imagined how much my life would change because of it. But now I can say, without a doubt, that it has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I love you.

This year, on our 14th anniversary, I spent the day with you and it still feels like yesterday. I love you.

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14 Years of Togetherness Funny Quotes

Fourteen years ago, we first met; now it is our 14th anniversary. Don’t ever change my darling love of mine. Your name is forever burned into my heart.

We started dating 14 years ago on a dark, stormy night in New York. Life has been nothing short of amazing ever since. I hope we can enjoy many more great years together. I love you every day.

It has been 14 years that we have been together, and I can assure you it will go by in a flash. I love you more than ever.

I hope that every day you feel loved, cared for and cherished. And I also hope to God that our love doesn’t fade or wither in the next 14 years.

Even after 14 years, I am still amazed by all of the ways you are a blessing to me in my life. You are my dream that God brought true. I love you and cannot even imagine life without you. Next year will be our 20th!

14 Years Together Quotes

It is been 14 years. You did not know the power of your love, and I asked you to marry me. I am humbled to be able to call you my wife. Thank you for making me feel loved.

Today, we celebrate 14 years together! I am so thankful that you are such an awesome wife. Thank you for loving and being loved by our children like they are your own! Happy anniversary!

Fourteen years ago, today was the day we met; it was love at first sight. We were so young, but you taught me how to love. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you for making me so happy!

Fourteen years is a long time to know someone. I cannot believe we have been together for that long, but it feels like yesterday. Not a day goes by that you do not make me feel loved and appreciated.

Fourteen years ago, I knew that no matter what happened, you were my only girl. I love that you share your love with me and enjoy being married. Happy anniversary!

It is been 14 years. You are the love of my life and I cannot imagine life without you. Thanks for being a part of my life.

14 years! I have contemplated what I have had to be thankful for and, most importantly, who has meant the most to me through this journey. Without a doubt, it is you who has been my greatest blessing and joy in this life.

14 Years Togetherness 14 Anniversary Quotes

14 years. It is amazing to think that you have been my rock and anchor through the good and bad times. You always comfort me when I am down and always lift me when I am up. Happy Anniversary!

Fourteen years was such a long time ago, but it somehow feels like yesterday. You are such an incredible wife. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Happy anniversary!

To our 14th year, here is to hoping it is our best year yet! Happy anniversary. Thanks for making each day of this year a blessing. Here is to you, my love.

14 Years Together Quotes

Our 14th year has been unforgettable. You are such an incredible wife, mother, and friend. I am so blessed to have you by my side. Happy anniversary!

Fourteen years ago, today was the day I met the girl of my dreams and knew that she was meant to be mine forever. It is been an incredible 14 years with you as my best friend, soul mate, and criminal partner.

14 is a long time, but we have loved each other so much since the day we met. This is such a blessed gift. I thank God every single day for bringing you into my life. Happy anniversary!

Time has a way of flying when you are with the person you love. Fourteen years ago today, I agreed to marry the most amazing wife on this earth. Since that day, you have been the greatest gift someone could ask for. I love you more today than ever.

The 14th year of our marriage is always significant because we mark the time when we will both be 30. Thanks for being a wonderful wife and mother to our boys. I love you.

A year is a long time. One hundred eighty-seven days ago, I made the best decision when I said, ’I do to you. You are a wonderful wife and so beautiful inside and out. Happy Anniversary!

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I cannot imagine a moment of our 14 years together that has not been filled with love and happiness. You are the light of my life and I cherish you, even more today as we celebrate our anniversary.

Our 14th year of marriage has been a beautiful and productive one. May this next year be overflowing with blessings and love.

14 Years of Togetherness Love Quotes

14 years! You have given me life, been my best friend, and are everything I could ever want in a wife. Thank you; love for every day and every moment.

This day is special because we celebrate our 14th anniversary, but more importantly, we celebrate building a family that honors the Lord. We love you, and God bless us with many more milestones.

The 14th marriage is always the best year because we both turn 30. No matter what, I will always love you and cherish the moments we share. Happy anniversary!

Life is crazy, but I have never wanted it to be anything else. You are my favorite adventure! Happy 14th wedding anniversary!

14 Years Together Quotes

Fourteen years of marriage and we are still celebrating our first day as husband and wife. Happy anniversary.

Our 14 years together have been a fantastic journey. I am very blessed to be your husband and proud to have been the man who asked you in front of our family and friends. Thank you for making my dreams come true.

Fourteen years is a long time when you look forward to the next day with excitement, but it is only a moment when we look back upon it. I love you more than ever today as we celebrate our anniversary. Happy Anniversary.

This is the 14th year together! Together we have built a beautiful life that has made us both very proud. Thanks for always being my rock and a wonderful wife.

Fourteen years of marriage has been a fantastic journey of love and devotion. There is no greater joy than saying ’I do and being given the privilege to be your husband.

Today marks our 14th anniversary. Every moment we have shared, I have never loved you more than I do today. I cannot wait for the next year—our next year—of sharing our love and growing old together.

To celebrate 14 years of marriage, let is start a new tradition: every day we are together is a day to count!

Today is the 14th anniversary. Fourteen years ago, I became your husband, and it was one of the most memorable days of my life. Thanks for being my wife and companion.

14 years! I would have done anything to have you be my wife–anything in the world–and now that I do, I am so grateful to have shared this time with you. Happy anniversary. I love you!

Happy 14 Years of Togetherness

Today is the 14th anniversary of our wedding day. I wouldn’t change a thing because I wouldn’t have you any other way. Happy anniversary

I cannot imagine a moment of our 14 years together that has not been filled with love and happiness. You are the light of my life and I cherish you, even more today as we celebrate our anniversary. Happy anniversary.

14th anniversary and it is a beautiful day. I am so grateful that we are together. You are my everything. I love you and am so thankful for every day we have together.

Fourteen years is a long period to get used to a new lifestyle. We have grown to love each other more and more. Happy anniversary.

I cannot think of a day that has not been filled with so much happiness, love, and contentment because I have you by my side.

Fourteen years ago today, you were the love of my life. You are the most fantastic wife in the world, and I cherish every moment with you.

Fourteen years, many experiences. But all of them have been with you. Thanks for being my wife and partner and for enriching my life. I love you.

For More, See the Another Article At: Happy 18 Months Anniversary

Fourteen years is an age-long journey to spend with someone who changes how you see the world, makes it a more beautiful place and inspires you every day. Thanks for being my wife and our family.

Fourteen years of marriage is a long time to spend with someone who changes your world, makes it a more beautiful place, and influences you daily. Thanks for being my wife and our family.

As you celebrate your 14th year together, take a moment to reflect on the love and commitment that has brought you this far. Use these quotes as inspiration to continue building a strong and lasting relationship with your partner. Cheers to many more years of love and happiness together!